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[1.12.x] ANGLECAN Progression 1.7 and ANGLECAN Progression Plus 1.7


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ANGLECAN Progression 1.7
Download from Spacedock

Requires Module Manager (not included).

Licence  is CC-BY-NC-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

This mod is designed for Career Mode.  Designed to make it more like Science Mode, but with building upgrades, and kerbal hiring costs.

It removes all contracts, apart from World Firsts Progression contracts.  World Firsts still give you all the funds, science, rep that they normally give, but that is all you will EVER get!


Also ANGLECAN Progression Plus 1.7
Download from Spacedock

Requires ANGLECAN Progression and Module Manager (not included).

Licence  is CC-BY-NC-SA http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/

Adds in Fuel Costs back in!  This makes searching out the World Firsts a Funds limited experience.  Efficient craft all round!


Who might like to use this mod?

  • People who dislike contracts, yet want to have the option of upgradeable facilities not possible in Science Mode.

What does it do?

  • Removes all contracts except World Firsts.
  • Removes all part costs (including fairings). 
  • Removes all resource costs (except Ore).
  • This means all flights are free, without cost, not for fuel or anything! (Unless Progression Plus is installed!)

What does this mean?

  • It'll take a trip to orbit to receive enough World First Funds to unlock the Mission Control, and Tracking Station for node planning.  A trip around the Mun will unlock Funds to upgrade other facilities.  Unlocking all facilities will most probably take a trip to Duna, Eve etc.
  • Hiring kerbals still costs Funds.  You'll need to get other places if you kill your kerbals off as there are no free kerbals from rescue contracts.  As per normal gameplay, kerbals hireage costs increase with every hire!

What can I do to get Moar Funds?

  • Go to Mission Control and actually accept the World First Contracts.  This will net you Moar Funds for that World First.
  • Strategies to convert Science/Rep to Funds (obviously only from those World Firsts).
  • Introducing OreEconomics.  Ore is the only resource that costs.  And the cost has been increased 5000% to 100 Funds per unit.  Expensive if you want it from the VAB or SPH!  Go to the Mun, or Minmus, or an Asteroid, mine it, return to Kerbin and recover the Ore container.  Moar profit the closer you are to the KSC!  Of course you'll need to get the science first to unlock the Tech Tree to get the parts in order to mine the Ore.

What other options?  This is still too easy, unlocking the TechTree on half a dozen launches to Mun and Minmus as the World Firsts are still too juicy.

  • Play on hard mode and reduce Funds, Science et al. to 60%, or less!
  • Use ANGLECAN Progression Plus
  • Increasing Penalties in the game settings makes building upgrades and kerbals moar expensive!
  • Play a different TechTree?

OreEconomics and Mod Compatability

  • The in-game canon reason for Ore being so expensive?  It is no longer available on Kerbin (with your available drills).  You can't sit on the launchpad, or the Shore, or Grasslands, or anywhere to mine Ore for instant recovery and Funds.
  • With The Gold Standard mod, Ore is reduced to 5 Funds per unit as The Gold Standard has Gold, GoldOre, and Unobtanium located around the solar system for you to mine and return to kerbin for Funds.
  • With Simplex Resources, RareOre is more valuable, NaturalOre less so, but you could mine both for profit.
  • With Kerbalism (not required) reliability upgrades cost nothing.

What will come next?

  • Pretty much done.  Happy to take suggestions.

ANGLECAN Progression Plus

  • This addon mod adds fuel costs.  LiquidFuel, Oxidizer, SolidFuel, MonoPropellant, Xenon.  Also for some SIMPLEX Resources, and Kerbalism Simplex.
  • You will want to limit rocket launches and make them more efficient so that you can get to mining Ores.


Not compatible, in keeping with the spirit of this mod

Contract Configurator and various Contract Packs - I mean, probably not, but I thought you didn't want contracts?

Thanks to @Gotmachine for assistance with B9PartSwitch shenanigans.


Edited by theJesuit
1.7 update
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For  my own reference to add in later in the next update (1.1):

// For the OreEconomics file
	{ 	@cost = 5

	{	ResourceName = Ore
		ResourceType = 0
		PlanetName = Kerbin

		{	PresenceChance = 0
			MinAbundance = 0
			MaxAbundance = 0
			Variance = 0
			Dispersal = 0

Lol.  @zer0Kerbal we came up with the same unit cost of 50 Funds for minable Ore or Gold Ore.  So funny.

If Gold Standard is installed, then the price of Ore will drop to 5 Funds per unit.

Looks like this will be an easy drop in. and could work right now if people wanted.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi Jesuit!

A mod straight from a heaven indeed!!!

Just one question: Is it possible to preserve tourists contracts also?

