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KSP Planet Jam [Updated Aug 15, 2022][Challenge #1 RESULTS ARE OUT]

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What is it?
A Planet Jam is like a Game Jam but with Kopernicus. Anybody is allowed to participate in the Planet Jam, but a basic understanding of planet modding is expected. Every two weeks, a Planet Jam Challenge will be released on the KSP Forums alongside specific rules and other information. Competitors must craft the best celestial body possible for the challenge and submit it for judging. The score each submission will receive depends on

  • Whether it suits the challenge
  • Whether it abides by the rules, both general and Challenge specific
  • Points awarded based on originality, appearance, and production techniques

Following each challenge submission deadline, four elected judges from the KSP Forums (including myself as the host/moderator) will grade the submissions and select four award winners. Winners may choose to have their celestial bodies implemented into an official Planet Jam Mod, which will showcase all previous winners' submissions.

Because the Planet Jam is in its early stages, please feel free to ask questions or give suggestions on how to improve the competition experience! Use either this thread or DM me on Discord @ wpetula#4357. I will be updating this post frequently in the coming days, so stay tuned for updates!
When does each challenge start?

Challenge timeline

  1. Judges for the next challenge are elected
  2. A new challenge is released on the forums
  3. Competitors have two weeks to craft their submissions
  4. Competitors submit their creations for judging
  5. Winners are announced on the KSP Forums
  6. The Planet Jam Winners Pack is updated

Who has won so far?

Challenge #1–-Moho revamp: RJVB09


Who can participate
Anyone can participate in any Planet Jam challenge, unless

  • They are a judge for the challenge
  • They have been banned by the judges
  • They have uploaded their submission after the challenge submission deadline

Uploading your submission
What to submit


  • Config (.cfg)
  • All maps, textures, and files required for your submission to run in-game as intended
  • README (.txt) file
    • Alternate name for author
      • This is to prevent bias during judging
      • Make sure to choose a name that is unlikely to be used by another competitor!
    • License chosen by author
    • Decision to be showcased in the Planet Jam Winners Pack (yes or no)
    • A list of dependencies and compatible mods

Not required but considered

  • Scatterer + related files and textures

Not required and not considered

  • EVE and related files
    • EVE will not be considered (yet) because there are not enough tutorials available for new modders
  • Other mods

Where to submit
Competitors will upload copies of their submissions to their Google Drive account and share it with the judges. This method guarantees that competitors cannot alter other submissions, and their original work is protected from alteration. 
Rules for submission

  • Each competitor may only submit one celestial body for judging (unless specified otherwise). If additional celestial bodies are submitted, they will not be considered. Only under approval from a majority of the judges may additional submissions be considered. 
  • Celestial bodies submitted after the challenge submission deadline will not be considered. A late submission will only be considered if a majority of the judges approve. 
  • Competitors must submit their own work. Work copied from existing mods or past submissions will not be accepted and scored.
    • Terrain textures borrowed from community mod packs such as CTTP are permitted
  • Judges may not upload their own submissions with the intent of winning an award. If a judge attempts to submit their work in any form with the intent of winning an award, they may be prohibited or banned from judging some or all future challenges.
    • NOTE: A judge may request to submit their work for scoring, "just for fun". This is perfectly fine! The judge's submission will not be given any awards.

Other notes for submissions

  • Check whether your submission appears and works as intended on a clean install of KSP (plus Scatterer and dependencies if necessary)
    • Judges may not have the same mods as you installed on their computers, and some mods alter the appearance of celestial bodies in unexpected ways

Who can be a judge
If you want to be a judge for the next challenge, email me through the KSP Forums or DM me on Discord @ wpetula#4357. You will be added to a list of other judge considerations. Current judges have the option to remain a judge for the next challenge or resign and participate as a competitor instead. 
Submission scoring
Judges will score submissions from 1-5 in three categories: Originality, Appearance, and Technology. Submissions that explore new, interesting concepts will receive high scores in Originality, submissions that are stunning in looks will receive high scores in Appearance, and submissions that were developed with an innovative approach will receive high scores in Technology. 
There is one award per category, plus one for whichever submission scores the highest overall.

