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Apollo Recreation in Career


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I've undertaken this mission as part of @kspnerd122 's wonderful Apollo Style Redux Challenge. To give some extra challenge I decided to do this mission in my career mode which had all of its reverts and quicksaves turned off. 


Takeoff from Kerbin


Here we have my approximation of the Saturn V. The dimensions of the 1st and 2nd Stage are slightly off because I'm working only with pure stock 1.10.1 but other than that it still possesses the essential 3 stages :) 


Here we have the whole assembly on the launch pad. Our intrepid crew for this mission are Valentina, Bob and Bill. Val and Bill will head to the Munar surface while Bob will await their return in the Command Service module . 


bYwIsDy.pngLiftoff! Artemis I is on its way to the Mun... 


1GiBMYO.pngFirst stage separation is achieved and the five engines on the second stage ignite pushing the launch stack closer to orbit 


The third stage makes it way into orbit with the launch escape tower being discarded due to now being redundant in purpose



A free return trajectory is plotted and is successfully executed! 


Munar Operations



The ship reignites the third stage engine to enable it to slow down into Munar Orbit


After achieving Munar Orbit the fairing is jettisoned to enable access to Munar Excursion Module located below the CSM. 



The CSM docks to the lander and the third stage of the launch vehicle is placed on a collision course with the Mun creating a pretty explosion. 


Valentina and Bill board the lander and Bob settles down for a nice game of Virtual Chess in the now roomy Command Service Module


The lander slows down towards the surface heading towards a relatively flat piece of Munar surface


zZ7QtnD.pngSuccess! Kerbalkind has touched down on the Munar surface. The crew head out to conduct experiments and carry out the ceremonial flag ceremony required by agency regulations. 


VGKQal2.pngAfter a bit of waiting around for the Command Module to swing back around the second stage of the lander blasts off and heads for orbit


A rendezvous course is successfully plotted and executed.


The ascent stage of the lander manages to redock with the CSM. Bill and Valentina transfer back into the capsule with their precious cargo of science experinents



The ascent stage of the lander is placed onto a collision course with the Munar surface providing the crew with a brief amount of fiery entertainament


Heading Back to Kerbin



Before heading back to Kerbin a small satellite is released in order to further study the Mun. Bill quickly EVAs outisde to deploy the antennae on the satellite


After a lengthy mission the Command Module burns for home



The service module is jettisoned and the capsule reenters into Kerbin's "gentle" yet fiery embrace


The docking port is jettisoned and the three main parachutes are deployed enabling the craft to slow down to acceptable speeds



A successful splashdown and nice chunk of science! 


Extra Picture: 


The descent stage of the lander remains in the darkness.. 

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  On 8/31/2020 at 7:42 PM, Venturer2Space said:


The CSM docks to the lander and the third stage of the launch vehicle is placed on a collision course with the Mun creating a pretty explosion. 


Ah... that almost scared me,i thought that the mission failed because they crashed on the Mün,however,it was only a useless dead weight stage that crashed, also, Great Mission!

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