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Working Underwater Lite


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Been doing some water related mods to the USI explorer mod and the Orbital Tug Mod. They incorporate this mod and give you more tools to use underwater. They are available from here onwards.


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  • 2 months later...
7 hours ago, Oshen said:

I can not find this thread you speak of...can you please link us?

Hi. Been a while since I have done anything in the thread as I had been reasonably happy with the mod that came out of it but here we are. I should probably go have a look myself as so much has evolved since I started it that I have forgotten many things from then.


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  • 2 months later...

Thanks ColdJ for a great mod!  This definitely gives the game a new dimension.  I did notice that running v1.12.2.3167 with Breaking Ground and Making History that the two RCS's don't load correctly in the VAB.  When filtered by 'water' as suggested, i can see the placeholders for both RCS units, but the graphics are empty and when you try to attach these, there is nothing there.  Did I miss something in the config?  (I took a screen shot, but couldn't figure out how to attach it here)

Thanks for any suggestions, R

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5 minutes ago, Rubenio said:

Thanks ColdJ for a great mod!  This definitely gives the game a new dimension.  I did notice that running v1.12.2.3167 with Breaking Ground and Making History that the two RCS's don't load correctly in the VAB.  When filtered by 'water' as suggested, i can see the placeholders for both RCS units, but the graphics are empty and when you try to attach these, there is nothing there.  Did I miss something in the config?  (I took a screen shot, but couldn't figure out how to attach it here)

Thanks for any suggestions, R

Hi. I haven't played with it of late as I have been concentrating on other mods as my skill level improved. Generally if something like that happens it is because Squad changed the model used and the folder structure. That is why the last iteration I had to move some things and reskin because the original models had been moved. The mod was originally designed to be config only, using the vanilla KSP models with new configuration files that created the new parts. I only have 1.12.1 loaded at this point but I will have a look and see what I can do. Might have to give you a different pathway in their configs so that they use the new RCS models instead. I will get back to you once I have looked.

For image sharing you need to upload to the imgur website,  https://imgur.com/    , no need for an account, just click "new post" button at top left, drag your image in, then hover over the pic, click the 3 dots, then click the "get share links", then click "Copy" on "BB code (forums). Then in your post on here click on "Insert image from URL" , paste in the link and then remove the Square brackets and their "img" contents at either end and then click "insert into post" .  It is an overly complicated system but that is what we are stuck with.

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Hi again. I went and checked and the RCS was one of the models I had to move in on the last iteration. You should have a folder in the "WorkingUnderLite" folder called "rcsBlockRV-105", it should contain a model.mu and a rcs.dds file in it. I downloaded from spacedock and it was there in my copy. It is where the configuration files look for the model, so please check that yours isn't missing or altered in any way, The config files can only find things exactly where they are told to. Don't worry about the txt file as it is a left over from the original Squad config.

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Thanks for the quick reply!  So, there were a couple of folders missing, including the RCSblockRV-105 and dockingPortjr folders compared to what I found in SpaceDock.  I had installed this via ckan.  Uninstalled the ckan version and copied the SpaceDock version into gamedata and all problems solved!  Thanks so much again for working on this ;-)

I will also check how eva is working now as some of teh suits did have different effects before as well.


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5 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Thanks for the quick reply!  So, there were a couple of folders missing, including the RCSblockRV-105 and dockingPortjr folders compared to what I found in SpaceDock.  I had installed this via ckan.  Uninstalled the ckan version and copied the SpaceDock version into gamedata and all problems solved!  Thanks so much again for working on this ;-)

I will also check how eva is working now as some of teh suits did have different effects before as well.


Glad you have got it sorted. CKAN is convenient but I have seen many examples of it getting things mixed up. I prefer to direct download from Spacedock and manually check that everything is where it should be. Good luck with all your KSP going forward.

