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Game Still Unplayable After Patch

Fullmetal Analyst

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trajectories keep disappearing, even more often than before the patch, this makes it impossible to play the game sadly


neither saving/loading nor restarting the game seems to fix the issue

i also tried launching the rocket again, same result...

have a bunch of tiny decouplers on your last stage, discarding one will bring your trajectory back

Edited by Fullmetal Analyst
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I’ve only had time for one Munshot; put a 2.5m Poodle-engined lander with three Kerbals in low (sub 12 km) Münar orbit using a 4x Mainsails asparagused around a Mammoth booster/Rhino sustainer/Labradoodle Münar staged rocket to admire the scenery and listen to music for a while and test the new patch.

Trajectories worked fine.  The burn timer less so (I find the Maneuver Plan system is fine for starting burns, but it can’t be fully trusted; you need to watch your results in Map view not the timer), and what I call the Mascon bug (my periapsis and apoapsis slowly decaying, even with SAS/RCS off) is still there.

I’m kind of half hoping we are going to get Mascons so that we can map them with the gravioli detector, but I expect this is just a bug.  It’s easily dealt with by watching your orbit and making minor corrections (so kind of realistic in Münar orbit) but longer term cisMunar assets may need to be parked father out for a few more patches.

Overall I am happy with the patch so far.  I’ve picked up maybe 20-25% increases in framerates at KSC, we can see trajectories around the target, my craft still seem to be hanging together just fine (there’s a big “Kraken Lures Not Allowed” banner hanging in my VAB inside my head) and I haven’t experienced the upper stage fuel drain bug yet.

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Some things seem to have improved, especially maneuvering nodes, but my experience was pretty buggy as well:

  1. Launch button in VAB did not work
  2. Struts were not placeable in VAB (it didn't show allow me to place the 2nd connection point)
  3. Rocket (balanced) suddenly spinning to the left at 50 km height (not flipping over and well in the very thing part of the atmosphere). Even once I was outside of the atmosphere neither SAS nor engine gimbal worked to counteract
  4. Possibly linked to item 1: once launching my rocket directly from a launchpad instead, the revert flight button was inoperative

But really not happy about the state after the announced focus on making sure the patch does not introduce new issues and needs to be tested thoroughly. 

Will try a bit more on the weekend, all the 4 bugs above happened to me on a single flight today.

Edited by MarcAbaddon
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@Fullmetal Analyst I have seen enough of your posts to get the gist of both your arguments, and the way you feel (or at least I think so). There were times when I thought your comments were dead on, and other times when I thought they were... a bit off the rails (so to speak :D). I don't think there's any problem in your views. It may just be a problem in your messaging. When you say things like "this game is unplayable", a certain subset of this community will seize on your words at their literal meaning. Because this game can actually be played, they will say that you are simply a "hater" and don't understand the complexities of creating a blah, blah, blah. Best to temper your comments a bit. Whether they be good or, (especially) bad. For instance, I would not say that this game is unplayable. Rather that it is a game I don't wanna play.

As a "for instance", I just launched a rocket with a little over 100 parts. It was going fine, and looking good, until the second stage. Then it simply... went nuts. I was in the Map view checking out my AP, when I saw it rising and falling for no particular reason. Then I saw that the Nav Ball was spinning around like somebody just threw a curveball. Switched back to Flight View and saw my rocket spinning for no reason and each section separating and coming back to together like a rocket-propelled Slinky. There was no reason for this. I have been a fan of manual strutting since 1.0. This rocket was strutted to the gills. But it went nuts, spun around, and flew apart anyway. So, in summary, I'm sure a lot of bugs have been squashed. But this is still a game I don't wanna play. Sadly, I think it's gonna be a long time 'til that changes.

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  On 3/17/2023 at 12:29 AM, Cpt Kerbalkrunch said:

Because this game can actually be played


well technically, every game can be played, but i guess u get what i mean, maybe i should change the title to  "game not enjoyable after update"

  On 3/17/2023 at 12:29 AM, Cpt Kerbalkrunch said:

Then I saw that the Nav Ball was spinning around like somebody just threw a curveball.


the SAS and aerodynamics, and also the instruments readouts still have quite some issues

  On 3/17/2023 at 12:29 AM, Cpt Kerbalkrunch said:

I have been a fan of manual strutting since 1.0. This rocket was strutted to the gills. But it went nuts, spun around, and flew apart anyway.


in ksp2, struts can do some weird stuff, its better to have fewer struts in some key areas than having them all over the place
also, symmetry can cause some weird stuff with struts, i had best results placing them 1 by 1 without symmetry

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  On 3/17/2023 at 2:00 AM, Fullmetal Analyst said:


in ksp2, struts can do some weird stuff, its better to have fewer struts in some key areas than having them all over the place
also, symmetry can cause some weird stuff with struts, i had best results placing them 1 by 1 without symmetry


This is interesting. Had to run out last night, so I'll give it a try after work tonight. It'll definitely take a while, though. I tend to use a lot of struts, even in KSP1. I like my rockets to be as stable as possible, and I've always hated autostrut. I know people think that struts are ugly, but I don't mind. Just makes your rocket look very Kerbal :).

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  On 3/18/2023 at 2:00 PM, Tazooka said:

I think, sadly, it'll be a few months before the game is playable at a level where annoying bugs don't  ruin the experience


yeah i kinda lost interest from all the bugs, and there isnt much to do yet either, kinda not worth burning my GPU

Edited by Fullmetal Analyst
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  On 3/20/2023 at 9:58 AM, Fullmetal Analyst said:

yeah i kinda lost interest from all the bugs, and there isnt much to do either yet, kinda not worth burning my GPU


Same. I've done a few missions; landed on the Mun and Minmus, made a station, etc.

But the bugs are not making it enjoyable and I can only take so much. I'll keep trying with the patches but won't play 'fully' until its at a better state

I've got plenty of other games to play

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