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Potentially silly photo posting question...


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Am I being incredibly dense, or is it not possible to post a photo into a thread reply directly from my computer? I took a screen shot of a mission and wanted to post it, but there doesn't seem to be a way to include it in the post. I did see that you can link a photo from the web, but can you post one directly from your computer?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, still not working. I have tried linking from Dropbox and MSN OneDrive. When I try posting the link, the box turns red and it won't accept the link.

Oops. I just figured it out. Required a bit of manipulation but I got it.

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@DaveyJ576 I would recommend Imgur. It's free, has a simple and intuitive interface and you don't need an account to upload images (though I would recommend it if you're going to be uploading a lot of images, perhaps for a mission report).

Once you upload your pics to Imgur you can just copy the direct link and paste it into your post, it should automatically embed.

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