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One other quick note.  i think the version in CKAN may have been older because I also had to remove the replaced cfg files in the .../Squad/Parts/Prebuilt folder for the eva suits.  Actually, it was a funny result when those were still there as there were 3 copies of the fill/empty actions ;-)

You may want to inform users to undo that if they have that issue.

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4 hours ago, Rubenio said:

One other quick note.  i think the version in CKAN may have been older because I also had to remove the replaced cfg files in the .../Squad/Parts/Prebuilt folder for the eva suits.  Actually, it was a funny result when those were still there as there were 3 copies of the fill/empty actions ;-)

You may want to inform users to undo that if they have that issue.

As I don't have CKAN. could you tell me if that version has the Module Manager patch to add ballast to the Kerbals or is it my older version where you had to manually replace the config files? If it is my older version I will have to contact CKAN to get it sorted. Also it wouldn't have enough ballast to counteract the changes Squad made to the swimming dynamic after 1.10.1

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Hi. I contacted CKAN and they nicely showed me the list of what was matched to what. I asked them to remove my 1.2.0 version from their list as the 1.2.1 was the same but with corrected suit patch and they have done so. So hopefully it will work correctly in to the future. Thank you very much for your input.

This was my very first mod. It worked well before 1.11.1, but they changed something after that messed up the swimming and sinking.

If you are new to doing things in the water you will probably like @Angel-125's Sunkworks mod. It is still a work in progress but it has plenty so far to have fun with. Just go to the latest release using the link at the beginning of the thread. Good luck.


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So, built my first sub and things were working when in proper Kerbal fashion something went awry.  The sub I built used 2 small nacelles to put an engine on each side of the 'boat'.  The surface attach feature was working.  Now, when i try to edit the sub, in either the SPH or VAB, I can't select any part of the ship.  In fact, if i attach a structural element, then i have temporary ability to select a part, but once i mouse over things, it stops recognizing it.  It appears almost as if the ship is not there.  eg no action when you mouse over.

So, i started a new similar ship and all was fine until i tried attaching a nacelle.  i could not surface attach and then when i attached it to a node on the ship, the same thing happened...

I've also built a fresh install and tried again and noticed the same thing.  Not sure what to do here.  i saved a copy of the log file if you'd like to see it.  i can also send you a copy of the craft file if you'd like.  thanks in advance for any suggestions.  


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I can't really read log files myself. Though I do know those who can if needed.

Is it always the same body part that you are trying to attach to? I seem to remember way back in 1.9.1 that I would get a random gllitch like that, I think it was on 1 of the MK2 parts. I thought it had been sorted but maybe there is still a conflict in the config sowewhere. Please let me know if it is a specific body part that you are trying to attach to or if it is happening with other standard parts as well. If it is specific I can look at the config for that part and try to work out what is wrong.

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hmm, didn't think of that.  I tried a couple of other parts (mk1 lander with fuel tank , OptJ 2.m ISP cockpit with fuel tank and all the water nacelles have the same effect:  they no longer surface mount and when you attach to a node, you can't select anything on the ship.

I did find a workaround, a regular nacelle actually works!  :-)  Didn't think it would but that let me continue working on the sub.  There might be something in the nacelle cfg files that cause this to happen?  is it worth comparing the cfg files between the regular nacelle and the water ones?  

thanks for looking into this and please let me know if there's anything i can do to help!

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11 hours ago, Rubenio said:

I did find a workaround, a regular nacelle actually works!  :-)  Didn't think it would but that let me continue working on the sub.  There might be something in the nacelle cfg files that cause this to happen?  is it worth comparing the cfg files between the regular nacelle and the water ones?

I will have a look. I haven't been playing lately but I will get an instance up and see if I have troubles. The nacelles use part stacking. This means the config calls on more than 1 model to create the part. The first model called provides the nacelle and the second calls a jet engine that gets put inside so that the nacelle can have thrust. If something has changed in the model pathways that may be causing the problem. I now know how to build new models without having to part stack so may need to build a new model from scratch.

I assume that your instance of KSP is sitting in it's own folder on your main hard drive so that nothing is interfering with it's access permissions?

