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I am not sure if anyone else caught this, but in Ep. 4 one of the devs says Glumo has, "shepard moons". If you don't believe me, watch it again. So this confirms that besides Merbel, their are other moons. Maybe skoot (I theorize it is in the kerbolar system, but it could be a shepard moon). 

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It would be strange for gas giant to have only one moon. Just look at our solar system. Even if they stop at 3 or 4 (so there's no repetitiveness like "this moon is flat and made of ice") that still means plenty of hours of game time.

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47 minutes ago, PlutoISaPlanet said:

I am not sure if anyone else caught this, but in Ep. 4 one of the devs says Glumo has, "shepard moons". If you don't believe me, watch it again. So this confirms that besides Merbel, their are other moons. Maybe skoot (I theorize it is in the kerbolar system, but it could be a shepard moon). 

Like @The AzizSaid it would be just weird if there wasn't more than one moon, heck I'd say, looking at Saturn (Glumo's IRL counterpart) and Jool's system that it probably has a few large ones outside of Merbel, a Titan or Iapetus analogue would be interesting since Merbel seems to be a combo of Mimas and Enceladus.

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21 hours ago, PlutoISaPlanet said:

skoot (I theorize it is in the kerbolar system, but it could be a shepard moon). 

Also forgot to mention, the dev's said they weren't changing the stock system in terms of layout and only revamping things.

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1 hour ago, Minmus Taster said:

Also forgot to mention, the dev's said they weren't changing the stock system in terms of layout and only revamping things.

That is the only rench in my theory. But remember the tutorial clip showing an undiscovered celestial object orbitng kerbol (sun)? Not saying I am right. . .


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On 11/8/2021 at 1:04 PM, Minmus Taster said:

Also forgot to mention, the dev's said they weren't changing the stock system in terms of layout and only revamping things.

Which is a shame... KSP, an dI fear KSP2, may be really lacking in showcasing outer solar systems.

Give me the kuiper belt objects, give me Eris and Senda analogues, give me the Oort cloud, give me an analogue to a hyopthetical planet IX


All these things require going a lot father than Jupiter (and by analogy, Jool), and yet not nearly as far as interstellar travel.

Its weird if we get interstellar travel, but then within systems, we only travel around what is essentially the inner solar system.

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1 hour ago, KerikBalm said:

Which is a shame... KSP, an dI fear KSP2, may be really lacking in showcasing outer solar systems.

Give me the kuiper belt objects, give me Eris and Senda analogues, give me the Oort cloud, give me an analogue to a hyopthetical planet IX


All these things require going a lot father than Jupiter (and by analogy, Jool), and yet not nearly as far as interstellar travel.

Its weird if we get interstellar travel, but then within systems, we only travel around what is essentially the inner solar system.

Agree here, having some kuiper belt objects would give us an step between the old planets and interstellar. 

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1 hour ago, KerikBalm said:

Which is a shame... KSP, an dI fear KSP2, may be really lacking in showcasing outer solar systems.

Give me the kuiper belt objects, give me Eris and Senda analogues, give me the Oort cloud, give me an analogue to a hyopthetical planet IX


All these things require going a lot father than Jupiter (and by analogy, Jool), and yet not nearly as far as interstellar travel.

Its weird if we get interstellar travel, but then within systems, we only travel around what is essentially the inner solar system.

I know you have been following KSP2 from the beginning and you should know the reasoning behind Intercept not changing the Kerbol system. Just in case you might have forgotten, the Kerbol system is the easy starting system for new players and familiar ground for veterans to get their bearings. That's the reason the Kerbol system isn't changing.

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22 hours ago, shdwlrd said:

the Kerbol system is the easy starting system for new players and familiar ground for veterans to get their bearings.

It seems to me adding an outer solar system would not detract from any of that.

Adding an outer solar system (includier kuiper belt like objects, even oort cloud like objects) would add a comparatively easy stepping stone towards interstellar travel.

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On 11/8/2021 at 11:04 PM, Minmus Taster said:

Also forgot to mention, the dev's said they weren't changing the stock system in terms of layout and only revamping things.

I choose to believe they are using an incredibly loose definition of revamp.

So a player with experience could rebuild a craft they know, launch, set sail for a destination in the system and get there to find a new moon and it would still fit the objective of helping player use the skills they have but still offering fresh content. It's Revamped, some additions*

*That said I am Architect and we can bulldoze all but the street facing wall and still call it an alteration.  

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11 hours ago, KerikBalm said:

It seems to me adding an outer solar system would not detract from any of that.

