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[1.12.3] Grimm Modlets v0.0.4 - A collection of KSP MM patches - Last Updated 05/13/2022


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Grimm Modlets

Various KSP mini mods (MM patches) that I wrote for use in my own playthroughs. There's enough in here that ought to be useful to enough people that I finally feel confident about posting it now. Contrary to popular belief, the mod name is not borrowed from DMagic, I swear it's a coincidence :-)

First time posting in this subforum, I think I covered all the bases but let me know if I missed anything.

Installation: Copy the relevant modlet's GameData folder's contents into your own GameData, preserving the folder structure (though for most of these modlets you can actually place them anywhere in GameData with impunity).

Use at your own risk, generally no support provided (at least, I do not guarantee anything, as I unfortunately do not have a lot of free time on my hands). Please feel free to provide feedback, submit pull requests or open issues on Github though.

Dependencies: Module Manager is a hard dependency for all of these. Various additional dependencies are listed below. All explicitly listed dependencies are understood to be at minimum the latest version at the time of writing.

Download: Github.

Source: Github.

License: MIT. See included LICENSE file for details. Some parts may be under a different license, if so then this is explicitly stated in the source.

Mandatory Eye Candy

It's not a parts mod, planet mod, or visual mod, so there's not really much to show visually. Here is an album of some of the in-game effects of these modlets.




  • What? - Removes dependency on USI Tools from the Akita rover (this will disable the ground tether functionality).
  • Why? - In case you want to use Akita rover without USI Tools and are OCD about warning messages. 
  • Dependencies - USI Akita rover


  • What? - Increases max simultaneous contracts in BDB, so that the Apollo mission and others reliably appear.
  • Why? - To take one small step for Kerbalkind.
  • Dependencies - Bluedog Design Bureau, Contract Configurator



  • What? - A series of patches to bridge the gap between Kerbalism and Bluedog Design Bureau. This complements Kerbalism's own existing BDB patch by porting many of the newer science experiments, adding missing animations to science experiments, adding (hopefuly) sensible HDD data/sample capacity upgrade paths to command modules, and adding radioactivity emission and unloaded simulation to RTGs. You are probably here for this.
  • Why? - Because the Kerbalism BDB patch is out of date as of writing.
  • Dependencies - Bluedog Design Bureau, Kerbalism, Kerbalism Default profile



  • What? - Adds scaling to USI WarpDrive for JNSQ. Completely untested, should work in theory since it's basically the same config as what USI WarpDrive itself uses. Work in progress.
  • Why? - USI WarpDrive scales with Sigma Dimensions, but JNSQ does not use Sigma Dimensions.
  • Dependencies - JNSQ, USI WarpDrive


  • What? - Moves Kerbal Foundries repulsors to a new 4000 science node in Community Tech Tree.
  • Why? - Early repulsors feel like too much cheating.
  • Dependencies - Community Tech Tree, Kerbal Foundries, ShowAllTechTreeNodes (see below)


  • What? - Fixes NRE spam (see KPBS PR 128), converts greenhouse to Kerbalism experiment, adds Kerbalism lab experiments to labs, fixes some habitat values, etc. The PR version has more content but until the PR is processed you can use this version if desired.
  • Why? - Compatibility patch for out of date configs.
  • Dependencies - Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, Kerbalism


  • What? - Changes Kerbal Planetary Base Systems nuclear centrifuge to behave like the one in MKS
  • Why? - Compatibility patch. Not heavily tested.
  • Dependencies - Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, USI MKS


  • What? - Always displays all tech tree nodes, regardless of other mods' configs.
  • Why? - Fixes inconsistent behavior across mods in tech tree.
  • Dependencies - None.


