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[KSP >= 1.3.1] Distant Object Enhancement (DOE) /L - Under new Management - - 2024-0803


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16 hours ago, Tomahol1 said:

Hi, I've encountered a weird graphical bug that I've not seen mentioned elsewhere. Object flares are only appearing at the very edge of the screen on the left and right, but aren't there otherwise. I can still mouse over and see the nametags appear, but there aren't any flares where they should be unless I rotate the field of view until they're at the edges of my screen. Once they pop in, they behave normally and respond to changing settings. If I disable skybox dimming, they stop appearing altogether. I'm running a bunch of other mods that I've been slowly adding to the game, unfortunately I didn't notice when this started happening so I can't pinpoint which mods might have conflicted with it, but I've had DOE on from the start and this didn't always happen.

Editing to add - looking at it again and I've noticed that there seems to be a radial threshold where the flares are popping in. Outside of a certain radius, the flares are appearing as normal, but at the radius they are cut off and aren't seen inside. Screenshot here shows a flare clipping this radius.

On a wild guess, perhaps Planet Shine? I'm guessing that they had to do something similar as what DOE does in order to achieve the effect, and so we can be seeing both add'ons trying to do similar things and clashing on each other.

Can you check if by removing Planet Shine the problem goes away? Or perhaps making a full duplicate of your KSP and, on the duplicate, starting remove things until you detect the point in which the problem is not there?

That would help me a lot, as I would , so, use my (unfortunately scarce) time on trying to figure out what's happening instead of doing the search myself...


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8 hours ago, Lisias said:

On a wild guess, perhaps Planet Shine? I'm guessing that they had to do something similar as what DOE does in order to achieve the effect, and so we can be seeing both add'ons trying to do similar things and clashing on each other.

Can you check if by removing Planet Shine the problem goes away? Or perhaps making a full duplicate of your KSP and, on the duplicate, starting remove things until you detect the point in which the problem is not there?

Thanks for getting back! I've discovered more nuance to this than I first realised, because if I load a spacecraft, then the glitch is there, but once I enter map mode and exit for the first time since loading in, the glitch vanishes and works completely normally.

Developments aside, I've removed Planetshine in a duplicate of my KSP directory, but the issue still seems to be there (at least until I've entered map mode at least once).


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3 hours ago, Tomahol1 said:

Thanks for getting back! I've discovered more nuance to this than I first realised, because if I load a spacecraft, then the glitch is there, but once I enter map mode and exit for the first time since loading in, the glitch vanishes and works completely normally.

Humm… Interesting. Please reproduce the problem and post the KSP.log (after quitting KSP, so avoid truncating the file) here using dropbox or something - you may had found something after all.

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Google drive link to the KSP.log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12l8RDU-JyNQUX882pcm1YPf68uhEYB8g/view?usp=sharing

I loaded into a save file and loaded into a craft, then went back to the KSC screen to put debug mode on DOE. Then loaded back to a craft, verified the bug was present, opened and closed the map, and verified it had fixed itself.

I'm away for a few days from today but if you need anything else I'll make sure to check when I get back.


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9 hours ago, Tomahol1 said:

Google drive link to the KSP.log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/12l8RDU-JyNQUX882pcm1YPf68uhEYB8g/view?usp=sharing

I loaded into a save file and loaded into a craft, then went back to the KSC screen to put debug mode on DOE. Then loaded back to a craft, verified the bug was present, opened and closed the map, and verified it had fixed itself.

I didn't found any exceptions related to DOE, but I found some ones on critical stages of the game that may be related. But, granted, they may not.

In a way or another, I'm listing them here so when I find time to try this issue I will remember what to look

[LOG 11:01:43.844] [Parallax] DidntReadInstallationInstructionsException: Parallax is not supported on this version of KSP.

Parallax doesn't works on 1.12.3  - or at least it's what the message above is saying.


[LOG 11:05:10.950] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From MAINMENU to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[WRN 11:05:11.146] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Tekto'
[WRN 11:05:11.152] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Thatmo'
[WRN 11:05:11.157] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Polta'
[WRN 11:05:11.163] Cannot find preset 'Default' for pqs 'Slate'
[EXC 11:05:11.552] NullReferenceException
        scatterer.SkySphereContainer.Cleanup () (at <cfffef0e458b4b3d87698d7c7f3ab260>:0)
        scatterer.SkyNode.Cleanup () (at <cfffef0e458b4b3d87698d7c7f3ab260>:0)
        scatterer.ProlandManager.OnDestroy () (at <cfffef0e458b4b3d87698d7c7f3ab260>:0)
        scatterer.ScattererCelestialBodiesManager.Cleanup () (at <cfffef0e458b4b3d87698d7c7f3ab260>:0)
        scatterer.Scatterer.OnDestroy () (at <cfffef0e458b4b3d87698d7c7f3ab260>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Scatterer is also throwing an Exception while entering the Space Center. This may (or may not) abort the initialisation thread, leaving some unfinished business behind. DOE's initialisation could be one of these unfinished business.