Example:  C:\KSP1.12.1\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\WorkingUnderLite

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5 hours ago, Rubenio said:

Hi, yes, there are no permission issues and all is in the proper KSP/GameData folder. 

Sadly it was all too easy to replicate your problem. After much experimenting it seems that the nacelles by themselves don't cause a consistant issue, but adding the Marine RSC seems to bugger it up every time. It is happening on both 1.10.1 and 1.12.1 . Something about the the part stacking is getting corrupted in the craft files and at a guess removing the part colliders of what they are attached to. When you interact with a part in the hangar it is the colliders that get acknowledged when you put the mouse cursor over them. If your collider is smaller then only if you happen to hover over the correct bit, will it light up. If the program is some how resizing the collider based on the rescaleFactor of the stacked in model, then it could make it too small to actually interact with.

Long story short: I am going to have to build new models from scatch with the features I want, so that I don't need to part stack. This may take a while as I have real life things taking up my time right now. I will let you know when I get it done but it could be a month away depending on how life goes.

Sorry for the trouble, thank you for bringing it to my attention.

Have a good holiday.

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I have been working on a oil rig to be sent to Laythe, as the higher resource concentrations are underwater.  I extended the KAS winch and fuel line to go 400m, and lower the drills to the sea floor.  I was using full ore tanks to sink the drills, but wanted to hide them inside a service bay to save on weight.  Unfortunately when I switch the the KAS RTS-1 to treat the coupled items as one craft to keep the ore flowing, the buoyancy changes and the drills float back up quickly.

What I was hoping to do is send a sub down to the spot that I want and attach a ground anchor and docking port, and dock the drill unit to the sea floor.   Which is when I figured out the the anchor cannot be installed underwater.  I can't figure out where to change that setting in the cfg file.  You seem to be more versed on working underwater.  Thoughts?

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12 hours ago, jsunde1989 said:

I have been working on a oil rig to be sent to Laythe, as the higher resource concentrations are underwater.  I extended the KAS winch and fuel line to go 400m, and lower the drills to the sea floor.  I was using full ore tanks to sink the drills, but wanted to hide them inside a service bay to save on weight.  Unfortunately when I switch the the KAS RTS-1 to treat the coupled items as one craft to keep the ore flowing, the buoyancy changes and the drills float back up quickly.

What I was hoping to do is send a sub down to the spot that I want and attach a ground anchor and docking port, and dock the drill unit to the sea floor.   Which is when I figured out the the anchor cannot be installed underwater.  I can't figure out where to change that setting in the cfg file.  You seem to be more versed on working underwater.  Thoughts?

I am afraid that is hard coded by Squad. It can't be changed by changing a config file. What you would need is a *.dll file that overides the behaviour set by Squad. @Angel-125 has created code that has changed the behaviour of items being dropped or placed by Kerbals for a number of his great mods. So if he has time he may be able to help or set you on the right path. He basically had a sort of ground anchor before the main game did that was used for craft construction out in the field, for his Buffalo mod. @linuxgurugamer is also incredibly knowledgable, though very busy. He might be able to point you to information you need.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@Rubenio brought to my attention that after saving craft with water nacelles attached to the side, that after being saved and reloaded they and the central hull could not be edited. Also the RCS were having the same problem. I am currently building a brand new model of the nacelle to eliminate part stacking. But in the meantime I have alternate configs done so that people using 1.12.* can have the RCS thrusters use the new model introduced by Squad. The contents of each config will be in the spoilers below. Simply open the named config using a text editor and delete the contents, then copy and paste the text inside the spoiler into the the config file to replace and then save it. The unique names in the config are the same, so the game will simply build any already created craft with the new models.

