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Making Rockets from AI Generated Images

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Howdy Everybody! First off, I want to thank @Pudgemountain for this idea. He recently posted the results of an ai program attempting to recreate images of the Saturn V rocket. The results were...something to say the least. However, the images provided interesting ideas for rockets. I invite everyone on the forums to create spacecraft based on their own ai images! Post ai images for others to springboard off of, post images of your KSP creations, even both! I will also be posting ai generated images of my own so that folks can pick out ideas they want to bring to...reality?...kerbality?...whatever.

Just a few rules:
1) Any craft that are created must be functional. Rockets need to be able to get off pads, spacecraft can achieve proper orbital spaceflights, etc.

2) If you decide to post your own ai inspired craft, show the original image that provided your inspiration.

3) Whatever ai generation software you use, be sure to provide credit to that site. On that note, make sure they allow public usage of images you create (shouldn't be an issue, but you never know).

Above all else, have fun! Let your imagination run wild! If you want to provide a mission report or a short story for your vehicle, by all means!

Below I have the original post plus examples I worked up today.


Above is one of the original images that gave rise to this idea. Again, send your praise @Pudgemountain's way!

Here I recreated the last rocket on the right.


Then I decided to check out these ai image generators myself. Which gave me more ideas. Also I started typing a lot of random and "what-if" ideas to toy with. One of my KSP saves, 101 Rocketry, is a US-inspired private aerospace company with a bit of a Taiwanese/ROC flair.

I recreated the top center rocket (at least my interpretation).


Almost forgot, I have the craft files for these two rockets if you want to mess around with them:

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28 minutes ago, Royalswissarmyknife said:

This is a great idea can't wait to see what creations result from it.


11 minutes ago, Rutabaga22 said:

I have something cooking...

Thanks guys! I hope this grows into something horrify--I mean great!

But seriously, looking forward to the results of all this!

Any, wanted to post some ai images I made for some initial inspiration. Thanks to craiyon.com for simultaneously giving me inspiration, confusion, and possibly existential crises.


The last one especially has me concerned...

Also I'm going to shamelessly plug my other thread here

If you have odd but cool ideas you want to share that aren't AI generated, the above thread is for you!

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Couldn't get the color scheme right. Simple color switch doesn't work on fairings, and any parts with white and black patches come out weird. But I wanted to keep some red on there.
Center top
It actually doesn't work too bad. 21.5 tons to an orbit with an AP of  200+ km and a PE of 170+ km, with fuel to spare (not much though).

Gonna work on it some more, but this will go on KerbalX eventually.

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I am still working on my KSP files mainly to get them to work with GU and not use mods incompatible, so I can't really make them, but I forgot I tried to make an Apollo landing picture in the Retro Sci Fi art style in Dall-E last month. It did not work well.





Not gonna lie the third one looks like a Gemini Capsule with legs lol. Anyone can make ships from these pictures, again I can't make them at the moment.

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7 hours ago, Pudgemountain said:

I am still working on my KSP files mainly to get them to work with GU and not use mods incompatible, so I can't really make them, but I forgot I tried to make an Apollo landing picture in the Retro Sci Fi art style in Dall-E last month. It did not work well.





Not gonna lie the third one looks like a Gemini Capsule with legs lol. Anyone can make ships from these pictures, again I can't make them at the moment.

So are these from the backrooms or the SCP Foundation archives?

Honestly except for some more odd details, these aren't bad from an overall shape standpoint. I think you could also use the stock large lander can as the top of the third one too if you wanted to make a larger vehicle. Second one isn't too bad either, all things considering.

As for the others, I'm pretty sure that first one was destroyed by the Red Army during the Battle of Berlin. And I'm calling the police on the "astronaut" in the last picture.

On 10/3/2022 at 11:37 PM, pshimko27 said:

Neat! So did you just want to post this for other people to gain inspiration from, or did you want to make a rocket based on this? Just asking out of curiosity, I promise you're not in trouble.


BECAUSE I AM THE TROUBLE (not really...).

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21 minutes ago, Blufor878 said:

So are these from the backrooms or the SCP Foundation archives?

Honestly except for some more odd details, these aren't bad from an overall shape standpoint. I think you could also use the stock large lander can as the top of the third one too if you wanted to make a larger vehicle. Second one isn't too bad either, all things considering.

As for the others, I'm pretty sure that first one was destroyed by the Red Army during the Battle of Berlin. And I'm calling the police on the "astronaut" in the last picture.

Neat! So did you just want to post this for other people to gain inspiration from, or did you want to make a rocket based on this? Just asking out of curiosity, I promise you're not in trouble.


BECAUSE I AM THE TROUBLE (not really...).

1: Neither they're from Area 51.

2: Yes it was, damn Commies we could've saved it for a museum.

3: Why it just looks like he made a model of a Pendulum rocket lol.

In all seriousness I think its both myself wanting to see someone create them and inspiration.

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On 10/6/2022 at 3:36 PM, Pudgemountain said:


Not gonna lie the third one looks like a Gemini Capsule with legs lol. Anyone can make ships from these pictures, again I can't make them at the moment.

My favorite program "AL OO LOLPOO"

I made AI images of it!

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So in this case the rocket isn't the one that's AI generated. The spacecraft is. I present Monke I. This first orbital test flight is being manned by Pauling, Dell, and Ludig. If you are wondering, the loose TF2 theme is intentional.



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