[LOG 11:06:20.546] [Waterfall][ShaderLoader]: Getting shader Waterfall/Additive Directional
[EXC 11:06:20.570] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        Atmosphere.CloudsPQS+<DelayedCheckForSphereInactive>d__28.MoveNext () (at <344479ccb68743409608815de7dc27b3>:0)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

Your log is littered with this exception. I don't think this is related to the problem at hands, but I think that Waterfall may be inducing this Atmosphere.CloudsPQS thingy to bork (and since it's not officially supported on 1.12.3, this may be the reason?)


[LOG 11:06:56.760] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to SPACECENTER (Async) =====================
[EXC 11:06:57.100] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        Parallax.ParallaxInFlightOperations.Update () (at <cb0720cb81c84273b2cb8a73f9c5d3d9>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)
[LOG 11:06:57.108] [Trajectories] Saving settings

Another exception from Parallax on a critical section (same thing as above).


[LOG 11:08:10.570] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to MAINMENU =====================
[EXC 11:08:10.572] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        Parallax.ParallaxInFlightOperations.Update () (at <cb0720cb81c84273b2cb8a73f9c5d3d9>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

And yet another one.


it's worth to mention that changing scenes to TrackStation and from TrackStation to Flight doen't have Exceptions logged, so this may be an evidence that the problem may be, indeed, Parallax - as the DOE's problem happens on scene changes in which Parallax throws Exceptions.

It may be an coincidente, tough. But it worths the shot: when possible, remove Parallax and check if the problem goes away.

Edited by Lisias
Better phrasing
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  • 1 month later...

Hi, im a great supporter of this mod! Ive used it my whole time playing rss ro (express install with a few individual mods that all say are compatible) and use it primarily for the mouseover planet feature. However, as of recently I've discovered some type of bug or issue im experiencing. When mousing over a planet flare no name pops up... but when i mouse over the planet flare to the right by quite a bit the name shows up but blinking like a glitch and sometimes no matter where i point it doesnt work. ive messed with all settings trying to fix. Ive reinstalled and that didnt work either. for all i know this could be a known bug but idk. Oh btw i download via ckan and everything is fully up to date.

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4 hours ago, TheGamingAnt said:

Hi, im a great supporter of this mod! Ive used it my whole time playing rss ro (express install with a few individual mods that all say are compatible) and use it primarily for the mouseover planet feature. However, as of recently I've discovered some type of bug or issue im experiencing. When mousing over a planet flare no name pops up... but when i mouse over the planet flare to the right by quite a bit the name shows up but blinking like a glitch and sometimes no matter where i point it doesnt work. ive messed with all settings trying to fix. Ive reinstalled and that didnt work either. for all i know this could be a known bug but idk. Oh btw i download via ckan and everything is fully up to date.

It looks like some interference with a 3rd party add'on.

Send me the full KSP.log (quit KSP before copying it to avoid truncating it) after reproducing the issue at least once (in any game mode) so I can give it a peek.

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Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • A memory leak was detected and fixed.
  • Updates KSPe.Light to fix a borderline situation related to the unreparse stunt.

I think that memory leak can explains the behaviour described by @TheGamingAnt - I didn't managed to reproduce the problem on  my machine, but while inspecting the code for possible causes I found that memory leak.

With a bit of luck, this will also solve the problem describe by @Tomahol1above.

@R-T-B, I didn't managed to work on your issue yet, but I will soon. Sorry!

No screenshots this time, I'm in hurry. Again™…  :P 

See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

Being a bug fix release, I rushed everything at once.

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11 hours ago, AmanitaVerna said:

Kopernicus hasn't used the watchdog hack since release 98 on June 3 (they came up with a better method of solving the problem), so you may not even need to.

Truth.  It's still not a bad idea, but no longer needed.

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Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • Bug hunting release.
  • Closes issues:
    • #16 Update KSPe.Light for KSPe
    • #15 When switching to the MAP, the skybox keeps the current DOE’s state!
    • #10 Prevent the body label on mouseover to be activated when there’s something between…
    • #8 Labels on ALT+RMB are being drawn twice…

As one will note, I'm trying to get rid of all existing bugs before starting development of new bu, uh, features. :)

However, I didn't managed to close #2 on this iteration. Initially I tried to shove the bodies' flares on layer 8 (one layer behind the atmosphere), and it initially worked! The flares weren't being drawn over the atmosphere anymore - but they weren't being drawn over their planets neither (the planets were occluding their flares!), as these are drawn on a higher layer (10, I think). I naively tried to cast a ray from the flare's body to the infinite and check if it collides with an atmosphere - what didn't worked, not sure why yet… :P

I'm probably making some confusion about z-buffers and layers. I will check about this another day.