  • Most Original Concept
  • Best in Appearance
  • Most Innovative Production Method
  • Best in Show

Entry into the Planet Jam Winners Pack
The Planet Jam Winners Pack will showcase all previous winners in organized solar systems. In the description for a winning celestial body, information about the competition will be paired with any additional lore the author decides to include. 

Example of a winner description
AUTHOR: forum user MoarBoosters2
AWARDED: Best in Show
JUDGE COMMENTS: (why the judges thought the submission deserved the award) 
LICENSE: All Rights Reserved
MODS BY AUTHOR: Booster’s Planet Pack, Even Moar Planets
(Optional celestial body description here)

Download the Planet Jam Winners Pack here: https://spacedock.info/mod/3081/Planet Jam Winners Pack
Benefits of the Planet Jam

  • Educational: Modders of all skill levels can learn from each other by studying and exploring celestial bodies showcased in the Planet Jam Mod
  • Community-building: The Planet Jam is intended to bring the KSP community together in an open, friendly competition for all. This event is an amazing opportunity for players to participate in the modding community!
  • Advertisement: Modders of all skill levels have the opportunity to show off their skills and gain recognition in the KSP Community
  • Entertainment: Planet Jams are extremely uncommon on the KSP Forums, so the community will have something new to try

Preventing shenanigans 
While this competition is intended to be casual, any behaviors considered suspicious or disruptive will not be tolerated. These behaviors include but are not limited to

  • Discouraging others in any manner
  • Constructive criticism is fine; just make sure it's actually constructive
  • Attempting to alter or destroy other people’s work before or during scoring
  • Uploading inappropriate or unrelated submissions
  • Attempting to intentionally delay a valid participant from submitting their work
  • Attempting to enter the competition as a current judge
  • Attempting to break the rules using loopholes or “sneaky tactics”

NOTE: The rules of the Planet Jam are subject to flexible interpretation, logic, and reasoning. 
The severity of violations will be assessed by the judges and, if needed, additional KSP Forum members. Violators may be prohibited from some or all future challenges.

Have fun, everyone! Thank you for your support.

Edited by wpetula
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In stock KSP, Moho “...figures in Kerbal mythology as a fiery place with oceans of flowing lava. In reality however, it’s much less interesting”. For a world dancing on the edge of the inferno, Moho is disappointingly bland; the best part about the planet is the giant hole at its north pole. The modding community can certainly do better! Your task is simple: design a Moho that is “...awesome, like in the stories”. 
Challenge specifics

Your submission for this challenge MUST

  • Follow the general rules for submissions (see OP)
  • Be a PLANET named “Moho” in-game
  • Orbit the Sun / Kerbol
  • Be located between the Sun and the orbit of Eve in stock KSP
  • Be reasonable
    • For example, please don't submit a Moho that is bigger than the Sun

Share your submissions on Google Drive with [email protected]


  • Remember, this is a competition! Submit only your best work. Adding extras such as biomes, terrain scatters, and lore might help you stand out!
  • Don't race to upload your submission. Unless it's past the challenge deadline, the time you upload your submission will not be considered during judging

Submission deadline: 8/6/2022 at 23:59 PM EST

Edited by wpetula
Specified timezone, changed time to military
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The submission deadline for Challenge #1 has passed! Three submissions are now being judged for admission into the Planet Jam Mod, which will be available for download when the results are released this weekend. Cheers to everyone who participated!

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The results are out!


Congratulations to @RJVB09 for winning Challenge #1!  Their reimagining of Moho is a scorching yet beautiful planet of craters, jagged hills, and superheated canyons. This world's terrain was procedurally generated using Substance Designer, and its surface shimmers under a gentle blue sky. This well-rounded celestial body is the first to be entered into the Planet Jam Winners Pack (https://spacedock.info/mod/3081/Planet Jam Winners Pack).

Scoring rubric--all submissions

Raw scores


Comments + constructive criticism


Thank you to everyone who participated and made this Planet Jam a reality! Challenge #2 is in development now and will be released at latest by next weekend. Stay tuned.

Edited by wpetula
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On 4/4/2024 at 3:43 PM, Jcklemme said:

I am sorry to necro bump, but it is completely unclear to  me; is this an add-on or a system replacer?

Sorry to Necro as well, but it's an addon to replace Moho and Moho only.

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