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Project FROSTBURN: An ANCIENT 0.17 Playthrough---No maneuvers!


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38 minutes ago, Bej Kerman said:

Would you mind telling us how many versions you've got archived? :)

Every examples of every "version clusters"

(0.7.3,0.10.1) Old classics (mun less, map less)

(0.13.3) Mid classics (mun added)

(0.17) New classics (solar system added, Moho remained red)

(0.19,0.21,0.22,0.90,1.12.4) Recents (maneuver added,Moho, Parts major revamp, dres eeloo pol added)

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Part3: Moho landing

(I might got a corona so I can no longer update fast.)

Due to moho's terrible burning atmosphere, lander was designed as a high TWR craft.


But, my lander still have to land on the top of Moho's volcano(12500m high, the highest point) even if it have such a great MAX twr up to 3. Moho's atmosphere temperature will bust the LV-T30 under 5000m height when the engine can just provide enough thrust to slow down the craft.


I made a successful spotted landing with an error smaller than 100m.



Sweet success!!

I noticed that moho's gravity is even higher than duna! Kerbal's jetpack can't lift them up anymore!



My landing spot is at the center of this picture.

Edited by Kerbal123_Furry
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Part5: Rescuer Moho transfer& Lander ascent


Due to Rescuer's poor twr, the Moho periapsis align burn was separated into 3 periapsis kicks.

Then after the same sequences the rescuer had been inserted into a high elliptical orbit, in order to save fuel.


After few days of waiting, Rescuer orbit moved above the lander.

Due to Moho's poor rotation speed launching to prograde direction won't help much.Launching to any direction won't make much difference.

So i just simply launch it toward North-east, Quickly align incline and periapsis.


Edited by Kerbal123_Furry
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Part7 Kerbin return(Final)

The Rescuer soon ejected from moho soi and rose its apoapsis to kerbin.  When the Rescuer reached the ascending node at apoapsis ,it killed its incline with kerbin, entered a precapture orbit with a period of 0.55 kerbin years.



Use the phase angle to calculate Kerbin transfer.

(Phase angle÷360°)x106.5+(106.5/2)=Proper Transfer orbit period(Days)





Successfully finished world #1 Moho return!


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Total Kerbals killed:10(failure 8 and rescuer kickoff 2)



Laythe lander parachute deployment (easily torn off)

Moho landing(Overheat)

Kerbal krew transfer(rendzvous)

Hours spend: 7 hours(on game)

4 hours(making video documents)

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