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How Not to Land on Minmus... A story of my first landing on Minmus.


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So, after much thinking, and many poor attempts, I managed to finally build a decent rocket to launch myself at Minmus for the first time. All was going well on my way there, I had a nice liftoff, managed to get myself into an orbit around it and was feeling pretty pleased with myself. "This is good," I thought, deciding to attempt a landing... Little did I know, it wasn't going to be the landing I had dreamed of.

As I was landing, I decided to record it, for keep-sake, but the nerves got the better of me. Let's just say, it didn't have the greatest outcome possible. I had a little too much horizontal speed, and suddenly realised one of my ships landing legs had decided to snap off and abandon me, urging his closest neighbors (the fuel tank and booster) to join him on his mutiny.

Bob managed to get (read: slump) out of his ship and taste Minmus air before he made his rather unlikely return home.

"Okay," I thought, figuring I'd have enough fuel left to make it into orbit and get back to Kerbin safely. Applying thrust, I span wildly out of control, and in the process managed to rip off the parachute part I had fitted to see me land safely back on Kerbin. With no chance of a safe Kerbin touchdown, I went full throttle, wishing only to give Bob Kerman a swift and relatively painless death, but fate was too kind to Bob that day and instead opted to see him chase his runaway ship off into the sunset...

Results of my first Minmus landing are below. Enjoy.

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As first landings go, that's really not bad. I just stuffed a couple of landers deep into the surface of Ike. Quicksave is your friend!

It cracked me up that after the ship crashes and parts fly off, Bob runs after the engine module, as if it's not too late if he can only catch up with it and put the ship back together. So it blows up and then he stops, as if only just realizing that he's boned. :)

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Lol, and I thought my first Minmus landing was a fail... Got my guy there with a perfect landing than managed to thrust straight down while flying around with the jetpack. He ate his feet. So i stranded the perfect lander and decided to go rescue it, landed about a Kilometer away on the same lake, (I have no clue how), and sent another guy to jump in the stranded ship. He took off for Kerbin and landed safely. Then i sent the rescue ship back home and blew up at some point....

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My first time is actually my story of me getting into kerbol orbit and try to work my way out of it by attempting to burn for a 2 to 1 ratio orbit. It worked, for most part, untill I screwed up my aerobraking and I get sling shot into another escape trajectory with no more fuel or RCS....

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Very similar to my first Mun landings. Funnily enough, I managed Minmus on my first attempt.

Ha. Well my first ever Mun landing I landed it perfectly, second attempt, came in too hot, and 3rd was perfect again. Mun I feel I have figured. Minmus however... lol

Now I'm sad. :(

Don't be, he's still there safe and sound (and probably starved to death) on Minmus. - I plan a rescue mission, but I'm not quite the rocketeering master yet, so it'll be a while :(

Nicely edited video! It was funny watching bad luck and more bad luck befalling poor Bob Kerman.

I'm still quite surprised Bob's luck didn't end in his death. He only has to wait a couple thousand years for me to mount a rescue attempt.

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