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Micro Engineer [v1.8.1 for KSP2 v0.2.1]


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5 hours ago, Biggen said:

Will this mod show minimum distance to target (for docking)?  I have to leave my map view screen open when doing orbital rendezvous in order to see that I'm actually decreasing my distance to the target I want to dock with.

It doesn't show minimum distance. It only shows current distance.

Flight Plan shows minimum distance. It's available from ckan.

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On 2/6/2024 at 4:53 AM, rogerawong said:

And if you're taking feature requests, I'd like to propose adding vessel Weight (N).   We have Mass (kg) , but I find myself having to pause the game periodically to derive weight by dividing Thrust by TWR. My use case is that I want to compare total drag to weight so that I know when I am reaching or passing terminal velocity in atmosphere during vertical ascent. 

There are additional entries  that are not displayed by default in the Flight category, so you can take a look there if there's anything that's useful to you: Lift, Drag, Lift to Drag ratio, Drag coefficient, Atmo density. But you already know about that probably. Weight seems like a good thing to have.


On 2/6/2024 at 4:53 AM, rogerawong said:

Falki, it turns out calculating weight using the displayed Thrust and TWR results in just a fraction of the weight compared to multiplying the mass by the gravity of Kerbin.  What might be causing this discrepancy? This is question for anyone, not just Falki.

It has been reported by someone that "Mass" that MicroEngineer is displaying is actually wet mass, not current mass. I remember being confused when I was first adding the mass entry - there are multiple mass values that the game is providing, but they didn't correspond to the masses that you would expect - dry mass, wet mass, current mass - but somewhere in between in some cases. Also, I don't know if this is an industry standard, but Weight in the TWR is always calculated as if it's the Weight at sea level, so it isn't adjusted by the actual value of gravity at a certain altitude. Again, maybe that's the convention that the space industry uses?

I'll have to look at this a bit more to figure out stuff. Sorry for the slow replies, I've been busy lately with real life stuff and with other priorities.


16 hours ago, Biggen said:

Will this mod show minimum distance to target (for docking)?  I have to leave my map view screen open when doing orbital rendezvous in order to see that I'm actually decreasing my distance to the target I want to dock with.

There's a Close Approach Distance/Time ("C.A. Distance1", "C.A. Distance2") available in the Target window, but you have to be in in the Map view for those values to update, yeah. MicroEngineer is pulling them from the game and those values are updated only when Map is open. Personally, I do all my rendezvous in Map view until it's docking time, but I understand a preference to do it in Flight view also.

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@Falki Another decimal point significant digit / units related bug.

  1. Have a vertical velocity 1.0 m/s or above.
  2. Set vertical velocity to show two significant digits after decimal.
  3. Allow vertical velocity to fall below 1.00 m/s.
  4. Units should show mm/s, but instead remain at m/s, for example 999.99 m/s.

Also happens at the transition between positive/negative values:

  1. Have a vertical velocity of 100.0 mm/s.
  2. Set vertical velocity to show two significant digits after decimal.
  3. Allow vertical velocity to fall below 0.00 mm/s
  4. Units should show mm/s, but instead change to m/s, for example -1.00 m/s

Coincidentally, the units stay correctly at mm/s crossing the 0 threshold if you do the opposite and climb from a vertical velocity of -100.00 mm/s to a positive velocity for example 100.00 mm/s.



Edited by rogerawong
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  • 2 weeks later...

v1.8.0 New entries, fixes, refactor


New Entries (23)

  • Vessel:
    • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3):  NonStageableResources (double click to toggle capacity) - requested by JustinSchneider
    • CommNetRange
    • CommNetStatus
    • AngularSpeed
    • DryMass
    • FuelMass
  • Surface:
    • TerrainAltitudeFromCenter
    • TerrainAltitudeFromRadius (can be used to read ocean depth beneath the orbiting vessel)
    • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): AltitudeFromCenter - requested by Unknow P
  • Body:
    • BodyOceanDepth (max depth of the ocean)
  • Target:
    • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): Target_ClosestApproachDistance (updated from Flight view also) - requested by @Biggen & alex-sherwin
    • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): Target_ClosestApproachTime (updated from Flight view also) - requested by @Biggen & alex-sherwin
    • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): Target_ClosestApproachRelativeSpeed (updated from Flight view also) - requested by @Biggen & alex-sherwin
  • Stage:
    • StageDryMass
    • StageFuelMass
    • StageEndMass
    • DecoupledMass
  • Misc:
    • CurrentPatchEndType
  • Surface:
    • TimeToImpact
    • ImpactLatitude
    • ImpactLongitude
    • ImpactSeaLevelAltitude
    • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): ImpactRegion - requested by @munix


