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Jool-5 on 0.625m parts!


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The Jool-5 challenge. A classic KSP challenge. One of the hardest. And with this variation of the challenge, I want to push things further.


Land on all 5 of Jool's moons and return to Kerbin with a craft (or several craft) made out of nothing but 0.625m parts (except for crew modules).


You should only use 0.625m parts, but for crewed craft, you may use a command chair/radiator combo, a service bay, or a fairing CM.

No part mods AT ALL.

No mining AT ALL.

Modular craft are ALLOWED.

Spaceplanes are ALLOWED.

EVA pack should only be used to transfer between craft.

Cheating is NOT ALLOWED (duh). If your mission takes advantage of a physics exploit (excluding Kraken drives) such as Stratz's OP heatshield wing then let me know.


Craft info tab. (The design checklist thing.)

Screenshots of the craft on Kerbin, in flight, and on all 5 moons, with the Kerbal on EVA having planted a flag (not needed if your craft is uncrewed). (You may also add some more screenshots.)

Compilation vid of takeoffs, gravity assists,  entries/re-entries and landings.

EXTRAS (optional):

More insight of the craft

Craft download



(1/mass + 1/cost + 1/partcount + 1/fuel dV used) * 1000 (+5% for full recovery of crew, +5% for reusability)

Remember to include the formula in your submission.


(@Stratzenblitz75 @EvermoreAlpaca I know you can make something crazy out of this...)


Edited by iamn00b
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2 hours ago, dnbattley said:

Very nice challenge! I might just have to have a crack at it. Obviously there are no cabs with only 0.625m parts, nor any protective shells in that size: are any exceptions made for these parts?

You can use the EAS-1 External Command Chair™ comboed with small radiator panels, or you can use a service bay CM. Obviously you can't use a fairing CM or your Kerbal won't be able to EVA.

Or, you can make an uncrewed craft (altho you'll get a lower score if you do so...)

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1 hour ago, iamn00b said:

Obviously you can't use a fairing CM or your Kerbal won't be able to EVA.

That's not quite true these days, as "unclosed" farings provide protection while still offering a realistic path to enter/exit the chair, but the exclusion of service bay (from 0.625m only) is helpful to note. Thanks.

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5 minutes ago, dnbattley said:

That's not quite true these days, as "unclosed" farings provide protection while still offering a realistic path to enter/exit the chair, but the exclusion of service bay (from 0.625m only) is helpful to note. Thanks.

Oh! You can? I guess I'm not creative enough with my fairings... Thx for the info!

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A bit of score analysis:

1/cost is going to be negligible, especially if you have ions. 1/mass will probably be the largest contributor to score, especially since sub-10 ton jool 5 are possible and nothing else will be even close to sub-10. Part counts will probably be between 50 and 200 so that will be the second largest contributor to score.

Delta-v will be tricky to calculate. Getting into Kerbin orbit will use the majority of the fuel in the whole mission, about 3200 m/s for a rocket ascent and a bit more for a plane ascent. I have found a route from LKO to Eve that only costs 841 m/s, and from a low Kerbin orbit it's impossible to improve that by more than 2-3 m/s since you need that much to even get to Mun in the first place. From Eve you can get to Jool basically for free so let's say Kerbin->Jool is 843 m/s to account for course corrections. Then capturing around Laythe is also free. Calculating the rest will be a bit harder I think, but I will be pretty impressed if someone manages to go Kerbin->Jool for much less than 4100 m/s.

In any case, the ordering for this type of mission will be Mass < Part count < Delta-v < Cost, so they should be optimized in this order.

The biggest challenge for optimizing the ascent vehicle is that you can't use the Rapier engine so it'll have to either be Juno+Spark (optimizing mass) or Juno+Shrimp (optimizing cost/partcount) for the initial boost up to orbit.

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48 minutes ago, camacju said:

@iamn00b Are radial engines (Twitch, Thud, Spider) allowed?

Yeah! All stock 0.625m parts are allowed.

1 hour ago, camacju said:

A bit of score analysis:

1/cost is going to be negligible, especially if you have ions. 1/mass will probably be the largest contributor to score, especially since sub-10 ton jool 5 are possible and nothing else will be even close to sub-10. Part counts will probably be between 50 and 200 so that will be the second largest contributor to score.

Delta-v will be tricky to calculate. Getting into Kerbin orbit will use the majority of the fuel in the whole mission, about 3200 m/s for a rocket ascent and a bit more for a plane ascent. I have found a route from LKO to Eve that only costs 841 m/s, and from a low Kerbin orbit it's impossible to improve that by more than 2-3 m/s since you need that much to even get to Mun in the first place. From Eve you can get to Jool basically for free so let's say Kerbin->Jool is 843 m/s to account for course corrections. Then capturing around Laythe is also free. Calculating the rest will be a bit harder I think, but I will be pretty impressed if someone manages to go Kerbin->Jool for much less than 4100 m/s.

In any case, the ordering for this type of mission will be Mass < Part count < Delta-v < Cost, so they should be optimized in this order.

The biggest challenge for optimizing the ascent vehicle is that you can't use the Rapier engine so it'll have to either be Juno+Spark (optimizing mass) or Juno+Shrimp (optimizing cost/partcount) for the initial boost up to orbit.

Thx for the feedback man, appreciated, finna update the formula!

2 hours ago, camacju said:

For aerodynamic reasons, are 0.625 -> 1.25 m adapters, or 1.25m nose cones, allowed?

How are you going to use them?

1 hour ago, Bej Kerman said:

Someone get Brad Whistance on the phone

I did put that little shoutout mention to him and Stratz!

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Okay... I realized that my computer isn't cut out for this challenge. Everything runs completely fine right up until I try to build the ascent vehicle. Spamming oscar tanks and shrimp boosters brings me down to about 1 fps.

I was going to try a purely chemical rocket submission but it seems like I'll have to use ions if I want to get anywhere near playable levels of performance. And I don't like using ions


This is the ship that I was going to try to use. From LKO it can definitely do the entire Jool 5; it's just that I can't get it into LKO without frying my computer. In case anyone wonders, the ship from top to bottom is:
Vall fuel
Parachute pack
Laythe booster
Tylo fuel
Main tug
Transfer stage

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47 minutes ago, camacju said:

Okay... I realized that my computer isn't cut out for this challenge. Everything runs completely fine right up until I try to build the ascent vehicle. Spamming oscar tanks and shrimp boosters brings me down to about 1 fps.

I was going to try a purely chemical rocket submission but it seems like I'll have to use ions if I want to get anywhere near playable levels of performance. And I don't like using ions


This is the ship that I was going to try to use. From LKO it can definitely do the entire Jool 5; it's just that I can't get it into LKO without frying my computer. In case anyone wonders, the ship from top to bottom is:
Vall fuel
Parachute pack
Laythe booster
Tylo fuel
Main tug
Transfer stage

nice ship! i also hate using ions tbh, but there's really nothing you can do here, so... or, i could think of 2 options. first, you use Junos for the ascent stage, or, you can send it to a friend who has a better computer and knows how to jool-5, and run the mission on his/her computer. if you do the latter your mission will be considered a collab.

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