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[12.1.5] Kerbin Side Remastered - The Life Aquatic [v2.0.0][2022-12-18]


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5 hours ago, NipperySlipples said:

Unfortunately my game is far to custom for my KK harbors to be of much use to anyone


5 hours ago, NipperySlipples said:

like there is an "underwater = true" property

There is  this property and it is mainly used with randomly generated way-points or random way-points near another way-point. Specifying it ensures that no surface locations are within the selection criteria. It is not required for way-points that are specifically defined by co-ordinates, The negative number with place the makers below sea level if the LON and LAT are correct.  Thanks for looking into it. 

I will run some additional testing to be sure.

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Current Status:

So it looks as though there is an issue with the rendering of the map-decals for the Hydrothermal Vent site. The configurations are identical between KSP 1.11.2 and KSP 1.12.1 however the site appears in the former, and is nowhere to be found in the latter. This site is unique in that it is using two map decals, the first to build the mound and the second to dig the crater.

I manually attempted to adjust the settings in the config files in KP 1.12.1 but I could not achieve the desired effect. Also as the KK editor is not functional in KSP 1.12 it requires a complete game reload to see the effect of the manual config changes.

If you are on KSP 1.12.x you can disable this mission be renaming the file GameData\ContractPacks\KerbinSideRemasteredTLA\Exploration\02 - Site Dives-4.cfg to  02 - Site Dives-4.txt and it will stop appearing in the contract offer window. (Or use the cheat menu to complete it. No judgement).

Not sure what other issues there are with KSP 1.12.x but for now I'm going to return to using 1.11.2 until it gets a little more predictable.

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Does make you wonder if 1.12.1 is worth the trouble. (next is a general statement and not directed at anybody) "Fools rush in where angels and savy game players, fear to tread."

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KUMA Exploration missions.... getting the professor on board. 

Professor Crisbin Kerman is delivered to the submarine waiting in the harbour by the amphibious AquaCat (brain child of @ColdJ )

The AquaCat is stored in a hanger and can be used to transport personnel around the base and to ships waiting in the harbour, When there mission is done the base kart can be returned to the hanger until the next time it is needed.

This is a strategy for handling KUMA Exploration missions it will not be added to the mod itself.  


  • You would have to make sure the Naval Air Stations, Cost Guard Bases and Dusty Island had hanger facilities configured in Kerbal Konstructs
  • It's helpful to add module SAS to the AquaCat part to assist with control when there is no driver.   Either the base config or a MM patch will do.
    • AquaCat can be found in the first thread (it also makes an excellent Star Wars pod racer too... second thread :) )



Add the Coast Guard Variant to  Aquacat.cfg  existing variants

            name = CoastGuard
            displayName = Coast Guard
            themeName = CoastGuard
            primaryColor = #ffffff
            secondaryColor = #1874cd

                materialName = Moonbuggy_textures
                mainTextureURL = MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/Moonbuggy_texturesCG
                shader=KSP/Emissive Specular
                materialName = Moonbuggy_lamps
                mainTextureURL = MT-Eagle/Parts/Rover/Moonbuggy_lamps
                shader=KSP/Emissive Specular


And copy new variant texture. Save as Moonbuggy_texturesCG.png



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Very cool indeed.

This is the module to add to get full Drone SAS support.


        name = ModuleSAS
        SASServiceLevel = 3

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Sailing Advisory:

On a couple of occasions I've run across an issue where when when one of my active vessels gets within 2.5km of an inactive vessels in a "port" and presumably "splashed down" KSP for some reason determines that the ship is "on rails"  and then proceeds with the destruction of the vessel due to atmospheric pressure issues. Doesn't seem to happen with aircraft or rovers on the ground, just on water.