They are found in GameData\WorkingUnderLite\RCS\

Replace the contents of "Squad6wayEVA.cfg" with the following.




    name = Squad6wayEVA
    module = Part

    author = Squad, ColdJ


        model = Squad/Parts/Utility/rcsBlockRV-105_v2/rcsBlock105
        scale = 0.5, 0.9, 0.9
    rescaleFactor = 1

    // --- node definitions ---

    // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

    node_attach = 0.0500, -0.0000, -0.0000, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
    // --- editor parameters ---

    TechRequired = precisionEngineering

    entryCost = 4500

    cost = 450

    category = Control

    subcategory = 0

    title = Marine EVA Block S
    manufacturer = STEADLER, Reaction Systems, CJ Marine
    description = A small RCS thruster block for underwater EVA and tiny submarines.
    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

    attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---

    mass = 0.0001
    dragModelType = default

    maximum_drag = 0.001
    minimum_drag = 0.001

    angularDrag = 0.001

    crashTolerance = 100

    maxTemp = 2000

bulkheadProfiles = srf

    tags = water RCS EVA






                channel = Ship

                clip = sound_IonEngine
                volume = 0.0 0.0

                volume = 0.02 0.2

                volume = 0.2 0.2

                volume = 0.4 0.2

                pitch = 0.0 0.7

                pitch = 1.0 1.5

                loop = true




                modelName = Squad/FX/IonPlume
                transformName = RCSthruster

                emission = 0.0 0.0

                emission = 0.1 0.0

                emission = 0.2 0.1

                // emission = 0.4 1.0

                speed = 0.0 0.8

                speed = 1.0 1.0
                localRotation = -90, 0, 0





        name = ModuleRCSFX

        stagingEnabled = False
        thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster

        thrusterPower = 0.3
        resourceName = IonSteam
        runningEffectName = running



            key = 0 250

             key = 1 1000
             key = 5 2000




        name = IonSteam
        amount = 1
        maxAmount = 1

        name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
        animationName = RCSGlow
        responseSpeed = 0.01    
        thrustForceMult = 2    
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 40
        name = ModulePartVariants
        baseVariant = 5Horn

            name = 5Horn
            displayName = #autoLOC_8014156 //#autoLOC_8014156 = Orthogonal 5-horn
            themeName = White
            primaryColor = #ffffff
            mass = 0.01
            cost = 7
                Angled = false
                Orthogonal = true
                thruster1 = true
                thruster2 = true
                thruster3 = true
                thruster4 = true
                thruster5 = true

Replace the contents of "Squad6waySub.cfg" with the following.




    name = Squad6waySub
    module = Part

    author = Squad, ColdJ
    scale = 0.1


        model = Squad/Parts/Utility/rcsBlockRV-105_v2/rcsBlock105
        scale = 0.5, 1.0, 1.0
    rescaleFactor = 1

    // --- node definitions ---

    // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

    node_attach = 0.45212, -0.0000, -0.0000, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
    // --- editor parameters ---

    TechRequired = precisionEngineering

    entryCost = 4500

    cost = 750

    category = Control

    subcategory = 0

    title = Submarine RCS Block
    manufacturer = STEADLER, Reaction Systems, CJ Marine
    description = An RCS thruster block for medium to large Submarines.
    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

    attachRules = 0,1,0,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---

    mass = 0.0001
    dragModelType = defaul

    maximum_drag = 0.001
    minimum_drag = 0.001

    angularDrag = 0.001

    crashTolerance = 2000
    breakingForce = 5000
    breakingTorque = 5000

    maxTemp = 2000

bulkheadProfiles = srf

    tags = submarine water RCS thrusters

    // --- rcs module parameters ---






                channel = Ship

                clip = sound_IonEngine
                volume = 0.0 0.0

                volume = 0.02 0.2

                volume = 0.2 0.2

                volume = 0.4 0.2

                pitch = 0.0 0.7

                pitch = 1.0 1.5

                loop = true




                modelName = Squad/FX/IonPlume
                transformName = RCSthruster

                emission = 0.0 0.0

                emission = 0.1 0.0

                emission = 0.4 0.04
                speed = 0.0 0.8

                speed = 1.0 1.0
                localRotation = -90, 0, 0





        name = ModuleRCSFX

        thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster

        thrusterPower = 1.0
        resourceName = IntakeWater
        runningEffectName = running