As becoming usual, no screenshots this time, I'm in hurry. Again™…  :P 

See OP for the links.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

I'm a bit worried about performance, I think I'm casting too many rays. On my MacCrap I didn't noticed any performance loss - but, frankly, one can't loose what it doesn't have. :P 

I would like feedback about any performance differences between and before releasing this on CurseForge and SpaceDock. [ No performance issues were reported on field! #hurray!!]

Edited by Lisias
All your Distribution Channels are belong to us!
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Greetings! It looks like the title in CKAN and SpaceDock has /L added to the the of it now. Is this intended?



I'm curious if something's going on with netkan :/ 

Edited by HafCoJoe
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12 hours ago, HafCoJoe said:

Greetings! It looks like the title in CKAN and SpaceDock has /L added to the the of it now. Is this intended?



I'm curious if something's going on with netkan :/ 

Yes, it's intended. It's to differentiate the epoch in which I become DOE's maintainer from the ones from DarkBadger. Everybody and the kitchen's sink are used to use that SpaceDock link for DOE, so we choose to keep it as it is. But we need somehow to mark the new stewardship and adding "/L" looked as the less intrusive and yet clear indication that these releases are now under my shoulders!


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Gotcha, apologies on that then—I thought the /L was a typo at first. It seems strange that you'd need to have your initial in the title to mark new ownership — your name is in the op as the current maintainer, and it's in the Ckan 'author' field, no? No other maintainers have done this to my recollection, like PlanetShine, or EVE, etc. DOE is unique in that

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5 hours ago, HafCoJoe said:

Gotcha, apologies on that then—I thought the /L was a typo at first. It seems strange that you'd need to have your initial in the title to mark new ownership — your name is in the op as the current maintainer, and it's in the Ckan 'author' field, no? No other maintainers have done this to my recollection, like PlanetShine, or EVE, etc. DOE is unique in that

I think that we already have enough of "Continued", "Recontinued", et all postfixes on the Scene - who is the guy maintaining these?

/L made it simple. DOE /L is Distant Object Enhancement under Lisias' Management - no further questions (por postfixes) needed. ;) 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @Lisias thanks for taking this on.

A while ago, probably a couple threads (and maintainers?) back, I made a minor feature request for a means to force the labels to stay visible at all times. A toggle of some sort that emulates the key combination that shows them when held.

Is this possible? Thanks.

Edited by Moose
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2 minutes ago, Moose said:

Hey @Lisias thanks for taking this on.

A while ago, probably a couple threads (and maintainers?) back, I made a minor feature request for a means to force the labels to stay visible at all times. A toggle of some sort that emulates the key combination that shows them when held.

Is this possible? Thanks.

Yes, it is - this last release paved the way for new features related to this.

In fact, I have a similar request already scheduled : https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/issues/9 , and once this one is implemented, yours will be trivial! And now it's scheduled too : https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/DistantObject/issues/22

As a matter of fact, I will have more trouble cooking up a options menu for these two features than implementing your suggestion (onde #9 is done, of course).

The milestone is the next one to be worked out, and besides I'm not being able to give you a deadline (that would be overrun anyway, as deadlines always do on KSP! :sticktongue:), I can tell you I will work on it as soon as Real Life allows. It's the third on my queue list (after the next releases of HLA and TweakScale)

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4 hours ago, Lisias said:

The milestone is the next one to be worked out, and besides I'm not being able to give you a deadline (that would be overrun anyway, as deadlines always do on KSP! :sticktongue:), I can tell you I will work on it as soon as Real Life allows. It's the third on my queue list (after the next releases of HLA and TweakScale)

Oh don't be silly - I work in software.  Just like no plan survives the battlefield, no deadline survives the release cycle ;)  - I'd have made a request on GitHub but I figured if I posted it here, more people would see it (and perhaps prevent request spam?)

As for UI, remember KISS and if in doubt, throw a checkbox on the old one! :P 

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1 hour ago, Rutabaga22 said:

When will restock support happen? I'd really love to use this mod, but can't 'till restock is supported. Sorry for "Poking the bear" I was just wondering

On Milesto , I will dedicate this one to support parts still not supported on Stock, and to reevaluate ReStock to see what they changed on it and implement.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/2/2022 at 4:09 PM, AntiMatter001 said:

moved from AVPs thread

getting a werid "stary space" thing going on in my skybox...

dunno what's causing it or why. any help is appreciated

EDIT: fixed it by removing AVPs skybox it implemented.

Alternatively, you can deactivate the DOE's SkyBox Dimmer! It's called "SkyBox Dimming" on the DOE's Setting window.


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