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Paige telling player they can recover crafts on Eve, Duna and possibly other planets.


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KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB

Screenshot showing Paige telling player they can recover a craft when its Eve:1VIDuzJ.png

How to replicate:
Land on a planet other than Kerbin. I can confirm Duna and Eve.

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Just now, Gargamel said:

But can you?    Is the bug with Paige or the recovery?

This screenshot shows a craft on the runway on Kerbin with the ability to recover the craft in the menu:


This screenshot shows the lack of being able to recover on Eve in the menu.


KSP 1 had only the ability to recover on Kerbin so I assume it's true of KSP2 as well (at least until colonies comes out maybe)

So I think its Paige that is the problem and the menus seem to indicate that.

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It’s not PAIGE, it’s either a core “Recovery” bug or it’s by design. I have a save going with the “New User Experience” disabled (so no PAIGE) and I can recover vessels from orbit, from the surface of the Mun, whatever.  Direct from the Tracking Center, select the vessel, focus on it, select Recover and done. 

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10 minutes ago, Silvia Dragoness said:

I'd bet this is related to the planned ability to recover vessels on any world that has the proper infrastructure once colonies are implemented in the future.

I don't think players with functional colonies won't be the kind PAIGE is aimed at.

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Again, it’s not a “P.A.I.G.E.” thing. You can go to the Tacking Center and recover a vessel from orbit, from the Mun, etc. just by focusing on it and clicking the Recover button.

Came in handy with a lander can I had stranded in Mun orbit with no trajectory visible, so nearly impossibly to plan any kind of rescue. Clicked Recover and problem solved, lol. 

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