  • Changed: StageFuelPercentage moved from Vessel to Stage entries (not working currently due to game bug)
  • Changed: updated SpaceWarp template to the newest version
  • Changed: plugin name changed from "micro_engineer" to "MicroEngineer"; also changed mod_id to "MicroEngineer"
  • Fixed: mouse wheel scrolling entries in EditWIndows doesn't trigger game zoom anymore
  • Fixed: game input is now properly disabled when editing TextFields (EditWindows)
  • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): Fixed: milli unit precision - reported by @rogerawong
  • Refactored: moved UITK custom controls initialization to the controller classes. This enables the same custom controls to be used in the unity project's UI builder
  • Moved code repository to a new fork: https://github.com/Falki-git/MicroEngineer. Old location won't be updated anymore.


  • Most of new entries aren't shown by default. Add them with the EditWindow - click on the cogwheels to open that window
  • Impact data: Micro Engineer uses the game's patched conics to determine the impact location. Since the last patch ends before the actual collision, up to several hundred meters above ground (according to my testing), collision point isn't 100% accurate. If you have a high horizontal and low vertical velocity, precision won't be accurate.


  • Since the plugin folder name changed, you need to manually delete the old folder after updating.
  • Optionally, before deleting the old folder copy-paste "MicroLayout.json" file in order to keep the same window layout you had before the update.
Edited by Falki
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, I have found an odd dv calculation error for the stage dv.     Its odd and only happens some of the time, but it seems (maybe) that it requires at least 3 stages and both the 2nd and 3rd stages need to include more than 1 fuel tank each.    THEN, when you add 1 engine, it calcs 1 number.   But if you take off that engine, and add 2 of the same engine in symmetry, it calcs a HIGHER number.

Adding more of the same exact engine, can't INCREASE the dv.... so, one of the numbers has to be wrong.

I found this will consistently reproduce it, in the VAB:

1) clear workspace, open micro engineer

2) top stage:   HECS2 pod / FLT200 fuel / LV909 engine / TD-12 decoupler

3) mid stage:  RS-AD 800 fuel / X200-16 fuel / RE-L10 engine / TD-25 decoupler

4) lower stage:  ADTP-2-3 fuel / S3-7200 fuel

5) add a single S3-KS25 "vector" -- stage 1 dv calcs:  ASL 2749 / VAC3038      (total dvs:  6298/9970)

6) remove the vector engine.   place it "radially" to the bottom in 2x symmetry (or more) so there are now 2 vector engines.   -- stage 1 dv calcs:    ASL 4207 / VAC 4650     (tot dvs:  7757/ 11582)


When the mid stage or the bottom stage have only 1 fuel tank, I dont seem to be able reproduce it.    With less than 3 stages, I havent been able to reproduce it, so this may be the simplest example.


I found the issue with large heavy rockets, where a single engine was not enough to give me a useful TWR for launch, and so I started clustering vector engines for more power.


THANK YOU for this mod, it works great!     This is the only thing I have noticed with it.



KSP version shows as:

ps.   in case you cannot reproduce, I am using the following mods:

Micro Engineer / Orbital Survey / Alarm Clock / Community Fixes / Manuver Node Controller / Science Arkive      And the auto-installed required mods (CKAN included them when I selected that list).


****  EDIT:   This was using Micro Eng 1.71.     I see there's an update.     I'll retest with the new version!

*** EDIT2:  Tested under Micro Eng 1.8    This is still reproducable with the above steps. 

Edited by CFTeague2
new vers? need retest - retested!
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12 hours ago, CFTeague2 said:

Hi, I have found an odd dv calculation error for the stage dv.

I'm able to reproduce this. If you add additional engines after the 2nd one, it correctly lowers the deltav, but the switch from 1 to 2 engines is not correct.

For stage info Micro Engineer is taking the values that the game itself is producing. And, unfortunatelly, the game still has issues calculating correct values in some cases, asparagus staging for example.

So it would be better if you report this as a normal game bug.

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OK, Thanks!    I'll report this as a stock KSP2 bug.   (now I just need to figure out how/where, but google should know)

-edit, existing bug report thread, added above notes!

Edited by CFTeague2
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/25/2024 at 3:02 PM, Ace76inDC said:

Question, when I hit "F2" for screenshots microengineer sometimes disappears but usually doesn't.  Am I doing it wrong?

Yeah, UI most of the time isn't hidden with F2. Same happens with Orbital Survey's UI. It's something to do with how UITK (Unity's newest UI framework) handles stuff I think, but I don't have a clue how to fix that. To be honest, I'm using a slightly different approach than other UITK mods, so it's probably something related to that.

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