I just want more Kerbals in space, on planets, more populated ships, etc...

Great mod anyway - I am enjoying it even more with SIMPLEX TechTree - thank you for that mod as well  :)

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  • 2 months later...

I haven't played KSP in a couple of years (was waiting for the final version) and wow have you been busy @theJesuit! I've always felt aligned with your game mechanics philosophy, and am thinking of doing a playthrough with this mod and the kerbalism Simplex mod- my question is which of your tech tree mods would fit these mods best?

Edited by Waxing_Kibbous
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  On 11/1/2021 at 10:28 AM, jirkacihelna said:

Hi Jesuit!

A mod straight from a heaven indeed!!!

Just one question: Is it possible to preserve tourists contracts also?

I just want more Kerbals in space, on planets, more populated ships, etc...

Great mod anyway - I am enjoying it even more with SIMPLEX TechTree - thank you for that mod as well  :)


Hi!  Sorry for taking a while to get back to you.

Preserve tourist contracts by using a text editor the file that removes them.  

Or look for Simplex Colonies updating soon :)

  On 1/16/2022 at 10:51 PM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

I haven't played KSP in a couple of years (was waiting for the final version) and wow have you been busy @theJesuit! I've always felt aligned with your game mechanics philosophy, and am thinking of doing a playthrough with this mod and the kerbalism Simplex mod- my question is which of your tech tree mods would fit these mods best?


If you arent using too many part mods then Simplex TechTree.  Simplex Kerbalism plus ReStock Plus and you fill all the Simplex  Tech Tree nodes

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
  On 2/14/2022 at 1:07 AM, Kwebib said:

Is there somewhere in the game data where you can see what all the progression milestones are?


It's been a long time getting back to you.  I'm not sure, but someone did post once-upon-a-timethag world firsts only went to Duna, Eve and their moons but didn't extend further.  So the usual flyby, orbit, dock, transfer, land, etc only works to a certain point.

Many moons later I'm updated all my mods.  For this i want to put in an optional config that makes fuels cost money still, possibly also other consumables for life support.  This would really push the engineering designs together with flight efficiency, and the ISRU.

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So... I'm doing some quite creative and different.  I'm  going to realease an addon compainion mod.  If Contract Configurator is installed then there will be an icon for each planet with sub icons.  World First style contracts will unlock these independant nodes to show progress for the game.  Currently it will be orbit and flag planting (if applicable). Gas planets will be Orbital and Flighing High or something else. These icons will be to the left of the Start and will be a way of showing off how much you have complete.  Encourages Flags and Footprints everywhere.

I'm think too that i could have flyby, orbital, landing, flag.  Its a thought/work in progress.

It should also be mod agnostic so you dont need AngleCan Progression, and it will be compatable with my techtree mods and stock/ctt.  Compatable with OPM, JNSQ and possibly KSRSS.

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An update for the upcoming AngleCan Progression Contracts.

I'll be supporting Stock, OPM, JNSQ and KSRSS.  The Stock TechTree and all my TechTrees will be supported.

Icon placement will be to the upper left of the Start Tech Node, with planets starting at the top and coming down the left side of the screen.  Any moons will come out the right towards the Start Tech Node.

The Contract Configurator works like a charm to unlock the nodes at the right time.

Each planet/moon will have its icon unlock when you reach orbit.  There are two additonal sub nodes for landing and flag planting.  You obviously need to send a kerbal to do the flag!

Another obvious issue for these are gas planets and kebrin iteslf.  For gas planets, the two sub nodes for crew orbit and entering  the atmosphere.  Kerbin's two extra nodes are for crewed orbjt and then return to surface.

There is a mild clash with modular launchpad icons? I'm considering how I might best support this, probably by patching its nodes to move.

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Hi everyone.

With the unitial release of Progression Contracts, a think a name change may be in order for it. 

ANGLECAN Progression Tree may be better as it reflects better what the intention behind it. 

Next release Soon...

For JNSQ.  Just needs testing

Then OPM and KSRSS.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Found a 'bug' which is that stock variants can potentially change costs of parts resulting in the structural cylinders of restock plus creating negative funds.  This fix will be in the next release.

Also with Simplex Ores HydrateOre and Saturate will cost funds.  Not much.

There will be an option extra as well for fuel to cost.  I'm trying to get a good balance.  Ideally it won't be detrimental to the concept of not needing contracts.  No parts will have a cost, but it means you won't be wanting  to spam craft or making massively inefficient rockets - trying to maximise payloads.  I might even make this config part of AngleCan Part Tweaks.  