            key = 0 250

             key = 1 1000
             key = 5 5000




        name = IntakeWater
        amount = 10
        maxAmount = 10

        name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
        animationName = RCSGlow
        responseSpeed = 0.01    
        thrustForceMult = 2    
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 40
        name = ModulePartVariants
        baseVariant = 5Horn

            name = 5Horn
            displayName = #autoLOC_8014156 //#autoLOC_8014156 = Orthogonal 5-horn
            themeName = White
            primaryColor = #ffffff
            mass = 0.01
            cost = 7
                Angled = false
                Orthogonal = true
                thruster1 = true
                thruster2 = true
                thruster3 = true
                thruster4 = true
                thruster5 = true

Replace the contents of "SquadRCSBlockEMU.cfg" with the following.




    name = SquadEMURCSBlock

    module = Part

    author = Sam Hall, Pablo, ColdJ



        model = Squad/Parts/Utility/rcsBlockRV-105_v2/rcsBlock105
        scale = 0.5, 0.9, 0.9
    rescaleFactor = 1


    // --- node definitions ---

    // definition format is Position X, Position Y, Position Z, Up X, Up Y, Up Z

    node_attach = 0.0500, -0.0000, -0.0000, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0
    // --- editor parameters ---

    TechRequired = precisionEngineering

    entryCost = 4500

    cost = 450

    category = Control

    subcategory = 0

    title = EMU RCS Block S
    manufacturer = STEADLER, Reaction Systems, CJ Aerospace.
    description = A small RCS thruster block with its own built-in monopropellant supply. Designed with the tiniest, daintiest spacecraft in mind.

    // attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

    attachRules = 1,1,0,1,0

    // --- standard part parameters ---

    mass = 0.01

    dragModelType = default

    maximum_drag = 0.001
    minimum_drag = 0.001

    angularDrag = 2

    crashTolerance = 100
    maxTemp = 2000

bulkheadProfiles = size0, srf






                channel = Ship

                clip = sound_rocket_mini

                volume = 0.0 0.0

                volume = 0.02 0.2

                volume = 0.2 0.2

                volume = 0.4 0.2

                pitch = 0.0 0.7

                pitch = 1.0 1.5

                loop = true




                modelName = Squad/FX/Monoprop_small

                transformName = RCSthruster

                emission = 0.0 0.0

                emission = 0.1 0.0

                emission = 0.4 1.0

                speed = 0.0 0.8

                speed = 1.0 1.0
            localRotation = -90, 0, 0





        name = ModuleRCSFX

        thrusterTransformName = RCSthruster

        thrusterPower = 0.1
        resourceName = MonoPropellant

        runningEffectName = running



            key = 0 250

             key = 1 80

             key = 3 0.001





        name = MonoPropellant

        amount = 5

        maxAmount = 5


        name = FXModuleAnimateRCS
        animationName = RCSGlow
        responseSpeed = 0.01    
        thrustForceMult = 2    
        name = ModuleCargoPart
        packedVolume = 40
        name = ModulePartVariants
        baseVariant = 5Horn

            name = 5Horn
            displayName = #autoLOC_8014156 //#autoLOC_8014156 = Orthogonal 5-horn
            themeName = White
            primaryColor = #ffffff
            mass = 0.01
            cost = 7
                Angled = false
                Orthogonal = true
                thruster1 = true
                thruster2 = true
                thruster3 = true
                thruster4 = true
                thruster5 = true

As long as I haven't missed something in the copy and paste, that should upgrade the multi directional RCS without issue.

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Ok. I have finished the new Marine nacelles. Working better than the originals as I have learnt some things since then. I want to build some other things before an official release but I will except up to 5 beta testers to send a copy of them to if anybody is interested.




Edited by ColdJ
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