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Release Date on Steam for KSP2 has been changed from the 24th of February to Coming Soon. Should we be concerned or perhaps the release will be earlier?


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20 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

24th is taken by Forspoken. You don't want two big titles releasing at the same time.

It was a joke. @Ghostii_Space 's response will most likely be swift and decisive on my question in a way that I can predict...or perhaps not respond at all.

Forspoken looks kind of interesting, But I cant afford to buy it at this point. I need to get my old computer ready for KSP2 so I can test for performance issues.

My old i7 4770K + 1080GTX needs a new monitor + power board + display port cable to get it back up and running. Plus my car has a Warrant of Fitness coming up in a few weeks.

My i9 9900K + 3070ti probably wont show me any issues with KSP2 performance wise.

OMG it's is going to be fun to try to break KSP2. Maybe its impossible...we will see.



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