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Can someone explain this bug (KSC follows ship into space)

Tyr Anasazi

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So I made a big rocket and when I launch it the KSC follows me all the way to space at a 90 degrees angle. Kraken comes a bit later and takes the ship apart. This started to happen after I got a previous version of the ship to reach 500 km/s (I want to reach the Kerbiopause)


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  On 3/2/2023 at 6:48 AM, Tyr Anasazi said:

So I made a big rocket and when I launch it the KSC follows me all the way to space at a 90 degrees angle. Kraken comes a bit later and takes the ship apart. This started to happen after I got a previous version of the ship to reach 500 km/s (I want to reach the Kerbiopause)


I personally haven't had this bug, but it is common on this forum, Discord, Twitter and Reddit

Sometimes it's a differnet structure following the ship, like a statue or Mun arch

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I was in orbit of the moon, and I left map view and noticed that the KSC decided to follow me, it was attached to my rocket for some reason, i've done a couple other moon flights now and haven't run into the issue again. Sadly I have no idea how to replicate the glitch but I do have a video of the me discovering it but I can't seem to upload it. One other thing I discovered is that the KSC wasn't just a graphical bug it had collision because I then crashed into it a little later.

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I just completed an orbital slingshot around the Mun to leave the Kerbin SOI. I exit map view upon warping out of Kerbin SOI and EEK! What's that?!?!?!

It's the KSC! In space! https://imgur.com/a/2CVZ9zI



You can see I'm quite far from Kerbin, in orbit over Kerbol, so the KSC should clearly not be rendering.

It seems to have matched my orbital speed. It doesn't move relative to me. When I burn, I accelerate relative to it. If I crash into it, I collide, my craft explodes, and the flight ends. :(


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Hi all 

I'm a new player who was very happy to make it back to Kerbin after orbiting around Duna. However, upon trying to get to low orbit around Kerbin, my rocket kept crashing. After loading a save twice I go into Flight view and notice the whole starting area is glitched and I keep crashing into it. I was able to adjust course and still land my mission, luckily!

Version: 1.0
Windows 10
Intel i5 8600K & RTX 3070 and 16GB RAM 
No mods were used at the time

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