  • What? - B9PartSwitch tank types primarily for USI mods. 
  • Why? - B9PS is more modern and user friendly than Firespitter.
  • Dependencies - B9 Part Switch


  • What? - Replaces USI Kontainers tank selection backing with B9 Part Switch.
  • Why? - B9PS is more modern and user friendly than Firespitter.
  • Dependencies - USI Kontainers, B9 Part Switch, USIB9TankTypes (see above)


  • What? - Replaces Malemute rover tank selection backing with B9 Part Switch.
  • Why? - B9PS is more modern and user friendly than Firespitter.
  • Dependencies - USI Malemute rover, B9 Part Switch, USIB9TankTypes (see above)


  • What? - Updates behaviour of Malemute rover's wheels to use the new KSP 1.12 wheel mechanics.
  • Why? - Minor change to wheel behavior to keep Malemute wheels relevant in KSP 1.12
  • Dependencies - Malemute, KSP version >= 1.12.0



You probably won't need these and they are not installed by default but are located in the Content/Extras folder.


  • What? - Replaces BDB boiloff with CryoTanks boiloff. This is included in BDB's extras on the main branch, but can be useful if you're playing with the Apollo revamp.
  • Why? - Having two separate boiloff mechanics in the same save is weird. Note that CryoTanks boiloff is easy mode while BDB boiloff is "mission impossible."
  • Dependencies - Bluedog Design Bureau, CryoTanks


  • What? - Adds CommNetConstellation ground station definitions for JNSQ. Now part of JNSQ. Known issues: 1) Do not change default Ground Station enable/disable settings in base/KK settings pages as it bugs out CNC. 2) Stock Kerbin DSN names appear in flight for some stations, this is just a visual issue and has no gameplay consequences.
  • Why? - Because stock CommNet is boring and RealAntennas has no support for NFX reflectors.
  • Dependencies - CommNetConstellation, JNSQ


  • What? - Historian profile that I use in all my screenshots.
  • Why? - Why not.
  • Dependencies - Historian
Edited by Grimmas
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Some of these seem pretty handy! Thanks for sharing this collection.

The JNSQ CNC fixes are the same as the ones released in JNSQ 1.10.1 last week, right? At least the file looks the same.

I'm also noticing a B9 thingy probably connected to the RTG integrations. I'll submit a git thingy.

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New release, v0.0.3 CHANGELOG:

  • Reorganized folders for easier navigation as per issue #2. All modlets (except Extras) enabled by default, delete the ones you do not want.
  • Added activation conditions for WarpDrive patch.
  • Added KPBS Kerbalism patch - fixes NRE spam, converts greenhouse experiment, removes duplicate lab module, adds kerbalism lab experiments to labs, fixes a few of the habitat values. This is mostly the same stuff as in my KPBS PR #128 but organized differently.
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  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This mod saved my -Kerbals- life so many times :

And also when it comes to some custom setup, you're able to be back to the latest possible save and start from there.

If it's too complicate to troubleshoot your issue, you can use the console to finish the contract (cheating yes :/)

Hope it helps!

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On 4/20/2022 at 12:19 AM, Trem Fantasma said:

Is there any update to this, I am having some trouble finishing the Keyhole contracts. 

I haven't had a lot of time to play KSP lately, between IRL stuff and trying to catch up on some other games :) but I'm slowly trying to get back into it. 

I'm not playing with Kerbalism in my current campaign and I'm not a big fan of the BDB contracts to begin with, but if you provide more details about what you experienced then I'll at least try to take a look at it. Can't promise results though because Kerbalism + contracts sounds like a pain in the butt :)

As a temporary workaround, and what I do when I run into that sort of situation myself, is just complete the relevant contract via the cheat menu if you're sure that you correctly met all conditions for it.

Also IIRC someone else released an updated Kerbalism patch for BDB around the same time I did last year, I didn't look at it in detail but you could try that instead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New release, v0.0.4. Main highlight:


  • What? - Replaces USI Kontainers tank selection backing with B9 Part Switch.
  • Why? - B9PS is more modern and user friendly than Firespitter.
  • Dependencies - USI Kontainers, B9 Part Switch, USIB9TankTypes (see above)
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22 hours ago, Grimmas said:

New release, v0.0.4. Main highlight:


  • What? - Replaces USI Kontainers tank selection backing with B9 Part Switch.
  • Why? - B9PS is more modern and user friendly than Firespitter.
  • Dependencies - USI Kontainers, B9 Part Switch, USIB9TankTypes (see above)

Hey @Grimmas,

I tested your newest update...


...and got many B9PS errors: :(



Here are the logs, MM-Cache, etc: https://tancredi.nl/gm-logs.zip


Can you please help me, fix this?

