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Rover EVA assembly contract

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I'm trying to solve Mun rover assembly contract. It seemed to miss external antenna and wheels were pointing in opposite directions. I landed a rocket with relay antenna nearby and fixed the wheels. I drove to target location, but contract doesn't end. The only objective is "Move the rover". Is it a bug or am I missing something?



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14 minutes ago, Blodyh said:


I'm also facing this problem. I think this is a bug... what I did was do alt+f12 and mark the contract as complete. (this really demotivated me :/)

Wait until the 5th time you have to do it, it becomes 2nd nature eventually.

I'd be curious the difference between the waypoint's location and your location when you're as close as possible. Is it underground? Above ground? How far away? I think you can get all the location information for the waypoint from the Waypoint Manager mod (or even the save file) and the ship info from the save file or just the lower left gui I think. Most important would likely be the altitude.

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It is a bug, to do this, click on alt+f12, press on contracts, then under contracts there should be a button which says "Active", click on it, then find your contract needed and click on complete. I have a similar problem before which is to stage the RE-L10 engine in a attitude of 200km on a suborbital trajectory, but when i did it the ticks would not turn green and instead go away when i come back down, so i clicked on complete and BOOM! contract finished

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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought this might be something to do with location tolerance at the destination (similar to how close you have to match a target orbit) but I've parked the rover right on top of the nav marker spot and no luck. Seems like I have to get closer to the spot than the size of the probe core? It also looks like the destination might be slightly underground but it's hard to tell (Minmus flats).

Oh well, I've just learned about the alt-F12 work around discussed above and will avoid these in the future until they are fixed.

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it is BUG

Way to fix is

2 hours ago, VoidSquid said:

Not yet confirmed, but there is an entry


1 minute ago, kipkis said:


I have done this job now

Rover ID is not correct

just edit it


copy  this Rover ID

                guid = 88433a87-2c7c-4612-bfcf-71d300568e90
                type = RoverConstructionContract
                prestige = 0
                seed = 187402506
                state = Active
                viewed = Read
                agent = Rockomax Conglomerate
                agentName = Rockomax Conglomerate
                deadlineType = Floating
                expiryType = Floating
                values = 77263.5842981471,41142858.6387633,83192.3043803067,272974.736351262,86519.9936676027,0,5.120667,2,202925770.168957,202875147.017124,244018005.655887,0
                bodyName = Minmus
                roverCraftDef = E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Kerbal Space Program/KSP_x64_Data/../GameData/Squad/Contracts/PreBuiltCraft/RoverContract/Contract Rover 10a.craft
                craftStartLat = 20.18480075670961
                craftStartLon = 8.2671775016337037
                craftEndLat = 20.125409173426341
                craftEndLon = 7.1578247794151091
                roverVslId = 3190753227                             <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  This ID is bug
                    name = RoverWayPointParameter
                    state = Incomplete
                    disableOnStateChange = False
                    values = 0,0,0,0,0
                    bodyName = Minmus
                    roverVslId = 3190753227                                    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<  This ID is bug
                    craftStartLat = 20.18480075670961
                    craftStartLon = 8.2671775016337037
                    craftEndLat = 20.125409173426341
                    craftEndLon = 7.1578247794151091
                    endWPName = Zone 9F34-S


to this

			pid = 49585885e08f47fb82b9c883524165f0
			persistentId = 1608849559   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< copy ID of "CONTRACT roverVslId = 3190753227" to this line
			name = Unfinished Minmus Buggy 4-ZCZN
			type = Rover
			sit = LANDED
			landed = True
			skipGroundPositioning = True
			skipGroundPositioningForDroppedPart = False
			vesselSpawning = False
			launchedFrom = 
			landedAt = 
			displaylandedAt = 
			splashed = False
			met = 159694.40902447701
			lct = 202875147.01712358
			lastUT = 203034841.42614806
			distanceTraveled = 275.82397236354188


from  https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/200367-is-this-a-bug-or-i-do-something-wrong/#comment-3927417

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