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[1.12.5] Kerbin Side Remastered GAP - Flight contract pack [v2.1.7] [2022-12-19]


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The income is very low when playing with maximized science and credits from settings. Shouldn't they scale like stock? I mean, when i increase funds rewards from game difficulty settings, GAP has still the same rewards, while the others are increased.

Edited by Acvila
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2 hours ago, Acvila said:

while the others are increased

By the others do you mean the stock contracts or other contracts using on Contract Configurator? If the latter can you list some of the contract packs you are using?  Issue 13 has been opened in Github.  I'll see what I can do.


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1 minute ago, Acvila said:

Scansat it's scaling and i think they're contracts are from contract configurator

Thanks. the most recent SCANsat seems to create the contracts on it's own as it does not depend on contract configurator but only recommends it and it has now contract.cfg files that I can see. I still have a theory on why this is happening but I need to test it out.

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12 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

Issue 11 has been opened in GitHub.

@Sppion1 So I did a bunch of testing...

In Test LAB I have two contracts active:

  1. Flight 1032
  2. Navy Rescue Hazard shadows

Both show in tracking station under active contracts


I have offered contracts. two offer way-points

  1. Flight 1003
  2. Gather Science from deserts (Contract Pack: Field Research)

Both show their way-points under offered contracts.


When I try to show Active and Offered way-points at the same time I get inconsistent results with sometimes getting both sets or just one set. The affects not only way-points generated this mod, but also the Field Science way-points

I'm using Tracking Station Evolved mod

When I switch games from Test Lab to my Career game

I have active contracts from other packs and offered contracts from flight 1010 and other pack.
In tracking station I'm seeing ghosts of way-points from the other game - the two active flights.

Reloading fresh to try Career game again and the ghosted way-points are no longer present

Removed Tracking Station Evolved to test. Doesn't change the behaviour at all when selecting active and offered at the same time. You get inconsistent way-points. But selecting only one type at a time displays the correct way-points. Also switching games without reloading still results in ghosted way-points from from the previous game. This disappears when the program is reloaded.

When I introduced stock survey contracts, they do not respect the show way-point settings at all. They are always present in the tracking station.

So this is only restricted to Contract Configurator and it appears to be a bug with that mod as it affects all Contract Configurator contracts in the same way.

A Work Around:

To see both sets of way-points at the same time you need to do one of the following sequences with both active and offered not selected;

  1. select Active, select Offered, deselect Active, select Active again = displays both sets
  2. select Offered, Select Active, deselect Offered, Select Offered again = displays both sets

Can you test this on you game and confirm if you get the same results?

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Just now, Acvila said:

I just tested again, it's scaling, but the income seems to be very very low compared to other contracts

Thanks for the confirmation. I will keep your issue open as I am rethinking the approach to rewards for the flight contracts. They are based on flight distance and are too small for the early missions as you noted.

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58 minutes ago, Caerfinon said:

Can you test this on you game and confirm if you get the same results?

I juste tested, but I have a bit different behaviour :

I have two active contract/waypoint, flight 1012/1023. (and a lot offered)

Starting with everything off :

- When I switch repeatedly on/off active waypoints, I only got the active ones, for flight 1012/1023.

- When I switch repeatedly on/off offered waypoints (active are off) I get offered + active (flight 1012/1023), as I can see a waypoint over kola island / jeb junkyard for TransKerbinAirlines. (That's a bit annoying).

-  When I select active, offered, and then deselect active, I got no waypoints. Then selecting again active bring back all waypoints. (So workaround ok)


Anyway I can live with it, just told so it can be improved ;)


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1 hour ago, Sppion1 said:

Anyway I can live with it, just told so it can be improved

I think the fix is with the Contract Configurator mod which controls how the active/offered buttons operate. The behaviour is across other contract packs as well. I've examined what I can do with the way-points to do in the cfg files and I have no way to influence their interaction with CC's buttons in the tracking station. If the work around works for you that's good, even though the behaviour is annoying as you say.  

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20 hours ago, Sppion1 said:

I'm still waiting to be able to unlock every bases, as I'm randomised on already unlocked flight, and very rarely on new bases

I've done some testing and for Issue 12 I discovered that weighting the missions has been depreciated in Contract Configurator so I've changed the initial open base missions to use a different contract group. In this way the open base missions will be served up in sequence and will not compete with the routine flight missions for availability. I'm currently play-testing this and it will be available in the next release.    

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15 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

I've done some testing and for Issue 12 I discovered that weighting the missions has been depreciated in Contract Configurator so I've changed the initial open base missions to use a different contract group. In this way the open base missions will be served up in sequence and will not compete with the routine flight missions for availability. I'm currently play-testing this and it will be available in the next release.    

Cool !

Many thanks :)

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Version v1.1.2 is on Space Dock

Issue #12 - Base opening missions have been assigned to a separate contract group that will not compete with routine airline flights. This allows them to be opened sooner if the player chooses to do so.

Issue #13 - The reward structure has be balanced [again]. Early missions did not have high enough rewards. Now missions have a base reward that is increased by distance flown, the number of passengers  level and a random factor.   

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Current Status:

  • Working on two site flights from KSC to Hub to regional airfield. Hubs are multiple runway locations in Kerbin Side Remastered  - Issue 14
    • These will be 2 star missions and require that opening flights to each base be completed. 
  • Working on a flight bug
    • Passengers not removed if failed flight mission is recovered Issue 15 (workaround: reverting the mission to launch or SPH removes the kerbals)
    • This leaves a lot of tourists milling about the Astronaut Complex after a few crashes.... :o
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Current Status:

  • Added 9 flights in the 105x series (Kerman Atoll) to Github. These are the first of the multi-site flight plans based around airports with multiple runways. Issue 14 
    • These flights have the code to prevent the tourist issue from failed contracts Issue 15. On contract fail conditions the vessel and all aboard get destroyed so ensure that you have revert to launch or SPH enabled.
    • Will be include in next release.


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Version v1.1.3 on Spacedock now

  • Fixes Issue #15 - Tourists will no longer over crowd the Astronaut complex on contract failure. The vessel they are in will be destroyed instead. Make sure you have revert settings enabled if you want to prevent the loss of crew.

  • Implements Issue #14 - The first 9 multi site missions based around the Kerman Atoll base. Subsequent releases will include additional multi-site missions based around other major airports with two runways.

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16 minutes ago, Daniel Prates said:

I think there is a typo in the 4th setup mission

You are correct.

Issue 16 has been raised. The fixed Airline-Flight-1030.cfg  file is online on Github now. A quick check of the opening missions showed a similar problem with Airline-Flight-1120.cfg and it has also been patched.

The changes will be in the next release. Thanks for the report.

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