Adding an outer solar system (includier kuiper belt like objects, even oort cloud like objects) would add a comparatively easy stepping stone towards interstellar travel.

But that is changing the star system. Only an art update for the Kerbin system. Are you going to make me find the specific interview where Nate flat out says no additions or changes to the Kerbol system, only art and asset updates.

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5 hours ago, shdwlrd said:

Are you going to make me find the specific interview where Nate flat out says no additions or changes to the Kerbol system, only art and asset updates.

No, I am not disagreeing with your assessment o what they are doing.

I am disagreeing with Nate's decision.

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So, as a sort of compromise, does the kerbolar system really have to have an outer solar system? I’m assuming that the reason you want an outer solar system is that it provides something within the home system that is between what we currently see and interstellar. But the kerbolar home system is meant to be a simple short experience, and even if another home system had rings, it wouldn’t be fun because you would already have interstellar travel by then. 

So, why not give different types of players different experiences by changing home planets? We’ve already heard that they have an implementation for multiple KSCs which probably means the code can handle them being on any planet. The logistics side of the code is rather small, although tweaking progression might be a hassle. I for one would love to see a play through starting on Ovin, where even getting to orbit is a major challenge, and returning spacecraft safely is an impossibility in the early game. This post sort of feels like a suggestion now, but it’s not really final, so I’ll leave it in this discussion. 

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54 minutes ago, Pthigrivi said:

It's the spirit of the thing that matters. Anyway it's a new game. If it makes it better to add planets, axial tilts, tweak atmospheres, topography, go ahead. 

Off topic:

Well, it's more of the platform that matters to me.

Axial tilts, more optimization, thrusting "on rails", etc + modability are what matters to me.

You know that someone is going to make an OPM mode for KSP2.

It would be nice if mods only add to good assets, and won't be needed to remove bad assets... but as long as the platform is solid and modable, it should be good.

So far, no objections to Glumo, no apparent need mod it.

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On 11/11/2021 at 12:52 PM, shdwlrd said:

But that is changing the star system. Only an art update for the Kerbin system. Are you going to make me find the specific interview where Nate flat out says no additions or changes to the Kerbol system, only art and asset updates.

I'd like to see that quote as I don't think it exists as cleanly as you say. 

The one that comes to mind was challenging Steve Jobs in it was careful worded to sound like outright denial but is actually telling to what is planned 

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1 hour ago, mattinoz said:

I'd like to see that quote as I don't think it exists as cleanly as you say. 

The one that comes to mind was challenging Steve Jobs in it was careful worded to sound like outright denial but is actually telling to what is planned 

At 10:17, talking about n-body physics.



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I think that's supposed to mean that of course they're going to remake existing bodies to fit their current level of detail requirements, but their orbits, sizes, other parameters stay the same. And, most likely, no additions, as that would collide with "fundamental unchanged-ism".

However, we know that axial tilt is a thing now, does that mean every planet outside of Kerbol system will be tilted, but not old planets? That would be weird.

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Tiny body on the outskirts? I wouldn't say so. First, you may want to have a lot of propellant available nearby (trailer and multiple footages suggest that Vall is the place to go), not some random blob in the middle of nowhere with no useful resources for this kind of mission. Second, you may want to use deep gravity well to fling you into interstellar space at minimum cost, so it's either Kerbol itself or Jool (as suggested, again, by devs).

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2 hours ago, The Aziz said:

However, we know that axial tilt is a thing now, does that mean every planet outside of Kerbol system will be tilted, but not old planets? That would be weird.

I'd really like to see some axial tilt in the Kerbolar system. Maybe a slight tilt for Eve and a much bigger tilt for Val and/or Dres? Would make approaching that equatorial ridge more interesting. 

2 hours ago, SOXBLOX said:

I would be happy to see a very distant dwarf planet added to the Kerbolar system. It would be a good interstellar jumping-off point. 

Or a planet x super cold neptune with an Enceladus analog moon. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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4 hours ago, The Aziz said:

Tiny body on the outskirts? I wouldn't say so. First, you may want to have a lot of propellant available nearby (trailer and multiple footages suggest that Vall is the place to go), not some random blob in the middle of nowhere with no useful resources for this kind of mission. Second, you may want to use deep gravity well to fling you into interstellar space at minimum cost, so it's either Kerbol itself or Jool (as suggested, again, by devs).

Good points. I like Pthigrivi's suggestion of a cold Neptune + Enceladus analog better.

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