A question for the Forum Users!
How do you plan to get Kerbal Space Program 2
43 members have voted
1. PC People
I have the original on Steam and plan to get the second on there as well!
I don't have the original on Steam but I plan to get the second one there!
I have the original on Steam and don't plan to purchase it though there.0
I don't have the original on Steam and don't plan to purchase it though there.
I'm not going to get it.0
I'm not going to get it but instead I'm going to mod KSP 1 into KSP 2!0
2. Console Peeps
I have the original and plan to get the second on my console!
I have the original and don't plan to get the second on my console.
I don't have the original on console and don't plan on getting the second one on console.
I'm migrating to PC for KSP 2!
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