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Didn't wanna derail the SpaceX thread, so figured it's a topic that applies to every entity with a human spaceflight program. YouTube suggested this to me without even searching, so I ended up seeing a couple.







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10 minutes ago, Spacescifi said:


If I read correct information online, a truly scifi spacesuit would be hardshelled rather than soft.

Doing so affords you the ability to suit up without having to do thd breathing before to avoid getting the bends.

You could use regular air instead of pure oxygen like soft suits.

You probably want to have power assist on the joins in that case at least if you use rotating joins rater than something more like an advanced suit of armor.
I say the mechanical counter pressure suit is the most scifi one. 

Now I love the difference in helmets between Boeing and SpaceX suits. 

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An auto-adjustable fiber exoskeleton.

Releasing or retracting the dibers to form a shell or an augmented muscle.
Draining sweat between the fibers into the water collection device to reuse and let the human drink.

Autostrangling the fibers like a tourniquet above the wounded or amputated part, or forcing the fibers to form a temporarily shell as a splint around a broken limb (or a whole body if the spine is damaged).
Autostraining to form a local bulletproof area on a hit, and releasing after, to use it as armor.

Letting the air flow inside between the fibers to let the body breath in a breathable air without taking off/putting on. So, allowing to just put on a helmet, like Kerbals do.
The same with UV, to let you sunbathe at a pool without taking it off.
So, being a Mad Evil Scientist, you can stay 24/7 protected but still have a comfortable lifestyle, and need no other clothes except for style.

Having an emergency hood in case if somebody forgot to put on the helmet or its glass is broken.

Being equipped with a portable linethrower on arm with a nano-thin parachute and a cable, provides a cliff crawling mode,

A built-in medical injector and sensor systems are by default, like a flashlight and a communication device.

A compact source of power in the slim backpack. Probably depending on an external power source. The external powersource can be say in a robohorse to make it portable.

A robohorse with extendable "wings" to recharge it from the sun energy or from a microwave network.
Useful as an individual transport. (Do you use the NPC companions as porters?)


As the spacesuit exoskeleton force fibers provide enormous augnmented muscle power, it lets to use simple hand tools and melee weapons.

A short halberd to use it as a universal tool and an improvised weapon.
(You NEED a polearm in wild nature in any case, as a tool or as a weapon. To probe the swamp road, to fight against dogs, to use it as a lever, to push lunar stones, etc.)
As a variant of it, a longsword with long ricasso.

A shooting device, a compact 20..40 mm firearm, to use it as a line thrower, as a grenade launcher, as a shotgun, etc.


A wide hat, to protect the visor from sun, from meteoroids, from rain, etc.
Possibly playing the role of the mentioned emergency hood.

A lightweight external cover.
Bag-like clothes for same purposes as the hat is.

Also both hat and clothes used for styling.

High extra-boots ("bottes fortes") to prevent the dust pollution of the lunar base, the perchlorate pollution of martian base, to walk in swamps or other mud, and so on, 
The suit "pants" of a shape matching these boots for quick booting/unbooting.


Finally, the ultimate space-and-earth-suit should look like



(The latter one - with extra-boots, polearm, and line thrower).

Btw look at his trigger guard. It's open, as obviously designed for thick spacesuit fingers.

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  • 2 weeks later...
12 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

Maybe I can go and advocate for the overlooked minority of Tall People who want to go to space!  2% Club! 

(Okay, actually 0.5% club, but I like to be inclusive)

We could use your support over here in the 0.1% club(6'6"/2m+).  (I can't even drive a Tesla model 3)

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5 minutes ago, Terwin said:

We could use your support over here in the 0.1% club(6'6"/2m+).  (I can't even drive a Tesla model 3)

You mean I'm even more of a minority than I thought?  (Over 79")

(Of course, I live in BBall country - so I regularly run into one to two guys who are taller than me).


But Absolutely!  Every business leader and engineer should have to spend a few hours cramped into a dishwasher before they are allowed to design seating on airlines, cars or other things humans use: then, maybe, they'd understand our pain!

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  • 1 month later...
5 hours ago, steve9728 said:

Damn, bring a tank to the moon. How crazy was that thought


Exactly what was planned. The Lunokhod  chassis was designed by the tank constructor and originally had tracks.




The Russian speakers will enjoy the name of his previous craft: ползолёт / polzolyot.

("crawling flyer" / "flying crawler")




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24 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:


Exactly what was planned. The Lunokhod  chassis was designed by the tank constructor and originally had tracks.

"What is the point of buying a car to drive around on asphalt? Where there is asphalt, nothing is interesting, and where it is interesting, there is no asphalt".

Don't let my dad read this

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  • 1 month later...


Services contract.

So the companies own the suits. Can be used by other users.

CDR not completed yet.

I missed some of it, but it sounds like the torso and bottom of the suit could vary for microgravity vs surface ops (solid tube?). The one astronaut was saying legs not used on EVA at ISS.


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2 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:

I feel your pain. 

AFAIK fighter cockpits and space capsules (at least the early ones) are sized for shorter pilots/crew, since bigger means more mass, and so on. Good for me (5’7), but bad for you. But hey, you can get stuff off the top shelf, and have a much better chance at being in the NBA, and all the other advantages of height. So let us shorter people enjoy what perks we can get…. 

But yeah, the world isn’t really built for the very tall people…


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5 hours ago, JoeSchmuckatelli said:
7 hours ago, Terwin said:

ust another place that being a statistical outlier is annoying (6'6")

I feel your pain. 

Higher soldiers - bigger tanks. People like you two made Abrams look like a barn.

This thing was designed to be a rescue rover for an LK pilot or a light rover for two LK-700 ones.



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