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[1.12.x] (Kopernicus) QuackPack v1.3.0 - An inner system expansion


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QuackPack is intended to fill out an often neglected portion of the Kerbolar system: the deep inner system, far below the orbit of Moho.  Oftentimes, when a player has conquered the stock system, it may feel like the only way to access more challenging destinations is to install full system replacers, or interstellar mods.

System expansions such as Outer Planets Mod are a very popular first step, bridging the challenge gap between the stock system and full blown interstellar packs. QuackPack is designed to add an additional level of challenge to a stock + OPM install.  Instead of looking outwards towards other stars, it is time to look inwards towards our own.

These planets are not for the faint of heart.  Transfer requirements are extreme, and their gravity wells are deep.  Gravity assists are a near requirement. Failure lurks around every corner, as the unique thermal environments can cause unexpected problems, or outright destroy craft.  Aerodynamics will work in unusual ways, as the superheated atmospheres are very different from anything else in the Kerbolar system.  However, with smart design, clever planning, and skill, these bodies can be conquered, even fully reusable, or, theoretically, with single stage craft.


  • Blas, a metal poor, scorching hot desert Superkerbin with a large ring system and one small moonlet.

  • Geet, the lone moon of Blas, and a shepherd to the ring system.

  • Jot, an inflated hot Jool with an extremely large atmosphere.

  • Subon, a captured metallic asteroid in a close retrograde orbit of Jot.

  • Cind, a Kerbin sized tidally locked hellworld, with an atmosphere made of sulfur and boiling metal.


  • 5 challenging new bodies to explore.

  • Science and career mode ready, with full biome and experiment definitions.

  • Full scatterer integration.

  • Full EVE integration, with clouds, sandstorms, lightning, aurorae, and thermal glow.

    • Volumetric clouds are supported for Jot with an optional download.

  • Planetshine and Distant Object Enhancement integration.


  • This is my first planet mod, pls be gentle.

Delta V map and grid

  • Classic subway style delta v map.





Other than the System Layout, all screenshots are taken with the following mods:

Scatterer, EVE Redux, Deferred, TUFX (Blackracks config)

BetterKerbol (useBetterSize = true, useProximityBrightening = true)

System Layout





















  • Remove any prexisting QuackPack installations (QuackPack folder within GameData folder in KSP directory)
  • Install ALL listed dependencies, following the links bellow

  • Download and extract the QuackPack zip file

  • Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory

  • Highly recommended to download and install Scatterer, EVE REDUX, and BetterKerbol as they provide massive visual improvement, and QuackPack is intended to be played with all three installed.

  • OPTIONAL (Github release only)

    • Download and extract the Volumetrics zip file

    • Place the GameData folder into your KSP directory


Bundled Dependencies

Provided Compatibility

Recommended Mods


  • Q. Does QuackPack support Parallax 2?
    A. QuackPack does not currently provide configs for Parallax 2, but it will run alongside Parallax 2 enabled planets from the stock system or other planet mods

  • Q. Will QuackPack ever support Parallax 2?
    A. QuackPack is intended to support Parallax 2 at some point, when I have the time to sit down and learn it.

  • Q. Does QuackPack support EVE True Volumetrics?
    A. EVE True Volumetrics support will come in a future update.

  • Q. Does QuackPack support rescaling either natively or via Sigma Dimensions?
    A. QuackPack does not have native rescale support, but will function with rescales done via Sigma Dimensions. This means you can install QuackPack alongside other 1x scale mods, then rescale the whole thing with Sigma Dimensions, but QuackPack will not function correctly with mods like JNSQ, which have a native scale difference.


  • QuackPack is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

Edited by Lt_Duckweed
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These planets look great, and occupy an area which I agree was previously neglected too much. Would there be any problems using it with a system replacer pack (such as GPP) as long as the central star is about the same mass as Kerbol and there aren't any existing planets in the way?

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41 minutes ago, Leganeski said:

Would there be any problems using it with a system replacer pack (such as GPP) as long as the central star is about the same mass as Kerbol and there aren't any existing planets in the way?

There would be only one problem. That's if the system replacer's name is alphabetically later than this one and it flatly unloads all planets rather than specifically naming the stock planets and unloading only them.


Real Solar System...


11 hours ago, Probird_23 said:

(also, parallax and RR support maybe?)

RR support will come quickly. I'm plenty curious to this pack ...and I just remembered I have Real Exoplanets support to release.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Would the mod break if I used it with parallax/eve true volumetrics or would the clouds and scatters just not show up on the bodies without configs? Would the new eve and scatterer versions required for the volumetrics cause the mod's configs to not function?

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3 hours ago, Siphon said:

Would the mod break if I used it with parallax/eve true volumetrics or would the clouds and scatters just not show up on the bodies without configs? Would the new eve and scatterer versions required for the volumetrics cause the mod's configs to not function?

I've not tried it with either but what I would expect to happen is that true volumetrics and parallax features just don't show up on the QuackPack bodies.

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On 10/19/2022 at 12:01 AM, Lt_Duckweed said:


  • This is my first planet mod, pls be gentle.

First?! Goodness, I might be late to the game, but this is an awfully impressive first pack! New must-have added to my saves.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/29/2023 at 1:16 PM, Dead_Voxel said:

I installed this mod with galaxies unbound and have an issue with scatter. It just does not apply atmospheric effects to the inner planets.
Why is this happening?

There are currently some issues with Scatterer and QuackPack when installed from CKAN, something is wrong with the metadata around the Scatterer version required I think.  Hoping to have an update to QuackPack out in the next few weeks that will hopefully also address this.

If you didn't install via CKAN, unsure what the issue is, and would need you to upload your ksp logs to pastebin so I could take a look.

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QuackPack v1.1.0 Subon bound at the speed of sound



  • Subon added, a retrograde captured iron-nickel asteroid orbiting Jot

  • Cind atmosphere slightly hotter, molar mass increased by about 25%

  • Cind lava now has HazardousBody config, go swimming at your own risk

  • Jot texture size reduced to 25% of the original value, will reduce stutters when looking at Jot from other planets in the Kerbol system

  • Bugfixes and typo corrections to science defs



  • QuackPack is licensed by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
Edited by Lt_Duckweed
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