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Official v0.18 Upcoming thread

Capt'n Skunky

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Before we start clamoring for 1m warp let's remember that we still have trouble with 100k warp, anybody else been attacked by the space cthulu when dropping out of high warp?

Yes, indeed.


The Kraken was never quite so mean.

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1.) Increased Stability - The better the game runs, the better that anything else added will be!

2.) Satellite (unmanned) Parts - Would prefer them to be functional, but 'just for show' is OK fir a first draft.

3.) Life Support System - Every mission must be planned with adequate supplies!


1.) Campaign Mode

2.) Recruiting Kerbals

3.) Rival agencies!!!

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The Kraken was never quite so mean.

The Kraken we knew about and could prepare for, but with the cthulu....

A momentary lapse of judgement because your transfer time is right NOW could destroy your ship. I hate that feeling when you drop out of warp, start to turn prograde and realize you aren't supposed to turn that fast.

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For 0.18:

- Docking (devs already worked on this)

- Flight planning (devs already worked on this)

- New parts that can only be made bij devs (like working satelites, to observe a planet while orbitting Kerbin)

- Weather (that will make KSP more realistic)

To be honest I want for 0.18 the 4 week cycle, so a smaller update, because that one and a half month waiting is much to long.

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I would personally love to see the beginnings of robotic exploration in the game, satellites, probes, rovers, etc.

Another thing that probably goes without saying is docking, but honestly I don't care how long that takes, as I'd like to see it done right, not just something that's slapped together so quickly that it spawns another space-tentacle monster.

Whatever it is the Devs decide to do for this one, I'm sure it won't disappoint.

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After a content update like 0.17 I think we need a gameplay update so we can do more in the same world. Right now, once I land on everything a few times I realised there's still not much to do. Of course creativity solves many problems, and I'm trying to land a base in the large Duna crater now, but It would be great if in 0.18 such a thing would be functional and not just something the player makes up on his own.

So what I think should come:

-Docking and refueling. Refueling could be done by a kerbal on EVA, so EVA would have a point.

-Expand EVA/IVA. It would be great to actually have something to do when I land. It can range from planting a flag to refueling to fixing damaged parts etc.

-Space station/Planetary base dedicated parts. - Theres a lot the devs can put in here. Especially wear and tear from atmosphere or micrometeorites could be a great cause for repair EVAs/IVAs

Edited by Szkeptik
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I don't know if many people have memory issues because few seem to talk about it. When I add mods, my game crashes constantly from memory leaks. I know the devs don't support mods, but memory management seem to be a fundamental thing to get right before anything else. I tried playing just vanilla and that crashes too, even more often in 0.17.

This'd be the first thing to fix because it ruins an otherwise great game. I haven't played the game for a long while because I just got fed up of the crashing and reloading. Please fix this before doing anything else!

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I don't know if many people have memory issues because few seem to talk about it. When I add mods, my game crashes constantly from memory leaks. I know the devs don't support mods, but memory management seem to be a fundamental thing to get right before anything else. I tried playing just vanilla and that crashes too, even more often in 0.17.

If you are crashing in a full vanilla version (no mods at all installed) I would suggest you perform a directx diag and post in support, as for the issues with mods, you should post in mod supports, as SQUAD has little power to fix issues with mods.

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Not to be ruining the atmosphere (See what I did there?), If you guys want docking, we're going to need to wait a while. I want docking but not yet, too early. I prefer doing something for the planets, Weather! Don't you want it harder to lift off when it's raining or something? Or IVA with new capsules that you can walk in? Docking is not needed yet maybe 0.19? These things won't take 2 months. Docking will take a long time as Harv said on Kurt's livestream, remember?

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First of all 0.17 is amazing, it added so much to the game!

for 0.18 I would like to see:

docking, everyone's waiting for it

better orbital planning with in built protractor


things to do on EVA

more stock parts (for space stations, etc)

maybe the ability to built some kind of outpost on another planet?

I don't think that new planets are needed for 0.18. The ones we have now are currently more than enough and I think it would be best if the devs take their time to design really interesting new planets.

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First of all 0.17 is amazing, it added so much to the game!

for 0.18 I would like to see:

docking, everyone's waiting for it

better orbital planning with in built protractor


things to do on EVA

more stock parts (for space stations, etc)

maybe the ability to built some kind of outpost on another planet?

I don't think that new planets are needed for 0.18. The ones we have now are currently more than enough and I think it would be best if the devs take their time to design really interesting new planets.

That is too much for 1 update. And we won't get all that in 0.18 either. Docking might be a thing even though I don't want it yet. EVA stuff will be implemented soon. Built in protractor, Kind of too much. Rovers, meh. FOR SPACE STATIONS! Not yet but maybe... Outposts on planets. 0.19 ABOVE...

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I'd like to see:

-Updated VAB and SPH tabs(maybe split the parts into sections like: Engines, Fuel, Boosters, etc.)

-More pods and parts - more types of landing gear, perhaps some additional ASAS-like parts with new functions

-onboard computer that can display ejection angle and phase angle when 2 planets/moons are selected.

-An option to limit how far the terrain is rendered(like in Arma II)

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I'd better shader for the sea ans atmosphere.

Many solutions exist including the following:

I wish a language like Turtle which can be programmed flight actions simply and graphically.


This would acoir operational control center as virtual JPL mission to track not inside the ship, but from the ground...

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I'd like to see in 0.18 :

Some kind of flight planning system, such as being able to see in advance where the planet will be when your ship is at point x of your orbit without having to F5 and F9

Doing things on EVAs such as collecting rocks, something for the campaign maybe?

Alternate downloads for the new version such as mirrors, if possible..

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I think, that 0.18 will be mostly extension of 0.17 version objectives - Continue adding celestial bodies, further work connected with internal view and actual IVAs (free moving inside cabin, internal spaces), assemblies (making parts being actually groups of parts ,planed for 0.17 but not done yet) and other fixes and bug-fixing.

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Yeah I'd really like to see thermal repercussions implemented. as it is the game has no problem with you de-orbiting something the size of a large bus going 3000-odd meters/sec! :D

Ha, I getcha, But that'd take away some of the fun in my opinion... I'm in the process of trying to land a big kethane mobile refinery and drill platform with detachable dropship frame into an atmosphere, and heat penalties would sort of put a kaibash on that. Other people are landing large vessels on othe planets too, llike that eagle starship modle, so I dunno. Heat does play a big factor on one planet though but that's an ambient thing. :)

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Some useful parts that mods have added but should be vanilla:

-Powered Rover Wheels. (small and big varieties to cope with both tiny rovers and giant mobile platforms)

-Solar panels, batteries and Ion engines.

-Parts which can be crewed (like crewtank)

-Lights, Some nice bright landing flood lights for landing at poles or at night.

-Unmanned capsules. Really light probes and rovers.

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Some things i would like to see in future updates are:

1. Docking

2. Better simulated reentry

3. Asteroid belt

4. Random system failures(like Apollo 13)

5. Electrical systems

6. Better modeled cockpits

7. Consumables

8. Career Mode

9. Achievements

10. Rival Space centers

11. Mun base, Minmus base

12. Ability to change launch locations

These are all i have in mind right now. I would like to see at least some of the above be present in the future updates.

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