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Need help downloading Kerbal Foundries for KSP 1.11.1

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I need help downloading Kerbal Foundries-I need the tracks to make crawler excavators, crawler cranes, tanks, etc. The only link I have found that is for the newest version (I have KSP 1.11.1, Technically KSP, but I don't now if that matters) is on GitHub, but at about 75% done it says network error, and then as I try to resume the download, it says "forbidden". It could have something to do with my download speed being 0.2 Mbps, but I think it is can get up to around 5 Mbps (Pretty slow, long story) 


Long-ish story short, before I make it too much more confusing, does anyone have a link to download the latest version of Kerbal Foundries that is not GitHub, or does anyone know why it would be saying forbidden?

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  On 3/13/2021 at 3:11 AM, Ben J. Kerman said:

The only link I have found that is for the newest version (I have KSP 1.11.1, Technically KSP, but I don't now if that matters) is on GitHub,


Are we talking about this one? https://github.com/shadowmage45/KerbalFoundries2/releases

This one loads perfectly fine for me so you either tried a different download or it was just a temporary github issue, which wouldn't even be surprising. If the download still doesn't work for you, I would upload a copy to dropbox and share a download link for you

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  On 3/13/2021 at 7:07 PM, Ben J. Kerman said:

Yes, that is the link. I tried it again, and I still had the same problem. After about 75% complete, it says "Failed - Network error" and then when I click resume, it says "Failed - Forbidden". 


Weird, no idea why the download doesn't work for you but for now, just go ahead with this copy in my dropbox:


For legal reasons:
This is an unmodified copy of the mod created/maintained by Shadowmage, licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA.


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  On 3/13/2021 at 10:44 PM, 4x4cheesecake said:

Weird, no idea why the download doesn't work for you but for now, just go ahead with this copy in my dropbox:


And it just keeps getting weirder! I tried the link twice, and at about 90% downloaded, it says "Network error", and then when I try to continue, it says "Forbidden". I'm not sure what's going on, or how you can help.

Edited by Ben J. Kerman
Me no can grammar
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  On 3/14/2021 at 2:58 AM, Ben J. Kerman said:

And it just keeps getting weirder! I tried the link twice, and at about 90% downloaded, it says "Network error", and then when I try to continue ;it says "Forbidden". I'm not sure what's going on, or how you can help.


Uhm....okay,  that's unexpected. I don't really know anything you can try then... I don't even know what to google for :confused: Have to think about it...
or maybe someone else comes by and got an idea.

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I finally got it to download, but when I try to extract the files (I am using WinRAR), it says the "Archive is corrupt". Does anyone know why would it be saying this, what exactly does it mean, and how I can fix it? I think my computer just doesn't want me to have Kerbal Foundries!:sticktongue:

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Ben J. Kerman
Nobody is helping me!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, so I was able to extract the file into my GameData folder (I used a different program called "7-Zip") But now, even when I put it in the folder and started KSP, I didn't see any parts! I didn't even see it in the advanced part search, just wondering if it was some sort of bug or something that made it so it didn't show up in the normal parts list (Can't remember exactly what that area was called, but I think it was named in the KSPedia). Does anyone have any idea why I would be having this problem, or how I can fix it?

Edited by Ben J. Kerman
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<rant on>

On the good old days, there was a thing called FTP.  You could resume the downloads from where you had stopped when interruptions happened.

(I still use FTP when possible, by the way).

HTTP just wasn't made for this task. (sigh)

<rant off>

Well, I see you are using Windows (winrar).Open the Explorer, and check if you didn't installed the add'ons on the wrong place. The most usual mistake is installing the add'ons on <KSP>/GameData/GameData/<blah> instead of <KSP>/GameData/<blah> 

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I checked, and it is in the proper GameData folder, not in the GameData folder in the GameData folder (In the GameData folder, In the GameData folder, inside that GameData folder, then in that Game Data folder! :confused:), but I am still seeing no parts. Another thing is, even when I used 7-Zip instead of WinRAR, it gave me an error (It did extract the files, but it did give me an error ) https://u.cubeupload.com/Bjh223/Screenshot3.png

Sorry, but I had trouble making the link show up as an actual picture on this post, but it should work fine if you click it.

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  On 3/29/2021 at 10:37 PM, Ben J. Kerman said:

I checked, and it is in the proper GameData folder, not in the GameData folder in the GameData folder (In the GameData folder, In the GameData folder, inside that GameData folder, then in that Game Data folder! :confused:), but I am still seeing no parts. Another thing is, even when I used 7-Zip instead of WinRAR, it gave me an error (It did extract the files, but it did give me an error ) 


Nice wallpaper! :)

And I finally understood what's happening... You downloaded the wrong file (the -master thing means you download a dump of the GIT repository, not the actual release!)

So, let's try to clear out the misunderstandings. :)

  1. you want to download Kerbal Foundries, the one maintained on this thread.
  2. You want to download the latest release,, from this page.
    1. Being specific,  you want this file. (KerbalFoundries-
    2. You DON'T WANT the Source Code.zip neither Source Code.tar.gz.
  3. You are facing some problems on downloading things

Since the Release zip should be somewhat smaller than the source tar balls, hopefully you will be able to download the correct file. But it is still ~54.3Mb.  So, try to download it using the "you want this file" link above, and if you don't manage to do it, I shove this file on the FTP of my server and I teach you how to handle FileZilla (an easy to use FTP cliente) to download it. FTP allows resuming files, so if anything goes wrong you can resume from where you were, instead of downloading it from the start again.

Edited by Lisias
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IT WORKED!!!!!!!

Thank you so much, Lisias! Kerbal foundries is working now! Below you will see the first thing I built with Kerbal foundries, a Kiebherr K 924 crawler excavator. Really, I just took a small wheeled excavator I made and put tracks on it, but I will make a bigger one-Maybe a Kiebherr K 956 (Liebherr R 956). I will make a video of the K 924 and put it on my YouTube channel.

By the way, thanks for visiting my YouTube channel.



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