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A tribute to KSP1, welcome to KSP2, and an easter egg hunt...


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As we're on the final countdown to the KSP EA launch, here's a little movie to pass the time.

It's also by way of thankyou to all those involved in KSP so far.

There are twelve easter eggs hidden - though some may be very easy to find, others will need a little more searching;p(or else be so obscure no-one will get them:cry:). There may also be things I hadn't intended... so apologies if you spot something I hadn't intended or realised...

The first reply to mention each one will be considered a winner... but please don't spam the forum 'cos not only will it annoy everyone (especially the moderators), but I won't be able to wade through the replies.

Did someone say prizes? Ah - hadn't thought it through that far. Perhaps I can award a badge to each winner.

But whatever, enjoy!


Answers will be posted when KSP2 launches.

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  On 2/14/2023 at 4:14 AM, thundershield said:

At 2:27


You have sharp eyes! I had to run the original screen grabs back to work out what that was - sadly it's a rock (it's just visible to the right of the arch at 2:43) .

But I wish I'd thought of putting the Title Screen wreck in there though - so you qualify for a bonus award,

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Here are my guesses (potential spoilers ahead):

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(Thanks @Gargamel)

Congratulations to the winners @thundershield and @Nazalassa! They each win a badge for their forum signatures, plus an exclusive Easter-Egg digital art print.

Here are the twelve "official" easter eggs:

00:37    Mun is referred to as "The Mün" with an umlaut, as it was in earlier versions
02:45    "Kerbalkind" is in BADA55 green.
02:49    A reference to Arthur C Clark's quote: "Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."
03:11    The newspaper reports that clouds don't exist - just a hoax.
03:11    Very hard to spot, but in the space-filling pseudo-latin, the bottom line, next to the picture is (poor) latin for "Are the aliens living here presently?"
03:11    The alien planets are depicted as a photograph of some glass marbles (payoff for this at 08:00 below).
03:19    There is a cratercrawler parked behind the admin building.
04:49    The digital countdown clock is very large and surprisingly  mechanical (as was the NASA clock at Cape Kennedy-  ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GEO2_ilce0 ).
05:57    When the countdown clock fails, the display cycles rapidly  through 02:24:23, 24:02:23, 23:02:24 (the US, UK, international formats of the launch date of KSP2 EA).
06:54    "Again!!" - a call-out to ShadowZone.
07:12    During the end credits, the background game morphs from version 0.13.3 to 1.8.1
08:00    The credit for the newspaper picture at 03:11 reveals it is called "Blue Marbles" - referencing the famous picture of Earth from space (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blue_Marble).
09:44   Check Your Staging meme

And some bonus eggs:
03:00   The daily newspaper edition is 2844, representing the 2844 (Earth) days between the KSP 1.0 release and 8th Feb 2023, which is when the Video should have been posted.
03:11   The newspaper considers Clouds more important than extra-Kerbolar planets.
03:19   Two kerbals have levitated onto the admin building roof.
03:30   "Space is Big" - reference to Douglas Adams in the Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy: "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space."
03:30   "You're Going to Need a Bigger Rocket": Jaws meme, but also referencing much larger craft possible in KSP2.
06:10   Two ships launch, instead of one.
07:31   "Superkerbalisation" recalls the Supermarionation logotype used by Gerry Anderson/AP Films.


OK - now back to playing KSP 2...


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