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[1.11.x - 1.12.3] Galaxies Unbound: A Stellar Odyssey [1.3.1]&[1.4.3] [27June 2023]


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16 hours ago, Bizobinator said:

Oh! I remembered my other question: would adding Parallax into an existing game break it, if I'm using GU? The thought being that I start a GU game now, & then re-add Parallax2 later?

Parallax is purely visual and as long as mods are compatable with the Parallax version, it won't affect them except for visually. 
That said, GU is currently not compatable with Parallax 2 - this is being worked.  If you want to add Parallax 2, then you will have to delete the parallax folder in GU/_Systems/_X/_Configs/GU_Patches. 

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I need to amend my post to say that Parallax is visual - unless you have colliders enabled.  Then all of those rocks you see are solid.  If you have a base or vessels on the surface, have a care with enabling colliders in Parallax2.

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First comment in this GREAT MOD thread! 
I finally got to Tau Ceti after several tries using KSPIE, but now I'm experimenting a hard fps downfall in cloudy worlds. Im only using EVE and Scatter, should i install the GU Stock clouds instead? It would help? If not, how can i make the GU worlds cloudyless? Thx in advance...

Edited by Ariel Kerman
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@StarCrusher96 I've added Lich to my GU instance and installed Instantiator 1.0 but sadly, no pulsar effects.  I'm on KSP 1.12.3 and have seen reports that Instantiator isn't working so well for that version.  Thoughts?

Edit:  Ok.. I feel 6 ways the fool.  RTFM.  Remove exampleconfig.cfg from INSTANTIATOR.  How about that.  If you follow the directions, stuff works.

Wow!  The view from Dragur would be <briefly> amazing and exciting.  I'm gonna make it my Zoom background once I run a mission out there to get pix.

Edited by Ooglak Kerman
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19 hours ago, MrCotton said:

Hi, Is there a way to remove the lens flares from the stars ? since they are  visible from the orbit of Kerbin and it looks a bit odd


Check the GU Settingsfile :) change RemoveLenseDirt = False to True

On 11/17/2022 at 5:15 AM, Elemental_Lord said:

For some reason, even if I set the scale to 2.5x in the GU general config and after making sure that Sigma Dimensions is installed correctly, the planets are not rescaled and remain the original size. A little help please.

Got fixed for the next update :)

On 11/16/2022 at 2:34 AM, Nmariotti said:

Well this looks amazing!

I have a question though: are there any plans to add the black hole at the center of the Galaxy? After all it's an important destination in Elite Dangerous for example...

Enable Galaxy mode in the Settingsfile -> check installationguide.

Edited by StarCrusher96
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14 hours ago, StarCrusher96 said:

Between systems or between planets?

Between systems.  It would be spiff if Kespilon Kirilani turned out to be closer to Nova Kirbani than to the Kerbin system.

Thanks and thanks for this awesome mod.

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15 minutes ago, StarCrusher96 said:

yes :)

I just joined the discord server and saw.  My my..  I shall call this cataclysmic event - the StarCrusher Kraken.  I was slightly bummed for a few minutes, but then saw the opportunity for an interesting story line with what I've already got.

I'm curious.  I have a fair bit of infrastructure set up in Alpha Centauri A in orbit of various bodies.  Will orbital things stay with their respective bodies?  To include things in orbit of AC-A itself?  Things being relays, stations, ships.

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On 11/26/2022 at 2:01 AM, Ooglak Kerman said:

Between systems.  It would be spiff if Kespilon Kirilani turned out to be closer to Nova Kirbani than to the Kerbin system.

Thanks and thanks for this awesome mod.



15 minutes ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

I just joined the discord server and saw.  My my..  I shall call this cataclysmic event - the StarCrusher Kraken.  I was slightly bummed for a few minutes, but then saw the opportunity for an interesting story line with what I've already got.

I'm curious.  I have a fair bit of infrastructure set up in Alpha Centauri A in orbit of various bodies.  Will orbital things stay with their respective bodies?  To include things in orbit of AC-A itself?  Things being relays, stations, ships.

I'm sorry, but consider it all lost. Proxima remains the same.

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The star chart is a thing of beauty!  Thank you.

3 hours ago, StarCrusher96 said:

I'm sorry, but consider it all lost. Proxima remains the same.

Ah well.  Space exploration is dangerous.  I guess there will be a naming of schools and monuments coming soon. 

If I may ask..  I get where it's easy (for you, anyway) to move celestial bodies.  But how is that vessels around those bodies will be destroyed?  A complete renaming?


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4 hours ago, Delgran said:

Trying to install via ckan and i've got parallax, eve and scatter installed and i've deleted the parallax folder in the GU systems folder but for some reason the water on kerbin keeps disappearing am I doing something wrong?

