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Moar parts before lag sets in?


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Lots of discussions on what KSP2 needs to have, but there seems to be consensus that it will get space stations. That triggers me to think that we may be allowed to build large structures in space (or on other planets/moons).

How do you guys think that the developers will keep the frame-rate sane? My computer grinds to a painful halt when I put more than 500-600 parts into a structure/ship. I've once launched 1000 parts, but the framerate was 1 frame per minute, and time went more than 10x slower than real-time.

  • Will KSP allow the merging of parts into some super-part?
  • Will KSP2 come with very large pre-made structures (like the KSC in KSP1) which you get to upgrade on other planets/moons?
  • Other ideas?


I'm just being curious. And I need a little expectation management because I am having pictures of huge space stations of thousands of parts that somehow don't crash my computer.

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12 minutes ago, Magzimum said:

Will KSP2 come with very large pre-made structures (like the KSC in KSP1) which you get to upgrade on other planets/moons?

I am betting this.

Very large pre-made modular structures with progression-upgrade style for each of the module.Maybe some different Skins/Colours too.

Ofcourse that will extremely limit the creativity in grand-bases and probably if you dare to put ''cosmetic'' stuff(if thats an option) things will get laggy super fast.

Its Unity after all...

Edited by Boyster
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29 minutes ago, Magzimum said:
  • Will KSP allow the merging of parts into some super-part?

My guess is this with some level of detail algorithm to minimize the rigid body dynamics calculations. Being real here, do we really need rigid body dynamics being calculated on EVERY part to get an accurate simulation?

29 minutes ago, Magzimum said:
  • Will KSP2 come with very large pre-made structures (like the KSC in KSP1) which you get to upgrade on other planets/moons?

My bet is bases will be modular, like building rockets, but the physics will be frozen once the part is placed and finds a steady state. This way you keep calculations to a minimum but still allow badly built bases (like one with little structural support hovering over a canyon) to fall apart and break. IDK how collisions would work in a case like this though.

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They're rewriting most of the code from scratch, as professionals (compared to indie Devs at their first game) with a decade of tech improvements and experience from the first game and with endless optimization possibilities that weren't simply accessible to KSP1 (because it would destroy compatibility or it would be an update requiring years to develop while not releasing any new content).


For now we know this:

  • There will be some sort of "physic LOD" making other crafts simpler based on distance (and activity?)
  • There will be huge parts (the platform they land on in the trailer is a colonial VAB and is obviously VAB-sized)
  • There will be a new system to build those huge structures in place, the BAE (building assembly editor) basically a VAB-like interface that allows you to build bases and station in place either using inventory brought from elsewhere or crafting the modules with stored resources.
  • There will be orbital construction with a dedicated orbital VAB (the shipyard you see the big colonial ship launching from in the trailer)





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7 hours ago, Master39 said:

For now we know this:

  • There will be some sort of "physic LOD" making other crafts simpler based on distance (and activity?)
  • There will be huge parts (the platform they land on in the trailer is a colonial VAB and is obviously VAB-sized)
  • There will be a new system to build those huge structures in place, the BAE (building assembly editor) basically a VAB-like interface that allows you to build bases and station in place either using inventory brought from elsewhere or crafting the modules with stored resources.
  • There will be orbital construction with a dedicated orbital VAB (the shipyard you see the big colonial ship launching from in the trailer)

Too add to this; there will be parts that make the making history Saturn V parts look small. Just to guess from the pictures shown so far, 30-40m diameter parts could be used. Probably some that are larger.

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3 hours ago, shdwlrd said:

Too add to this; there will be parts that make the making history Saturn V parts look small. Just to guess from the pictures shown so far, 30-40m diameter parts could be used. Probably some that are larger.

If we were to believe the trailer, despite it being *not actual gameplay*, that interstellar engine is going to be enormous.

But yeah, not having a spaghetti instead of code definitely helps to achieve better performance.

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10 hours ago, The Aziz said:

If we were to believe the trailer, despite it being *not actual gameplay*

It's confirmed that the ship from the trailer are made in game they exported the models to make the animation, that's why you see them in a lot of the pre-alpha footage.

They also mentioned that they were designed for looks and not functionality especially for the trailer. 

Edited by Master39
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2 hours ago, The Aziz said:

If we were to believe the trailer, despite it being *not actual gameplay*, that interstellar engine is going to be enormous.

But yeah, not having a spaghetti instead of code definitely helps to achieve better performance.

If they keep the actual scaling similar to the stuff they've shown so far; yes, that interstellar engine is enormous, and the shield is even larger.

Better coding along with what Master39 has said, it will help with the performance.

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