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What would possible life on Laythe look like?


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Due to its long distance from Kerbol/the Sun, high radiation from close proximity to Jool, and high gravitational stresses from neighbouring moons, life on Laythe is most likely to be based around geothermal vents on the ocean floor.

So one can expect to find the kinds of creatures found at the bottom of Earth's Mariana Trench. I don't know how the apparent salinity of Laythe's oceans might shape things; I guess non-porous exoskeletons might be preferred to better control how much salt gets inside bodies, but it might be a total non-issue for life adapted to it.

The viability of life beyond the warmer waters offered by geothermals isn't so certain — as you come up from the ocean floor it gets colder, your protection from radiation diminishes, and photosynthesis isn't the most enticing idea with the low energy and frequent eclipses. Creatures that spend parts of their life cycle near the surface and return to the floor could be an uncommon strategy to avoid predation, and this could lead to the proliferation of life elsewhere on Laythe, but presumably over much longer time-scales than is predicted to have been the case for Earth.

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Considering the distance from the star it'd depend on factors with Jool and the internals of the planet too.  Some moons around gas giants are subjected to tidal and gravity forces that kind of crush the moon as it orbits which does generate heat.  So life could possibly feed off that energy since the sun provides likely very little.  Then there's also the possibility of radiation from Jool feeding energy to the moon which can be a factor.

If life relied entirely on the star's energy, it'd have to be very low energy life to survive.  Maybe some simple organisms at the ocean surface and other sorts of simple life on the islands. 

If your goal was to terraform the planet to support life, you'd need some monster reactors to heat those oceans.  Something's keeping em from freezing, but at the same time they're going to be colder than...

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