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How many of you play with mods installed?


Do you have mods installed?  

28 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you have mods installed?

    • Yes, many mods
    • No, I only play stock game
    • Mods except parts mods
    • I only use part mods
    • I only use planet packs
    • I only use visual mods
    • What are mods?
  2. 2. If you play with many mods, how many do you use?

    • 1-10
    • 10-30
    • 30-60
    • 60+

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55 mods here.

I cannot play without various graphical mods as the game reminds me of an Atari Jaguar title from many years ago without them.  I have no idea why clouds are not a stock feature after all this time.

I use Kerbal Construction Time as it seems wrong being able to build rockets instantly, and I use TAC Life Support just because it seems correct.

I also use a couple of things like NavHUD, Docking Camera, Alarm Clock, Engineer, Chatterer...  When I say a couple I mean 20-30...

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  On 5/13/2021 at 5:03 AM, theleg said:

Do you have mods installed? If yes, which are your favourite mods, i.e., mods you can't play without?


About 58~59 although I can hear my computer physically shriek in pain as I play this game. My graphics card decided to give up a month ago so no more SVE or Scatterer. I use MechJeb (Sparingly but it exists for labourious, repeated manouvers), KJR, KER, DPAI, KSPIE, Better Time Warp, KAC,  every single mod in the Near Future family, OPT, TAC LS, Chatterer, Kopernicus paired with Extrasolar, Mk3 Expansion, Airplane Plus, North Kerbin Dynamics, KerbCam, HullcamVDS , BDAc, NAS, SpaceY, SpaceY Extended, ReStock, Kerbal Engines, KashCorp (the rover one which is really useful for making cars and stuff), B9 Aerospace, the Maritime Pack, Kethane, Procedural Parts, Procedural Wings (the B9 ones), Kerbal Atomics, TweakScale (and AllTweak), The Martian for KSP and so on (I have forgotten the rest)

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Depending on what I’m doing I can use anything from zero (on my old potato computer) to over 100 (my current RSS/RO/RP-1 game) and anything in between. I usually include MechJeb, Restock/+, KAC and EVE/scatterer/DOE/whatever graphics pack is applicable for my current solar system; Near Future mods are high on the list (and most of Nertea’s other stuff like SSPX and Kerbal Atomics), SCANsat is a must have and I like to use Kerbalism, even if it’s just the science config, to make gathering science more complex than just pressing some buttons and the experiments are done just like that.

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Tweakscale, Space center vehicles, KAS, Modular launchpads, and both DLCs (doesn't really count though).

At one point on a different computer I had BDArmory (I like it, I just had trouble installing it on the computer I am using now), and Airplanes Plus, but I felt like some parts were missing.

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I use mainly life improvement mods like better burn time, hanger extender, easy board etc that type of thing. 

Parts mods wise, Tantares is my main one, with Kerbal Atomics and Airplane Plus as well.

Only visual mod is Planetshine due to potato laptop. Depending on what I’m doing sometimes OPM as well.

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This is my entire gamedata folder:

000_ClickThroughBlocker 000_TexturesUnlimited 000ABARISBridgeDoNotDelete 001_ToolbarControl 001_ToolbarControla AI 3 AnimatedDecouplers ASET AtmosphereAutopilot-1 B9PartSwitch Benjee10_MMSEV Benjee10_sharedAssets Benjee10_shuttleOrbiter BFR Bluedog_DB BobsPanicBox BTS CapsuleCorp CapsuleCorp_GREENORIGIN CEDA_ProjectAethon ClickThroughBlocker ClickThroughBlocker-master CommunityCategoryKit CommunityResourcePack ConformalDecals CryoEngines CryoTanks CST-100 Starliner CustomPreLaunchChecks DecouplerShroud DeployableEngines DIRECT_LV DMagicScienceAnimate DockingCamKURS DSSHU DynamicBatteryStorage EasyVesselSwitch ENERGIA EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements FarFutureTechnologies files.txt FMRS FShangarExtender FShangarExtender-master FShangarExtender-master 2 FShangarExtendera Fuji GravityTurn HabTech2 HabTechProps Hephaistos htRobotics IntegratedPhoenixIndustries JNH JSI Kartoffelkuchen KAS KerbalAtomics KerbalJointReinforcement KerbalKonstructs KerbalKonstructs-WaterLaunchSites KerbalLaunchFailure KerbalReusabilityExpansion KertemisProgram-1.1.1 KIS Knes KSC KSPModFileLocalizer.dll KSPWheel LanderCanMk12 Launchers Pack LETech Lionhead_Aerospace_Inc LonesomeRobots LonesomeRobots2 LV-BNTR MarsDirect MechJeb MechJeb2 MechJeb2-dev MechJebAutopilot MEVFusionTek Mk-33 ModPods ModularLaunchPads ModuleManager ModuleManager-License.txt ModuleManager-master 2 ModuleManager-master 3 ModuleManager.4.1.3.dll ModuleManager.4.1.4.dll ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree more flags MrMeeb NAR_MEM NASA_CountDown NearFutureConstruction NearFutureExploration NearFutureLaunchVehicles NearFutureProps NearFuturePropulsion NearFutureSolar NearFutureSpacecraft Nexus OPT_Legacy OPT_Reconfig OrbitalColony OreEngines Orion Pathfinder Pebkac PersistentThrust PlanetaryBaseInc PlanetaryDomes PlumeParty ProceduralFairings ProceduralParts ProjectEOC README.md RealPlume RealPlume-Stock reDIRECT ReentryParticleEffectRenewed RLA_Reborn RSSeaDragon RSSeaDragon 2 seperationHighThrust Shabby ShipEffectsContinued SimpleAdjustableFairings SmokeScreen SOCKrecolored SpaceDust Squad SquadExpansion SRCS SSTU SSTU-NovaPack StationPartsExpansionMetal StationPartsExpansionRedux StockTKS superRTG SystemHeat TacSelfDestruct talisar_parts Tantares TantaresLV TDProps TDProps2 TM4KSP TOKAMAK_INDUSTRIES ToolbarControl ToolbarControl-master ToolbarControl-master 2 TundraExploration TundraTechnologies VaporVent VesselView Waterfall WBIPlayMode.cfg WildBlueIndustries XyphosAerospace XyphosAerospace1 XyphosAerospace2 XyphosAerospace3 XyphosAerospace4


all of them are mods that i cant play without because almost all of my ships in my favourite save use them.

some of them are made by myself or edited, and the others were ALL installed on spacedock as i cant get ckan working on my mac. this is why i am stuck on 1.9.1 even though i really want to update to 1.11. i am extremely dependant on mods because ksp dosent feel the same without 10000 parts and 30 mins loading time.

my module manager has 20k patches WITHOUT RO/RP1/RSS.

fyi the next time my 1000 part rocket explodes my computer is going to do so too.

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The current game I'm setting up - playing science while I'm tweaking a tech tree more to my liking - has JNSQ, scatterer, the whole Near Future series, Probes Plus (kinda duplicates Near Future Exploration, but I've used it for so long, I don't want to give it up), Feline Utility Rovers, Missing History, Airplane Plus, Tetrix tech tree, Restock & Restock+, JX2 antenna, TacLS, Pebkac LES, Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, and a bunch more that I can't think off right off the top of my head.  Kerbal Launch Failure, Contract Configurator and several contract packs will get added in when I start the career save.  I've also modded all the manned pods to only have roughly 10% reaction wheel strength compared to their stock values (Mk 1 pod has 0.5 instead of 5, etc)


Oh, and Janitor's Closet, to try to make my computer cry a little less.

Edited by Cavscout74
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