So my new rule of thumb is to have everything prepared in port on the ground before the naval vessel arrives there for a mission. Less frustration and needless loss of good Kerbals. :sad:


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Current Status:

If you use Bon Voyage to maneuver your naval vessels around please note that in the Deepsea Salvage missions if you navigate directly to the missing aircraft waypoint when you switch to your naval vessel it will likely collide with the aircraft wreck on the surface causing serious damage to your craft. Best to navigate withing a couple of km from the the way-point and approach in normal physics. Due to the inability to determine the precise depth of a location in the contract setup, the missing aircraft is spawned on the surface rather than below sea level.  This also causes issues with the Coast Guard ship rescue missions in v1.0.2 of the contract pack.   

  • This only effects players who use Bon Voyage.
  • I've added some code to offset the search area waypoints so that they are not directly on top of the spawned wrecks. They now appear within 200-300 meters of the wrecked vessel. 
  • Available on GitHub: v1.0.3-RC3   
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Version v1.0.3 for Kerbal Space Program 1.11.2 Released on 2021-08-03 now on SpaceDock


  • Issue #9 Dive Site 7 - Sunken Avalon Ruins throws Exception and will not load - RC1
  • Issue #10 Coast Guard Patrol mission - "Stay at Sea" parameter fails when using Bon Voyage for naval Travel - RC2
  • Issue #11 Deepsea Salvage mission. Vessels controlled by Bon Voyage collide with wrecks at crash site. - RC3
  • Issue #12 Salvage1 has incorrect Requirement conditions. Continually repeats - game breaking

KSP support reverted to version 1.11.2. The mod will work in 1.12.x, however some Kerbal Konstructs features do not work correctly and cannot be corrected until that mod is upgraded support KSP 1.12.x

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Current Status:

  • Issue 14  Salvage missions - Occasionally survivors are missing from sunken aircraft
    • Under investigation.
    • In current form when this occurs the mission cannot be completed. Players could perform the salvage operation and then use the debug menu to complete the active salvage contract.
    • If this is a combination KSP/Contract Configurator bug the contracts could be re-written to have the survivor recovery parameter as optional so as to allow the mission to complete.
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Current Status:

  •   Issue 14  Salvage missions
    • The current spawn kerbals to be rescued is completely hit or miss. So a rewrite is underway
    • Kerbals to be rescued will be spawned in the water like any other rescue missions around the wreck location.
    • The wrecks will still sink and have a block box in stock inventory.
    • Requirements will be:
      • rescue all kerbals (required)
      • Recover black box at port (optional with reward)
      • Recover wreck of missing aircraft at port (optional with reward)
    • Recovery vessels will need to have seating for crew and 2, 4, or 8 additional kerbals
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Version v1.04 for Kerbal Space Program 1.11.2 Released on 2021-08-18 - Now on Spacedock


  • Issue #13 Misnamed vessel key definition names in Coast Guard missions cause Contract Configurator errors
  • Issue #14 Salvage missions - Occasionally survivors are missing from sunken aircraft - prevents missions completing.
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9 hours ago, Beetlecat said:

The AquaCat rover is killing me. It'll be the first thing I find to install when my KSP focus returns. :D

Remember you will need the parts pack here.

https://spacedock.info/mod/1373/Space 1999 Eagle Transporter 3 Pack

The configs from my thread here.

And don't forget in my thread to get the wheel config for 1.12.1 so that they work right in it. Otherwise they do really weird things.

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20 hours ago, Caerfinon said:

Version v1.04

So... bugs beget bugs. The optional parameters in the salvage missions inadvertently are set to "complete in sequence" which makes them "not" optional, as the mission cannot complete unless you do them both. Fix is in the works.

v1.0.4 we hardly knew ye.

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Related Side Project:  Panocean Canal


What started as a proof of concept side project on my vacation has become a thing. While related to "The Life Aquatic" it is not really part of it. Just a minor flight of fancy.

I've made the Kerbal Konstruct configuration files available on GitHub here: Panocean Canal v1.0.0. Also available on SpaceDock and CKAN

Edited by Caerfinon
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