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[1.12.5]KIU Chinese Pack


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This is a very nice mod. The Shenzhou spacecraft is very nice looking. However, when I install via CKAN, the MechJeb 2 menu disappears. When I uninstall the KIU mods, the MechJeb menu appears again. I tried installing manually as well, the MechJeb menu still disappears. Does anyone know of a fix?

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Has anyone else had this issue where installing this mod causes all the parachutes in the game (including the stock ones and ones from other mods) to just completely stop working? The chutes deploy like they're supposed to but they produce no drag at all.

I do have RealChute and FAR installed btw

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On 2/11/2024 at 11:31 PM, Cheesecake said:

Are the craft-files outdated? For example: Tianwen can´t load because part KCDE_Tianwen1_ZhurongQXB is missing. There is only a part KCDE_Tianwen1_ZhurongXB  (wirhout the Q in name) in KIU\KIU_Chinese_Deepspace_Exploration_pack\Parts\Tianwen1\ZhuRong.
Other craft-files like all CZ-4 and CZ-11 are empty (crafts have 0kb).

Noted. It is indeed a problem and will be fixed in the next update.

On 2/15/2024 at 10:42 AM, henry11288 said:

This is a very nice mod. The Shenzhou spacecraft is very nice looking. However, when I install via CKAN, the MechJeb 2 menu disappears. When I uninstall the KIU mods, the MechJeb menu appears again. I tried installing manually as well, the MechJeb menu still disappears. Does anyone know of a fix?

Can you provide a log file? I use MJ2 as well but unable to replicate the problem.

On 2/16/2024 at 2:39 AM, Zyfle said:

Has anyone else had this issue where installing this mod causes all the parachutes in the game (including the stock ones and ones from other mods) to just completely stop working? The chutes deploy like they're supposed to but they produce no drag at all.

I do have RealChute and FAR installed btw

That is fairly odd as RealChute is actually a dependency. Can you provide the log file?

On 2/16/2024 at 8:48 PM, fengyuan0529 said:

Hello! Do you have plan on developing Chinese parts for KSP2?

Not currently. Until I can get 4K 60fps using double digit pure stock parts with a 13900K and a 4090, I'm not touching KSP2 again. IMO KSP2 is at least 2 years away from the point where I feel confident enough to start modding for it.

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10 hours ago, henry11288 said:

Hopefully this is the right log file. I do not know how to upload a file to the KSP forums, so here it is as a Google Drive download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zotBAMI6X9zDgZUCGYYLhgvjNaZpc_ug/view?usp=sharing

This is the right file. However, I found nothing wrong related to MJ2 and KIU. Have you tried to attach the MJ2 box to the vehicle? If not, you may give it a shot and let me know what happens. Also, is it possible for you to upload the whole Gamedata folder(maybe minus the squad content) so that I can try to reproduce the bug on my side?

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12 hours ago, mark7 said:

This is the right file. However, I found nothing wrong related to MJ2 and KIU. Have you tried to attach the MJ2 box to the vehicle? If not, you may give it a shot and let me know what happens. Also, is it possible for you to upload the whole Gamedata folder(maybe minus the squad content) so that I can try to reproduce the bug on my side?

I can't believe I didn't try that. It works perfectly fine now. My apologies!

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On 2/17/2024 at 6:51 PM, mark7 said:

That is fairly odd as RealChute is actually a dependency. Can you provide the log file?

I have a ton of mods installed so it's kind of a mess, idk how helpful it'll be.

I did a test with the Shenzhou parachute and while it seems to technically  work now after a fresh install, the drogue didn't appear at all (at least I remember there being a drogue before but maybe I'm wrong) and the options to change the deploy altitude and stuff aren't appearing in the VAB.

I did another test with a parachute that isn't from this mod pack and it still had the same problem of not producing any drag.


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12 hours ago, henry11288 said:

I can't believe I didn't try that. It works perfectly fine now. My apologies!

I'm glad it worked out for you. MJ module is not included in the Shenzhou parts. Will add a patch to add them in the next update.

2 hours ago, Zyfle said:

I have a ton of mods installed so it's kind of a mess, idk how helpful it'll be.

I did a test with the Shenzhou parachute and while it seems to technically  work now after a fresh install, the drogue didn't appear at all (at least I remember there being a drogue before but maybe I'm wrong) and the options to change the deploy altitude and stuff aren't appearing in the VAB.

I did another test with a parachute that isn't from this mod pack and it still had the same problem of not producing any drag.


I am looking into that log file and I found an exceedingly high number of errors. There appears to be a memory leak, can you check your task manager during KSP uptime to see the memory usage? 

Also, is uninstalling KIU mods able to bring your chute functions back?

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3 hours ago, mark7 said:

I am looking into that log file and I found an exceedingly high number of errors. There appears to be a memory leak, can you check your task manager during KSP uptime to see the memory usage? 

Not surprising tbh given how slow the game runs at times. I'll check and see what it looks like tomorrow.

3 hours ago, mark7 said:

Also, is uninstalling KIU mods able to bring your chute functions back?

