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Easy Way to Cheat Scrolling Out

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Is there going to be a feature where you don't have to scroll that much to see other stars? Like a button to see the Kerbol System and then another one to see all the star systems. Is there going to be such a thing?


Edited by Dr. Kerbal
Wait. This would make Jool useful this time...
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11 minutes ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

Is ther =e going to be afeature where you an set your camera to overlook indivy iOkay okay. There's going to be interstellar travel in Kerbal Space Program 2.  But. I just now realized, that KSP2 will be

For me the Kerbol system is quite large.  And adding other star systems at a reasonable distance is.... Well, it makes KSP2 much larger. Like way bigger. My small mind popped due to this. I cant imagine my mouse scrolling all the way out of the Kerbol System. Non the less scrolling further out to see other stars. Well we come up on a issue...

Hello I'm Doctor Kerbal. Recently the developers at Intercept Games had released a new dev diary on the map of KSP2! I know this is bug news. Very big news. The orbits and map look so good! But I'm not talking about the orbits. I'm talking about scrolling all the way out to see other star systems. And if KSP2 is based of of really life physics of space. Well then.... Star systems aren't going to very close right? I mean Alpha Centaris is 4.2 light years or something right? At the Kerbal scale that is till large. Enormous. We talking about a tiny part of a galaxy.  You know Spore? I'm assuming it going to be like that.  enough with my ramblings, let me get to the point.

Is there going to be  a feature where you don't have to scroll that much to see other stars. Like a button to see the Kerbol System and then another one to see all the star systems. Is there going to be such thing?


Thats my piont.

Dude... you should really proofread what you post before you press the submit button.

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32 minutes ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

Is there going to be a feature where you don't have to scroll that much to see other stars? Like a button to see the Kerbol System and then another one to see all the star systems. Is there going to be such a thing?


I'm gunna take a guess that scrolling will continue to be exponential and there will probably a boundary where scrolling out will jump to galaxy level when you scroll back far enough (guessing when the whole system is in view).

That said, I don't think we will be seeing a universe in KSP going near as large as a to scale galaxy. Though, I would really like to see procedural star systems outside the handcrafted stellar neighborhood. That said, I doubt this will be the case, as cool as that sounds to me.

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I remember reading somewhere of the possibility that you have to "discover" them first. Don't remember the post and at work. I don't remember devs defining what that meant.


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Guest The Doodling Astronaut2
On 4/15/2021 at 3:38 PM, HebaruSan said:

We don't necessarily know that the mouse wheel will be the only way to zoom in the new game. Given that the minimum zoom level could be calculated from the distances of the stars in the game, there are other possibilities.

I could see another possibility from Google Maps, and if it isn't planned it might be a good idea, a search bar could be used and then the view transitions to there, or/and it could also have a scale button of like you suggest @Dr. Kerbal

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