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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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Both my computers work with almost ~2800 parts, which is as large as I have gone. Framerate is very slow, but they work.

Actually, I've had a considerable boost in framerate lately. I use about 200 mods (according to CKAN), so I'm used to playing at about 10 fps on a good day... Well, recently (and I have no idea why), the game's been running smoothly at about 40-60 fps in-flight and about 80 in-VAB...

So yeah, go figure...

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I was one of those people to put a space station together about 38 seconds after the docking ports were released way back when. My first effort inspired the Naming Convention I still use today. The Spindle Series of stations have been my main stay of Kerbin Orbiting refuel and Science stations since then. The design model remains the same with modular "arms" that I can burn off into a crash trajectory and replace with updated versions and the tanks, while smaller then a boat load of orange tanks, are all independent probes that can be detached and at need for new technology.

Starting with the Spindle Mk 1 here are the four predecessors to my current orbital station. The Mk 1 was a special example of bad ideas as I decided I needed to really push myself and launch it into a 45 degree inclination. (You know ... because equatorial stations are so old hat)


And here is the Mk 6. This is the most modded station I have made, with a lot of UKS parts. I am not sure where exactly I am going to be able to put on the deorbiting engine... cuz that's how all stations should die.


This is me delivering one of the final fuel tanks probes. Limited guidance so Jeb is in the accompanying manned delivery ship for remote piloting.


Got it lined up for docking and on final approach.

The Mk 6 Spindle has a full support UKS orbital station compliment including the resource delivery drones, construction shacks, living quarters, and greenhouses. With KIS/KAS I am going to strip off all the parts I don't need after the launches. Hopefully drop 50 parts of the whole build.


Alacrity Fitz

Flight Director, UshraKerbal Space Agency

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Here's phase one of the Kerbin Space Casino and Adventure Hotel I am working on to complete the Tourism Plus casino contract.

It was assembled in orbit of the Mun (thanks to Umbra Space Industries MKS and Extraplanetary Launchpads mods) and then moved to Kerbin orbit. Still need to attach the asteroids and increase Kerbal capacity (it's at 60 now, need 100 to complete the contract). It also houses an orbital logistics module and shipyard.


And it's finished! :)




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I am useless at docking. Most of the time i end up slamming into the target. I have only managed it once. It was a very stressful experience.

Recently, I decided to start using Mechjeb for docking. Here is my first Munar station built with Mechjeb. :D



And here's my first Kerbin station built with Mechjeb.



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^ Holy crap

Makes my utilitarian station here weep at the funds expenditure that must of taken D:

Yeah' date=' I had to do a lot of contracts to get there, but I did get about 1.5 million for completing the contract! :)

I've since demolished the two smaller asteroids in an effort to make it a little less laggy.

Recently, I decided to start using Mechjeb for docking. Here is my first Munar station built with Mechjeb. :D

I like how they look like real working stations :)

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An experiment using TAC life support to answer the question: Can a kerbal live in orbit indefinitely?

The answer was, yes. But I was slightly bothered by the lack of return vehicles on the craft, so, I wanted to launch a DERP module that contained three DERP escape pods. But, whilst reviewing the space station, I realized that it was out of monopropellant, so I made up a cargo vessel heavily based on the Dragon spacecraft. Upon rendezvousing it with the station, something very, very, very bad happened:


A rescue mission is in the works.

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My first station in 64K Kerbal Space program.

First module weighs around 22 tonnes. Second module is almost identical, just has the front node removed and extra fuel added for its OMS. It will be used as the Service Module for the station. The station consist of 87 parts. It was my first docking in 64K, second rendezvous. had some trouble with it as I forgot to give the second module balancing RCS thrusters so lining up the dock was fairly difficult and time consuming.

p.s. Such an inventive name.

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I jut started work on my mega-station... fuel containers alsready launched and coupled, next section for containers being attached. The tanks are 15m and the tug installing the new section is 7.5m diameter.


The plan is to attach engines to the bottoms of the 5 spherical containers and turn it into a space-faring colony to colonize the other planets one-by-one. After the containers (to store ore, rocket parts etc etc) will come the power generators and mining/conversion units to create LFO/Xenon and all the other necessary fuels.

Next plan is to make a small un-manned colonizer assembly that I can send out to every planet to prepare things there before my kerbals arrive.

Hey, you gotta spend your free time on something, right?!

Edited by Jimbodiah
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Not quite a Space Station, as I plan to fly it somewhere .... but this is my COLONY ship.

Part count is becoming a problem, and my FPS are dropping as I dock these next habitats. Here's 4 docked, with room for 4 more. That would be 8 pods, 20 seats each ... 160 Kerbals. Not nearly as many as some of you guys with your massive colony units, but still loads of fun for me. I'll probably limit the number to only 10 or so (about 12 or 13 Kerbals per pod) to ensure they are comfortable.


And here's what each individual pod looks like:


Each pod has about 2,000 m/s delta-v with 20 seats and are created using four Mk2 crew sections surrounding a Hitchhiker can. The roof is a heatshield. The radio antenna is from the Asteroid Day pack, while the solar panels I think are Near Future Solar. The "skycrane" detaches after the pod lands and then flies away to crash somewhere in the distance.

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Space Station Omega 7...... Possibly the Largest Single Launched All Stock Kerbin Space Station in KSP, I tried to refuel it but lagging was a killer so I left it in Kerbin Orbit.


- - - Updated - - -

Man, those are some seriously impressive looking stations! Good work man.

Thanks Majorjim, I've been working on releasing the craft file for Alpha Delta 21 but it's taking a while fixing the staging for others to be able to orbit it without all the complications I had. I plan to release it soon. I recently refueled it in the Mun's Orbit and tried to put it in Orbit at Duna but I came up short and it is currently going to bypass the planet and miss that chance. I might try it again another day.

Edited by castille7
(All Stock)
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