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Duna Mastery Challenge - from Fly-bys to Settlements


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Other Worldly Connection (Version

Here's the full mission report for my second mission to Duna.  It was completely bug free and after its recent success with a flyby mission, starts the Mullet Dyne rocket program on its mission proper of maintaining a permanent presence at Duna long into the future.

Here's a postcard from what was a spectacularly visual feast of a mission:


Image courtesty of C7 Aerospace Division - Why go up when you can crash equally well going sideways

Another fun mission, and on to the next!



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This thread is popping off :confused: will this finally be enough to get TOTM?

@Draradech Nice work, will be adding both to the lists. And since you've already done Challenge 7, I will honor my word and add it aswell. Only Challenge 8 left: curious how you're going to tackle that

@Sp1f Welcome to the thread! First two submissions going into the lists

@Speeding Mullet The solar panel looks a bit overpowered for the satellite of this size, but either way, solid mission report &)

@Scarecrow71 Yeaaah. Sad that the game has been treating you this rough. We will be waiting for your comeback :)

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  On 3/7/2023 at 7:15 AM, OJT said:

@Scarecrow71 Yeaaah. Sad that the game has been treating you this rough. We will be waiting for your comeback :)


Well, I'm back.  I wasn't gone long.  :)

I realized that KSP2 != and =/= as KSP1.  All the things I built and flew there may not necessarily fly here, and so I had to take a step back and rethink how I built stuff.  Like, how did I ever complete the Caveman Challenge in KSP1?  Well, by building small.  Once I stripped off the largest engines I was using and scaled back, flying became easier.  I'm not trying to push a grape with a jet engine any longer (as an example), and so ascent became easier.  Holding SAS was still an issue, but that's resolved with spamming RCS thrusters up and down the side of the rocket.  It's odd to me because I didn't need to do that in KSP1...but again, this ain't KSP1.

I've got a rocket headed towards the Kerbolar SOI, with 2 and 3 to follow.  I'll have an update today I hope!

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I have a manned plane at Duna that I hoped to land there and get back to the KSC runway afterwards. That's not happening. I can't land a plane that heavy on Duna, and giving it even bigger wings would make it even more impossible to launch in the first place.

I'll try an unmanned plane tomorrow instead, as it can be far lighter if it doesn't need to return.
I dumped the drop tanks and most of the fuel, plane can now land (and start and re-land). Building the rescue mission for Bobson now.

It worked!


Mission report for 8 - Come Fly With Me


Plane Mission (pilot stranded on Duna):

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Rescue Mission to get our pilot Bobson back home safely:

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Duna III:  Transmitting Live From Duna

Before I give the images, I need to explain what happened here.  Simply put, I was trying to play KSP1 in KSP2.  And that doesn't work.  Craft that I can build and fly in KSP1 no longer work here, primarily because of new physics and the lack of MechJeb.  So I had to take a step back and relive my Caveman days, simplifying craft and re-learning how to fly properly.  Once I got over that hump, the challenge started to become a bit easier.

The second thing I had to do here was to slow down.  There is no time limit; there is no race.  This is a marathon, not a sprint.  And so I realized that I didn't have to shoot all 3 probes at Duna at once; I could send one, make sure that one was ok, and then the next, and so on.  There is no need to strap all 3 to one rocket and fling that into the cosmos.

Once I finally had both of those thoughts in my brain, I was able to continue with the challenge.  And I give you the constellation orbit, 3 satellites around Duna.  I'll be honest in saying that I could have gotten the constellation a bit tighter than it is; 2 of the satellites are a bit closer to one another than I'd like, and I may go back and fiddle with the orbits a bit.  But I have 3 of them in orbit around Duna.

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2 things about what happened here.

  1. After I set the initial orbit/encounter with Duna, I switched from Map view to Vessel view, because...well, I just do that.  But then when I switched back to Map view, the encounter I had plotted changed ever so slightly.  I was able to use the Maneuver Node Controller mod to get back to what I had set previously, but it was really odd that the plotted trajectory changed just by switching from Map to Vessel and back.  Just odd.
  2. The constellation orbit is polar, not equatorial.  This is due to the initial trajectory of the first probe I sent (Duna III-A) being nearly polar.  Like, at about 85 degrees inclination.  So I just eyeballed 90 degrees and went with that.

And now, on to the next part of the challenge!


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Duna IV:  First Landing

And now the updates are coming in fast and hot.  This is why I fell in love with KSP1, and why I bought into KSP2 in early access.  Moments like yesterday when I finally figured out how to go about flying, and moments like this morning when I landed on Duna.  WITHOUT the help of the computer, by the way.  Came in a bit hard (~8 m/s), and I thought for sure I'd take damage.  But nope, no damage.  Now, the landing gear is in the surface of Duna, so I'm sure it will suffer the fall-through bug.  But I still landed.

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You will notice that the encounter I got with Duna was prior to leaving Kerbin's SOI.  I'm getting pretty good at eyeballing where Duna needs to be for the transfer window.

