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I'm getting close to releasing Version 1.0.0 of my mod, AtomicTech Inc. Junkyards, and I'm going through, looking for bugs to squash when I came across the biggest problem yet, Nodes. I have a large number of resized parts in my mod and I'd really appreciate if someone could fix it! 

I'm still rather green with my skills and only really know about configuring a part and its stats not really anything about modeling.

So, I'm looking for a Parts Specialist(s) who'd be willing to go through the GitHub Repo and fix the nodes where possible.

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how did you rescale the parts? inside the

	model = xxx
	scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
rescaleFactor  = 1.0

or did you use the `rescale` key?

IIRC, if you use the rescale method the nodes are adjusted (both in location and also in size)

another way is to use a MM patch with @Lisias version of MM - and have it dump the configs to file in game - then just copy them

otherwise, if you know RGEX and use something like VSCode or NotePadPlusPlus - then a RGEX find and replace with all part.cfg's open in NPP (replace in all open docs)...

Edited by zer0Kerbal
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8 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

how did you rescale the parts? inside the

	model = xxx
	scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
rescale = 1.0

or did you use the `rescale` key?

IIRC, if you use the rescale method the nodes are adjusted (both in location and also in size)

another way is to use a MM patch with @Lisias version of MM - and have it dump the configs to file in game - then just copy them

otherwise, if you know RGEX and use something like VSCode or NotePadPlusPlus - then a RGEX find and replace with all part.cfg's open in NPP (replace in all open docs)...

Just the rescale key.

8 hours ago, zer0Kerbal said:

how did you rescale the parts? inside the

	model = xxx
	scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
rescale = 1.0

or did you use the `rescale` key?

IIRC, if you use the rescale method the nodes are adjusted (both in location and also in size)

another way is to use a MM patch with @Lisias version of MM - and have it dump the configs to file in game - then just copy them

otherwise, if you know RGEX and use something like VSCode or NotePadPlusPlus - then a RGEX find and replace with all part.cfg's open in NPP (replace in all open docs)...

I would like this but I'm outta reactions...

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i thought the proper key for outside the brackets was "rescaleFactor =" ??... not just "rescale =".. ??

Also, did you change any scale values *inside* the brackets, using "scale =", *along* with changing rescale?.. doing both could mess things up

Also, another option might be to manually place the nodes, in the editor, using


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53 minutes ago, Stone Blue said:

i thought the proper key for outside the brackets was "rescaleFactor =" ??... not just "rescale =".. ??

Also, did you change any scale values *inside* the brackets, using "scale =", *along* with changing rescale?.. doing both could mess things up

Also, another option might be to manually place the nodes, in the editor, using


For the resized stock parts it's the rescale factor:


  @rescaleFactor = 1.5
  @name = ServiceBay_375
  @cost = 750
  manufacturer = AtomicTech Inc.
  @mass = 0.2
  @title = ATSRV "Shipping Container" 375 Service Bay
  @description = A bigger heat resistant service bay, ideal for protecting delicate instruments or stowing service components such as RCS tanks, batteries, etc.

  @rescaleFactor = 2
  @name = ServiceBay_5
  @cost = 1000
  manufacturer = AtomicTech Inc.
  @mass = 0.2
  @title = ATSRV "Shipping Container" 500 Service Bay
  @description = A large heat resistant service bay, ideal for protecting delicate instruments or stowing service components such as RCS tanks, batteries, etc.

for the greenhouse parts, it's:


    name = ATGreenhouse5M
    module = Part
    author = panarchist, Atomikku
        model = AT-Junkyards-Main/radioactiveGreenhouse/Assets/Greenhouse
    rescaleFactor = 2.5
    node_stack_top = 0.0,2.415,0.0,0.0,1.5,0.0,3
    node_stack_bottom = 0.0,-2.415,0.0,0.0,-1.5,0.0,3    
    node_attach = 1.875,0.0,0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0,1
    TechRequired = advConstruction
    entryCost = 0
    cost = 32000
    category = Utility
    subcategory = 0
    title = Orbital "Veggie Table" Greenhouse Module
    manufacturer = AtomicTech Inc.
    description = The 5 Meter Fry Archivist Greenhouse is a rigid greenhouse for growning fresh food. Opening the shutters allows the greenhouse to use an advanced type of bioelectricity generator. The insane size and weight of this module makes it neary impractical to launch it into orbit. SimpleConstrution or Extraplanetary Launch Pads is recommended to assemble this in orbit.
    tags = PSA panarchist lifesupport snacks atomic tech atomictech at green house greenhouse garden

    attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0
    mass = 9
    dragModelType = default
    maximum_drag = 0.3
    minimum_drag = 0.2
    angularDrag = 2
    crashTolerance = 20
    breakingForce = 500
    breakingTorque= 500
    maxTemp = 2000
    bulkheadProfiles = size3
    CrewCapacity = 2

        name = landerCabinInternals
        name = ModuleDeployableSolarPanel
        animationName = door
        startEventGUIName = Open Shutters
        endEventGUIName = Close Shutters        
        animSwitch = True
        sunTracking = true
        raycastTransformName = glass
        pivotName = glass
        isBreakable = false
        resourceName = Light
        chargeRate = 2.2
            key = 206000000000 0 0 0
            key = 13599840256 1 0 0
            key = 68773560320 0.5 0 0
            key = 0 0 0 0

        name = ElectricCharge
        amount = 3000
        maxAmount = 3000

    vesselType = Station
            name = Snacks
            amount = 10000
            maxAmount = 10000
            name = Soil
            amount = 1000
            maxAmount = 1000
            name = SoilRecycler
            ConverterName = Snack Orbital Greenhouse [Soil]
            StartActionName = Start Orbital Greenhouse [Soil]
            StopActionName = Stop Orbital Greenhouse [Soil]
            AutoShutdown = false
            GeneratesHeat = false
            UseSpecialistBonus = true
            ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
            EfficiencyBonus = 1.0
            RecyclerCapacity = 4
              ResourceName = Soil
              Ratio = 0.015
              FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL
              ResourceName = ElectricCharge
              Ratio = 7.5
              FlowMode = STAGE_PRIORITY_FLOW
              ResourceName = Snacks
              Ratio = 0.0225
              DumpExcess = false
              FlowMode = ALL_VESSEL


Note that this isn't all the code but it's a good example of what the rest of the code looks like.

Edited by AtomicTech
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