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Seems like Konstruction may be installed incorrectly (or you might be using some older version). 

Can you please check if you have GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/ResourceDefs.cfg ? The first few lines of that file should contain a definition for Alloys (which is missing according to the above error).

If you do not have a GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction folder at all then it's another issue and I'll have to fix it so please let me know in any case. :)


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26 minutes ago, Grimmas said:

Seems like Konstruction may be installed incorrectly (or you might be using some older version). 

Can you please check if you have GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/ResourceDefs.cfg ? The first few lines of that file should contain a definition for Alloys (which is missing according to the above error).

If you do not have a GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction folder at all then it's another issue and I'll have to fix it so please let me know in any case. :)

Hey @Grimmas,

I had "Konstruction" installed via CKAN and I don't have a "GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/ResourceDefs.cfg":


But that isn't a CKAN-Bug, because in the newest (stable) "Konstruction" version, there isn't a "GameData/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/ResourceDefs.cfg":


See: https://github.com/UmbraSpaceIndustries/Konstruction/releases/tag/1.4.0

And everything else works just fine.

If I delete the folders "B9TankTypes", "USIMalemuteB9Patch", "USIKontainersB9Patch", I don't get any errors anymore.

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Yeah , as expected. I wrote those patches with the latest version of USI in mind (bleeding edge 2). The version 1.4.0 while still being the "latest" official release, is already almost two years old and quite a lot has changed. 

You could grab the file here and drop it into GameData anywhere and that should fix those errors, but of course, without the latest version of Konstruction you won't have any use for those new resources - I recommend updating USI to this version instead. Despite the scary name it is quite stable, though there are a few bugs (mostly missing textures, plus at least one experiment is broken I think). This will also give you access to WOLF and the latest Konstruction goodies like the orbital shipyard and the Konfabricator (it's like OKS Workshop or Sandcastle).

But be careful, USI-LS is not compatible with Kerbalism (which I saw in your log) and MKS also isn't really - you can delete those from the constellation download if you don't want them.

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On 5/13/2022 at 5:47 PM, Grimmas said:


  • What? - Replaces USI Kontainers tank selection backing with B9 Part Switch.
  • Why? - B9PS is more modern and user friendly than Firespitter.

Awesome!... I love it when people convert old mods to support B9PS... THANK YOU!!

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20 hours ago, Grimmas said:

Yeah , as expected. I wrote those patches with the latest version of USI in mind (bleeding edge 2). The version 1.4.0 while still being the "latest" official release, is already almost two years old and quite a lot has changed. 

You could grab the file here and drop it into GameData anywhere and that should fix those errors, but of course, without the latest version of Konstruction you won't have any use for those new resources - I recommend updating USI to this version instead. Despite the scary name it is quite stable, though there are a few bugs (mostly missing textures, plus at least one experiment is broken I think). This will also give you access to WOLF and the latest Konstruction goodies like the orbital shipyard and the Konfabricator (it's like OKS Workshop or Sandcastle).

But be careful, USI-LS is not compatible with Kerbalism (which I saw in your log) and MKS also isn't really - you can delete those from the constellation download if you don't want them.

Hey @Grimmas,

OK, I will test it.

Thank you!



Because I use Kerbalism, I can't use USI-LS and MKS.

I found information about "Konfabricator" in the "Konstruction!" topic, but where can I found information about "WOLF"?

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8 hours ago, modus said:

Thank you!

3 hours ago, Grimmas said:

I'm not sure WOLF will really work or behave as expected without MKS though. Haven't really tried it. They're kind of meant to go hand in hand. 

Ok, I will read about it and then decide.

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  • 9 months later...

B9 Part Switch patch for MKS is now in the repository. Between this and the Kontainers and Malemute patches, it should now be possible to play MKS comfortably without Firespitter. 

The following parts of USI still depend on Firespitter, I did not convert them as I don't use those sub-mods: ART, FTT, Karbonite, NuclearRockets. 

Edit: Packrat B9 patch is in. 

Edit 2: Karibou is in. Also added a patch for Sandcastle/EL compatibility with MKS.

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