Yes, I have tested it and the parachutes work perfectly fine when I don't have the KIU human or deepspace exploration packs installed. They do still function with the LV pack installed though, probably since that one doesn't have anything involving parachutes in it.

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20 hours ago, Zyfle said:

Not surprising tbh given how slow the game runs at times. I'll check and see what it looks like tomorrow.

Yes, I have tested it and the parachutes work perfectly fine when I don't have the KIU human or deepspace exploration packs installed. They do still function with the LV pack installed though, probably since that one doesn't have anything involving parachutes in it.

Judging from the log file and your memory usage, I suspect that the most likely cause is a memory leak, which caused the component to stop functioning, like the options window and other things.  You have like 900 of these warnings in you log. ↓

[LOG 15:49:55.618] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIApplicationLauncherDestroyed GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.
[LOG 15:49:55.618] [KSPCF:MemoryLeaks] A destroyed RealChute:RCToolbarManager instance is owning a onGUIEditorToolbarReady GameEvents callback. No action has been taken, but unless this mod is relying on this pattern, this is likely a memory leak.

how exactly did you install these mods? If not all via CKAN, then is it possible for you to upload your Gamedata folder minus the squad content, so I can see if I can reproduce this on my end?  

Edited by mark7
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2 hours ago, mark7 said:

Judging from the log file and your memory usage, I suspect that the most likely cause is a memory leak, which caused the component to stop functioning, like the options window and other things.

Really? I didn't know that was possible, I thought memory leaks just made the game run slowly and stuff...

2 hours ago, mark7 said:

how exactly did you install these mods? If not all via CKAN, then is it possible for you to upload your Gamedata folder minus the squad content, so I can see if I can reproduce this on my end? 

I pretty much do all of my installs manually by putting them in the gamedata folder. I used CKAN for a bit but I stopped a while ago.

As for my gamedata folder, well...


Ngl I wouldn't be surprised if the cause was just that I have too many dang mods installed.

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49 minutes ago, Zyfle said:

Really? I didn't know that was possible, I thought memory leaks just made the game run slowly and stuff...

I pretty much do all of my installs manually by putting them in the gamedata folder. I used CKAN for a bit but I stopped a while ago.

As for my gamedata folder, well...


Ngl I wouldn't be surprised if the cause was just that I have too many dang mods installed.

When the memory leak went beyond control, your computer (or KSP) may decide to drop a few tasks to lighten the load. And in this case, the GUI of RealChute was dropped from memory, along with hundreds of other stuffs, so you are not able to open it in the VAB

If you did most of your installs by hand, then I need your entire gamedata folder, not just a screen shot. 

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7 hours ago, Zyfle said:

Ngl I wouldn't be surprised if the cause was just that I have too many dang mods installed.

pardon the intrusion, but this is almost certainly the correct diagnosis. you have almost every parts mod made in the last 10 years, you have multiple planet packs, multiple recolors, etc. Every one of these has a pretty significant memory footprint.  The solution I use (since I need to try every part created by modders) is multiple installs. I group parts mods together into themes. So I have a basic install with all my QoL mods, the solar system as I want it, the visual mods I want, and I start with that as a base, copy it, and then add part mods in sort of a themed grouping. That's just how I do it.

Anyway, I've used this mod before and the chutes do work - but I wasn't taxing my system anywhere near how you are. Just a thought from a random user. :) Good luck!

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13 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

pardon the intrusion, but this is almost certainly the correct diagnosis. you have almost every parts mod made in the last 10 years, you have multiple planet packs, multiple recolors, etc. Every one of these has a pretty significant memory footprint.  The solution I use (since I need to try every part created by modders) is multiple installs. I group parts mods together into themes. So I have a basic install with all my QoL mods, the solar system as I want it, the visual mods I want, and I start with that as a base, copy it, and then add part mods in sort of a themed grouping. That's just how I do it.

Anyway, I've used this mod before and the chutes do work - but I wasn't taxing my system anywhere near how you are. Just a thought from a random user. :) Good luck!

I should clean up my gamedata folder tbh. When I first got into modding I kinda fell down a rabbit hole of all the parts mods and stuff and there's a lot of them that I don't really use.

I'm probably gonna try uninstalling a lot of my stuff and seeing how the parachutes perform then.

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14 hours ago, Raqnick said:

Sad that you can't shut the fourth stage down, but still a great work

4th stage is a SRB and it is not meant to shut down. Orient Space said that they are working on a liquid stage and we will make one once it starts flying.

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7 hours ago, Raqnick said:

Also I've figured out that either Exploration Pack or Human Spaceflight pack is deleting MechJeb inbuilt cores from EVERY probe, so i'am using AR 202 case part

As it turned out, I forget to include the mj fix patch in the release...An update is on its way.

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14 hours ago, mark7 said:

4th stage is a SRB and it is not meant to shut down. Orient Space said that they are working on a liquid stage and we will make one once it starts flying.

Yes, i know, but some mods, mainly BDB has an option to shutdown SRB for precise orbital insertion 

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