What I'm wondering is whether to make Oxidizer cost.  I'm thinking not.  But liquidfuel might be something like 2funds per unit.  MonoProp  and SolidFuel would be 1funds per unit. Or maybe Ox at 1, MP and SF at 2, and LF at 3.  Xenon would be at 1.

With Kerbalism Simplex, Air, BadAir would cost or at 1.  Consumables would be quite expensive though.  1000 per days worth/unit.  OrganicSlurry at 50 per day.   Gives greenhouses a purpose and makes you want to use them.  It would mean using greenhouses to literally farm funds.  But also wanting to grow excess food in space at stations for your long haul flights.

The resource cost could be an additional download like a Progression Plus.

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So, yes to AngleCan Progression Plus being a separate release.  Still haven't had a chance to check balance on the cost of fuel and oxidizers.  Air and Consumables now cost 10 and 40 funds each.  BadAir and Organic Slurry cost nothing.

I've realised that Kerbalism adds costs into various things such as science and data upgrades, and even reliability.  The reliability costs are coded as a percentage of the cost of the part.  But this includes any resources, so 1000 funds of resources adds into the cost of the upgrade!  Next release will sort that as with Progression Plus this is an issue.  So it'll remove also any reliability upgrade costs (funds, not the mass increase).  The hard drive and science capacity upgrades through will stay.  For science experiments that are configurable such as in the lab, these costs will remain as well.  But science experiments that are not configurable will stay at cost none.  The greenhouses have taken a wee bit of configuring though.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone,

Updated this mod.  Found a unique scenario when, if in Kerbalism a drill is able to be configured, AND has the ability to store different resources within in it, then the part could end up with negative Funds  at launch, so paying you to launch.


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I've been working my way slowly on a playthrough using JNSQ and all the Simplex and AngleCan mods.  Having progressed further than ever, I'm finding the need to tweak a few things here and therem hence a few smallish updates recently.   

I do have another balance update in the works for this mod.  It is to increase the cost of the Ores by doubling it. The reason is that with JNSQ, getting RareOre back for Profit! From Minmus is rather tricky in a cost benefit with Progression Plus and the cost of Fuel to get them there.  So, doubling the cost back seemed to be the right move.  For more stockish setups it means not having to grind as much to get the funds to upgrade the expensive parts of the KSC!

Also, I hadn't really appreciated how amazing heavy RareOre is. This ain't a big problem, except trying to get a full RareOre  Container back.  After a number of configurations I've decided to up the crash tolerance to 21 by multiplying by 3. That should mean that you don't need to spam parachutes.

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  On 5/12/2024 at 2:45 PM, Cruesoe said:

Might be time to fire up another play through myself. 

Time to dust off KSP and take another trip around the solar system.

If, dear @theJesuit, you wouldn't mind sharing your mod list. I feel like jumping back in.



  • 000_ClickThroughBlocker
  • 000_Harmony
  • 001_ToolbarControl
  • 001_CommunityPartsTitles
  • AngleCanMods
    - ANGLECANAchievementTree
    - ANGLECANPartTweaks
    - ANGLECANProgression
    - ANGLECANProgressionPlus
    - Flags*
    - QUARTIXTechTree

    - SIMPLEXAssembly
    - SIMPLEXColonies
    - SIMPLEXPropulsion
    - SIMPLEXResources
  • B9 Part Switch
  • BahaEPL
  • ContractConfigurator
  • EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements
  • EVATransfer
  • ExtraplanetaryLaunchpads
  • HullCameraVDS
  • JNSQ
  • JX2Antenna
  • KerbalConstructionTime
  • KerbalEngineer
  • Kerbalism
  • KerbalismSimplex
  • KerbthulhuKineticsProgram
  • KeridianDynamics
  • KHSK
  • Kopernicus
  • kOS
  • Kronometer
  • KSPCommunityFixes
  • MacLuky**
  • MagiCore
  • ManeuverNodeSplitter
  • ModuleFlightIntegrator
  • MoldaviteMachines
  • NearFutureProps
  • PreciseManeuver
  • ReStock
  • ReStockPlus
  • SquadExpansion
  • StationPartsExpansionRedux***
  • TriggerTech
  • WaterDrinker

Just a small number of mods really.  Very stock-a-like.

* The Flags folder are my own personal flags that are like my profile pic.

** I only use the 2 seater version

** I actually only have this for one of the inflatable rational habs that I use instead of the kerbalism one.  I deleted all other assets in SSPXR.  Sorry Nertea!

What is missing is Moar Kerbals to give the Colonies some functionality.

I play on 50% Science, 100% Funds, 100% Rep.  Kerbalism I have reduced number of solar flare events and tweaked down the breakdowns affecting one sort as I lost almost all SAS modules across 90% of my 50 or so craft in the space of 40 days. 

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