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Kerbal EVA RCS broke after switching vessels


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I sent this to the devs through the support email but I think this is now the preferred communication channel for bugs? So I'm reposting for better visibility. Especially since I saw Matt Lowne hitting this exact bug.

I was getting all my kerbals out of my ship in orbit for a group photo, and when I was ready to get them all back inside the ship, none of their EVA jetpacks were working. It's like they stopped accepting input. The fuel gauge showed them all in the 80-90% full range so they weren’t empty.

I switched back to the space center and then used the tracking center to take control of them again, only to find they had somehow re-glued themselves to the ladder. Now wondering if they thought they were still on the ladder in some way? It appears to be related to getting additional Kerbals out of the ship

Steps to Reproduce:
-Have a pod in space with at least two kerbals in it
-Have one kerbal get out.
-Observe jetpack works fine, even if you switch back and forth between the kerbal and the vessel
-Now have the second kerbal get out and fly around
-Switch to the first kerbal
-Observe, the first kerbal will now no longer accept input, but the second one will work fine
-Return to space center
-Use tracking center to take control of the broken kerbal
-Observe, kerbal loads on the ladder of the vessel that was exited 

Note that if you go directly to the tracking center rather than going to the space center first, the kerbal will remain broken. 

Going all the way back to the space center then using the tracking center to take control of the broken kerbal seems to be the way to "fix" this broken state.

Edited by Anth12
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  • KSP Version -
  • Operating System and version  - Windows 11
  • CPU and GPU models - Intel core i5 12600KF / NVIDIA GeFroce RTX 3080
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Expected Behavior - Jet pack operates
    • Observed Behavior - Jet pack does not operate
  • Steps to Replicate - Stack Kerbals 3 high on mun arch and plant flag.  Jet packs stop working. 
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) none
  • A list of ALL mods - None
  • Other Notes: See image in spoiler. 




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I  had 2 kerbals on EVA together on Duna and one of them had his jetpack stop working in the middle of the EVA.

Step to reproduce, absolutely no idea sorry. I will report if it happens again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

KSP2 Version:

OS: Windows 10 Professional 64bit

CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-core (3.70 GHz)

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT

Description of the bug: The jetpack of my kerbals didn't work and also stopped working for one without any reason (all of the monoprop was full).

Expected Behavior: Kerbals jetpack working on the Mun during an EVA.

Observed Behavior: I landed on the Mun, I had 3 kerbals in the module. I took one out of the capsule to do an EVA and its jetpack worked perfectly. Then I took the other two kerbals out of the capsule and their jetpack didn't work at all. I tried to disable/enable with the R key the jetpack, tried to fly with them but they were not working at all. For my first kerbal who had his jetpack working at the beginning was not working anymore after switching "vehicles".

Steps to Replicate: I clicked on the EVA button to put one first kerbal on EVA, I took him out of the capsule and walked him  around. His jetpack worked. Then I switched kerbals using the ["] key on my keyboard and did the exact same thing as with the previous kerbal and their jetpack didn't work at all.

Fixes / Workarounds (if known..): No :(

A list of ALL mods: No mods

Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files (if possible.):




First picture: first kerbal with jetpack working



Second picture: second kerbal with jetpack not working at all


Third picture: third kerbal with jetpack not working.


Logfiles: https://we.tl/t-BDRSvlSP8i


Thank you to the team ! <3




Edited by SpaceExplorerW
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  • 4 weeks later...

    KSP Version:

    Operating System and version:

Windows 11

    CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant

CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-10400F CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2904 Mhz, 6 Cores, 12 Logical Processor(s)

The bug:
When switching Kerbals during EVA, Kerbals do not have an operational RCS pack

    Steps to Replicate:

1. Use pod which has 2 seats or more
2. have 2 or more Kerbals be on EVA
3. Turn on RCS for the latest Kerbal which left the pod. RCS should work assuming no switching has occured
4. Switch to other Kerbal and turn on RCS. RCS should fail to respond to inputs

    Fixes / Workarounds (if known..)

Loading a quick save reactivated RCS for Kerbal assuming no craft switching has occured

No mods or file modifications


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I've run into this in the past.  And, I'm hitting it again today.

Landed on Duna with 4 Kerbals and 3 of them can't seem to get their RCS thrusters to fire.  If I zoom the camera in close to where I can see their hands and face, I can see they are moving their joysticks as if they're trying to activate the RCS but the thrusters don't fire.

The F5/F9 quick save/load trick worked.

The three Kerbals whose lives were saved today express their gratitude.

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