And now I shall enjoy a frosty root beer before continuing on.

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Part 1: Destination Duna

Probe Duna Alpha 1 #0000.001

Objective: Fly-by Duna.

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game version

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Part 2: Otherworldly Connection

Probe : Duna Alpha 2 #0002.001

Objective: Orbit Duna and have an antenna able to transmit to Kerbin from Duna's orbit

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Game version


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  On 3/10/2023 at 2:49 PM, ChromeDome said:

I. Destination Duna

Game version

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Your money of shot of Duna is pretty sweet.  It looks like Ike is cracked in half!

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Duna V:  Desolation Road

And I was able to put a rover on Duna.  This is a MAJOR first for me; I've only ever landed a rover on the Mun in KSP1, and at that it was a stroke of pure luck that it happened.  I simply have problems designing a rover and then a craft to take it places.  So to get this done here was a major accomplishment for me.  I will state, though, that once I got the rover moving on Duna...I couldn't get it to stop.  Is there an issue with braking in this game that I've not yet read about?  Either way, the rover is on Duna, and has since tipped over and now needs someone to go get it right-side-up.  But I have shots of it upright!

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You will notice in the descent shot that the parachutes are deployed but missing.  I was under the impression that there were no atmospheric effects, and yet the chutes aren't there.  Also interestingly enough was that I was able to repack them...but firing them again did nothing.  Oh well; looks like a bug to report!

Anyhow, now I'll be on to #6!

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II. Otherworldly Connection

Game version

To save fuel and launch mass, I've decided that all the missions except Destination Duna will utilize aerobraking or aerocapture.

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This was a really good learning experience for me, it's the first time I've done an aerocapture to save fuel.


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IV. First Landing

Game version

The mission is quite simple, I just put the ship on a collision course with Duna at the equator and landed there. I used a skycrane style lander to do an unpowered parachuted decent there.

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This mission was really fun! Although it was quite simple and short, I had gained a lot of experience on how to build Duna entry vehicles. Definitely need more reaction wheels to prevent the craft from flipping on the aerobrake.

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Part III: Transmitting Live from Duna

Objective: Surround Duna with a communication satellite constellation. (min 3 with powerfull enough antenna)

Strategy : 3 satellites launched independently because an all-in-one craft was sacrificed multiple times to Kraken. :/

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V. Desolation Road

Game version

The debris of the skycrane marks the original landing position of the rover, you can see I've driven some distance to demonstrate its mobility.


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Man, I can barely review one submissions when others are being posted :lol: I wonder for how long this activity will be sustained

@Draradech Looks like you're the first one to complete the first 8 challenges, congratulations! Looks like you decided to brute force the Kerbin ascent, but either way the plane works and the kerbonaut is returned home

@Scarecrow71 Seems like you got over the problems you were having (or most of them, at least). Everything so far looks nice and dandy, keep it going

@Uuky Welcome to the thread! Nice mission reports, and you're the first to utilize Molniya orbits for satellites. I imagine executing it was a pain. Kudos

@ChromeDome Another newcomer, welcome! Solid mission reports aswell, but I would ask you to post some more Kerbin screenshots for future missions, that being the launch vehicle, parking orbits etc. Otherwise looks good

As always, all posted missions will be added into the lists

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As for me, you've probably noticed that I wasn't participating much in my own challenge thread. IRL stuff doesn't leave much time for games lately, and the times I did have time to play I usually played something else (caught a bit of a GoW: Ragnarök bug :ph34r:). The few occasions I did play KSP2 I got hit with various gameplay/Kraken issues that didn't let me complete the missions I had planned, and seeing that there's an update planned to be released next Thursday, I decided to wait out its release

With that being said, I did manage to complete Mission 2. And here's the report for it

Ascent was nominal. As you can also see, the Satellite already has a Relay antenna, which will save me some work for Mission 3

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Escaping Kerbin

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As in Fly-By mission, I wasn't entering Duna optimally due to trajectory lines not showing inside Duna's SoI, but the Satellite had extra fuel just for this situation

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After another burn at periapsis, I entered the Duna orbit

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Some eye-candy

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  On 3/12/2023 at 10:55 PM, OJT said:

@Uuky Welcome to the thread! Nice mission reports, and you're the first to utilize Molniya orbits for satellites. I imagine executing it was a pain. Kudos


Many  thanks,

Actually it is only "Molniya-like" i.e. highly elliptical  orbit very low over one pole, very high over the other. Not that hard at all to make.

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Well, I keep trying to get to and from Duna, but I simply can't get the return trip.  Due to the resource/fuel consumption issues, I can't get to Duna with enough remaining fuel to get back; I need the asparagus staging and fuel leakage problems resolved first.  I'm going to see if I can build a spaceplane, but I am going to wait on the patch tomorrow to see if either of these is fixed enough to allow me to do this.  I know - people out there are doing this with the problems.  I'm not them.  :)

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