I have found that if you have stars/systems installed but the entry in GU-GENERAL_Settings.cfg for that system is set to "False" that the water of Kerbin will disappear.

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So I've reset my list to just GU and scatter but now the sun keeps becoming a black hole and the water keeps disapering

here is the full current list


Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1)
Environmental Visual Enhancements Redux (EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements 3:
Galaxies Unbound - Alien Worlds Expansion (GalaxiesUnbound-AlienWorlds 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Alpha Centauri (GalaxiesUnbound-AlphaCentauri 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Epsilon Eridani (GalaxiesUnbound-EpsilonEridani 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Lich (GalaxiesUnbound-Lich 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Luhman16 (GalaxiesUnbound-Luhman16 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Parts (GalaxiesUnbound-Parts 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Sirius (GalaxiesUnbound-Sirius 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Stellar Adventures Expansion (GalaxiesUnbound-StellarAdventures 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Tau Ceti (GalaxiesUnbound-TauCeti 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Teegarden's Star (GalaxiesUnbound-TeegardensStar 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Trappist 1 (GalaxiesUnbound-Trappist-1 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound - Worlds of Fire Expansion (GalaxiesUnbound-WorldsofFire 1.3)
Galaxies Unbound A Stellar Odyssey (GalaxiesUnbound-Core 1.3)
Harmony 2 (Harmony2
Kopernicus Planetary System Modifier (Kopernicus 2:release-1.12.1-139)
Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1)
ModularFlightIntegrator (ModularFlightIntegrator
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.2)
Scatterer (Scatterer 3:v0.0838)
Scatterer Default Config (Scatterer-config 3:v0.0838)
Scatterer Sunflare (Scatterer-sunflare 3:v0.0838)
Singularity (Singularity 0.991)


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My recommendation is to pull GU from your game.  Start the game so it cleans up and check that the ocean came back and the sun is acting properly.  Then add GU_Core and just one system.  Approach it incrementally and isolate what causes the issue.

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FYI - Here's a list of .cfg files in the latest version of GU that have mismatched opening and closing curly braces, along with the number of (opening braces, closing braces). Not sure if these mismatches actually will produce problems, of course, but... they might:

'/gu/configs/gu_patches/rescale_sigma/10x.cfg': {'braces': (5, 6)},
'/gu/_systems/_alphacentauri/_celestials/04_kaith.cfg': {'braces': (95, 94)},
'/gu/_systems/_epsiloneridani/_celestials/_asteroidbelts/asteroids.cfg': {'braces': (67, 65)},
'/gu/_systems/_lich/_configs/gu_patches/_singularity/singularitylich.cfg': {'braces': (2, 4)},
'/gu/_systems/_tauceti/_celestials/06-04_celae.cfg': {'braces': (41, 42)},

EDIT: Also of note, here is a list of files that can't easily be read due to an encoding error, presumably - possibly need to ensure valid utf-8. No idea if this will affect anything, no clue how KSP handles encoding/decoding, but if it's silently failing to read these files because it's looking for utf-8 and using a similar encoder/decoder to default Python 3.11... who knows!:

KSP_win64/GameData/GU/Configs/GU_Patches/ResearchBodies/GU_ResearchBodies_Main.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xfb in position 15487: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Celestials/01_Alva.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1055: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Celestials/02_Blalo.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 659: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Celestials/03_Orus.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 617: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Celestials/05_Cail.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 911: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Celestials/06_Syro.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 985: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Celestials/07_Elno.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 615: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Celestials/10_Sian.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1103: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Celestials/11_Elius.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 3247: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_Configs/GU_Science/GU_Science_AC.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 187: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_AlphaCentauri/_HomeSwitch/02_Blalo-Home.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1065: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_EpsilonEridani/_Celestials/02-3_Rhan.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 677: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_EpsilonEridani/_Celestials/02_Thythe.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 953: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_EpsilonEridani/_Celestials/03_Æl.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xc6 in position 140: invalid continuation byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_EpsilonEridani/_Celestials/04_Tias.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1296: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_EpsilonEridani/_Configs/GU_Science/GU_Science_EE.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 240: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_EpsilonEridani/_HomeSwitch/02_Rhan-Home.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 1014: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_Lich/_Celestials/02_Poltergeist.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 592: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_Lich/_Configs/GU_Science/GU_Science_Leethe.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x92 in position 187: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_TauCeti/_Celestials/04_Aquel.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 650: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_TauCeti/_Celestials/06_Arceus.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 914: invalid start byte.
KSP_win64/GameData/GU/_Systems/_TauCeti/_HomeSwitch/Aquel/02_Aquel-Home.cfg - 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xb0 in position 976: invalid start byte.


Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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