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Weapon mods other than Bdarmory for 1.9?


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5 hours ago, RockKrawler said:

I have the unity program but what program would you use to creat the 3D models? 

Any 3d modelling program, like Blender, Bforartists (Blender with more friendly skin), Wings3d, etc.

The first steps can be found here.

If use Wings3d for modelling and texturing - from the very beginning, if another program - from the Unity part.

Animations can be made either in Blender, or in Unity.


On topic: there were several other weapon mods, alternative to BDArmory descendants, but most of them are obsolete and unlikely any can be even comparable to the BDA set of features.

Edited by kerbiloid
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10 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Any 3d modelling program, like Blender, Bforartists (Blender with more friendly skin), Wings3d, etc.

The first steps can be found here.

If use Wings3d for modelling and texturing - from the very beginning, if another program - from the Unity part.

Animations can be made either in Blender, or in Unity.


On topic: there were several other weapon mods, alternative to BDArmory descendants, but most of them are obsolete and unlikely any can be even comparable to the BDA set of features.

Awesome thanks!....I was thinking about making a  few BDA compatible parts...Is there any resources on the coding? I’ve messed around in the config files to adjust things but writing one from scratch is something totally different.

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1 hour ago, RockKrawler said:

Awesome thanks!....I was thinking about making a  few BDA compatible parts...Is there any resources on the coding? I’ve messed around in the config files to adjust things but writing one from scratch is something totally different.


Afaik, no coding (in C#) is required, just Unity objects (tree nodes) should have special names, and then should be mentioned in the corresponding cfg file of the part.

Say, this is a fragment of my simple turret cfg (originally copied from some BDA turret):


        name = ModuleTurret

        pitchTransformName = pitchTransform
        yawTransformName = yawTransform

        pitchSpeedDPS = 90
        yawSpeedDPS = 90

        minPitch = -8
        maxPitch = 65
        yawRange = 90

        smoothRotation = true
        smoothMultiplier = 10

        name = ModuleWeapon

        fireTransformName = fireTransform

        hasDeployAnim = true
        deployAnimName = deployAnimation
        hasFireAnimation = true
        fireAnimName = fireAnimation
        spinDownAnimation = true

        roundsPerMinute = 5500
        maxDeviation = 0.175
        maxEffectiveDistance = 2500
        maxTargetingRange = 5000

        ammoName = 20x102Ammo
        bulletType = 20x102mmHEBullet
        requestResourceAmount = 1

        hasRecoil = true
        onlyFireInRange = true
        bulletDrop = true
        useRippleFire = false

        weaponType = ballistic

        projectileColor = 255, 15, 0, 128//RGBA 0-255
        startColor = 255, 90, 0, 32
        fadeColor = false

        shellScale = 0.66

        tracerStartWidth = 0.18
        tracerEndWidth = 0.18
        tracerLength = 0

        tracerDeltaFactor = 2.75
        tracerInterval = 3
        nonTracerWidth = 0.035

        maxHeat = 3600
        heatPerShot = 36
        heatLoss = 820

        fireSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/20mmVulcan/sounds/VulcanCannon
        overheatSoundPath = BDArmory/Parts/20mmVulcan/sounds/VulcanEnd
        oneShotSound = false
        explModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/30mmExplosion
        explSoundPath = BDArmory/Sounds/subExplode


Critical parts here are: fireTransform, pitchTransform, yawTransform.
These are Unity empty objects which you just add in the tree of the part and give them such names.



Basically, you
1) make the turret base (here it's a flat cylinder SimpleTurret_Plate)
2) add to it an empty object and name it yawTransform . It's the joint where the turret rotates horizontally.
3) add to it the rotating part (here it's a flat cylinder with side "ears" SimpleTurret_Rotor)
4) add to it an empty object and name it pitchTransform. It's the joint where the turret rotates vertically.
5) add to it a body part (here it's a small horizontal cylinder SimpleTurret_Body, it's pierced with the barrel)
6) add to it a barrel part (here it's a long narrow cylinder SimpleTurret_Barrel, it slides through the body due to recoil (animation))
7) add to its very end an empty object and name it fireTransform

The fireTransform is the point from which the gun fires. The green axis shows  the direction of the bullets flight.
Actually, it's the only necessary object of the gun, others are arbitrary,

pitch & yaw Transforms are to let the BDA rotate the gun in perpendicular planes. They should be perpendicular. Play with their orientation,

deployAnimation - the name of animation of the gun retracting/extending
fireAnimation - the name of animation of the gun firing (recoil, etc)

(Animations are not necessary, but look good).

Afaik, all names here are arbitrary, but should match in Unity tree and cfg.

Play with other parameters to make it look nice.


This turret functionality, afaik, is common for turrets, radars, spotlight, laser, everything in BDA.

These parts just have different sections of their functionality. Say, a radar has a very complicated section of its radar abilities, you should just copy it.


Bombs and rockets should have MissileLauncher section to arm and launch and BDExplosive to describe the yield of explosion.

Basically, you copy everything from the BDA and play with parameters.

Warheads should not be attached to the rockets with decoupler. When it has the MissileLauncher section, it separates on the Fire Missile event, without any decoupler.
After that it bursts on any collision.

Don't make a warhead a command pod. Otherwise when you click Fire Missile, the part will clone, and one instance will hand in air.


Someone's detailed description of a fixed cannon.




There were several tens of BDA-powered mods with bombs, rockets, and cannons, so its basic functionality is simple, just the coordinate axes in Unity should be properly oriented.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Sweet thanks! Wasn’t sure if unity created the config file...I’ve been thinking about just adding some more weapon types to BDA...I know they have the 9mm submachine gun a Kerbal can have in their inventory. I think it would be cool to equip a Kerbal with a MANPAD (man portable air defense) launcher such as the US stinger and or the Russian Strela...I’ve also be thinking about more Surface to air missiles such as the SA-2 guideline. I used to work with these weapon systems when I was in the Army so just trying to put my knowledge of them to practical use..I know nothing about plugins and what not so just looking to add weapons and have them utilize the existing BDA program, those guys put a lot of great work into it so I couldn’t imagine trying to out do it lol.

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6 minutes ago, RockKrawler said:

Wasn’t sure if unity created the config file

Cfg is created and edited manually.

6 minutes ago, RockKrawler said:

I know they have the 9mm submachine gun a Kerbal can have in their inventory. I think it would be cool to equip a Kerbal with a MANPAD (man portable air defense) launcher such as the US stinger and or the Russian Strela..

There was a BDA-based mod for firearms, but it's obsolete and was abandoned due to some coding issues.

Also there is OrX mod, iirc it could shoot while flying with parachute and propeller, but I'm not aware if it's currently up-to-date.


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Cool cool yea I was trying to make more realistic cockpits for aircraft using the ASET parts about a year ago. I’m a pilot too so was looking to make some nice commercial cockpits with a whole lot of instruments and warning lights etc....I haven’t opened unity in a while. Can’t even remember how to import and open the files lol

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So would anyone be interested in something like a Surface to air missile pack to add on to BDA? I’ve recently started to work in blender and I’m designing a SA-1 “Guild”(First Soviet SAM) Mainly because it has a fairly simple body to build...This would be my first real project so the learning curve is steep, I’ve only partly modified cockpits in unity before so building something from the ground up is new.

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