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Micro Engineer [v1.8.1 for KSP2 v0.2.1]


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I know people are working on docking autopilots in other mods, but in the interim a dialog with docking info like relative velocities in all three (X,Y,Z) planes, closure rates, and if possible relative positions and orientations would be really handy.

Edit: Are you thinking of adding a way to adjust text size in the mods UI...?

Edited by Cable Guy
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I'll look into relative velocities, but can't promise anything yet.

As for adjusting text size, I was thinking about resizables windows and text. In the mean time, there's an option in "UITK for KSP2" settings where you can manually adjust scale, though that will change the scale for anything using UITK. Go to Settings -> Mods -> UITKFORKSP2

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Thanks for this.  The stock games do a good job of warning you if your TWR is lacking for taking off of Kerbin.  But designing a lander to go literally anywhere else is a super pain.  I just want to know how heavy I can make my Minmus landers!

Looking at the mod more thoroughly I did have a question.  Is it possible to delete unused windows?  I saw you can delete ones you create yourself, but the default ones grey out the Del button.



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It's not possible to delete default windows right now. It was a design decision to prevent players from accidently delete important windows. Since they can be collapsed/hidden, I didn't think anyone would want to completely get rid of them.

I'm planning on adding undo and revert functionality for the next version, so I might enable deleting primary windows when people will be able to revert it.

For now, you can go to the mod folder, open the .json file inside it and manually delete the window you want. I can't test that right now, but I think it will work.

One small warning though. Stage, Maneuver and Target windows have some special functionality attached to them. If you delete them, there's no way of getting that back. Stage has the table header, Maneuver has the possibility of deleting nodes and iterating through them (if multiple exist at the same time) and Maneuver and Target automatically hide if they're popped out and there's no active maneuver/target at the moment.

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Thanks!  I'll test out the manual edit and get back to you.

Yeah minimizing works.  But I'm a bit OCD when it comes to having my screen space too cluttered.  So I like to fly with only what I absolutely need.  I understand I'm in the minority in that regard.  Most players love filling their space with stats.  So I won't hold it against you if you hold to your design decisions.

Editing the JSON works, you just have to be careful you don't remove too much.  I took out the very bottom object/function and it made all the MicroEngi windows disappear from the VAB.  It works now.

Edited by PTNLemay
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Is there any known issue with the Stage Info window's body selector in the VAB? I can't get it to change the reference celestial body from Kerbin to anything else, for any stage in my ship (I'm on the current KSP2 patch 4 and CKAN says the mod is up-to-date with v1.3.1, as are all of my other mods, and this is a fresh sandbox save)

Apologies if this isn't the place or format for asking

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8 hours ago, adaniel87 said:

Is there any known issue with the Stage Info window's body selector in the VAB? I can't get it to change the reference celestial body from Kerbin to anything else, for any stage in my ship (I'm on the current KSP2 patch 4 and CKAN says the mod is up-to-date with v1.3.1, as are all of my other mods, and this is a fresh sandbox save)

Apologies if this isn't the place or format for asking

This is a good place to ask! Alternative is the KSP2 modding society discord: https://discord.com/channels/1078696971088433153/1080340366995239004, we're more active there.

I've just realised this bug as well, I'll look into it later.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I believe there's a bug in ME related to calculating dV.  I'm building a craft to go to Moho, and I'm working on the transfer stage.  The transfer stage is a 2XL Hydrogen tank, with a reaction wheel and the large hydrogen engine.  ME is showing the TWR of 0.39, an ASL dV of 9309 and a Vac dV of 9309; I'm using Kerbol in the drop-down as there is no option for being in space (I'm assuming this is the correct choice?).  Anyhow, the total craft dV is being calculated as 3064 for ASL, and 11272 for Vac.  Vac is correct, but how do you go from 9309 in one stage to 3064 totaled for all stages?  A screen shot to show this in action:


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2 hours ago, Scarecrow71 said:

I believe there's a bug in ME related to calculating dV

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, I need to fix it! What's happening is that total values are taken from stock stage info parameters and those don't take into account different bodies that are selected for stages, they just default to Kerbin values. I should just sum up the values for each stage and display that as total.

Also, Body selection in Micro Engineer's window is meant for displaying At Sea Level values when you want to land or take off from a certain celestial body, so selecting Kerbol doesn't make much sense... well, unless you're _landing_ on Kerbol, but I wouldn't recommend that :D (I could remove Kerbol from the list, but meh, it's nice to see it in the hierarchy). So if you're calculating values for a transfer stage, then just select the Body you'll be orbiting when initiating the transfer burn, meaning in most cases it will be Kerbin. Although for vacuum delta v it doesn't matter what Body is selected since vacuum delta v will be the same at any orbiting body. Delta v is delta v.

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22 hours ago, Falki said:

This is fixed now. Gonna release it when we'll be ready to update mods that broke after unity upgrade in the latest patch.

Do you know when this will be released/fixed?  I tried running the game this morning, and ME isn't displaying any information at all:



Without a built-in TWR or dV readout per stage, I've really become reliant upon ME.  It's a great mod!

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11 minutes ago, Scarecrow71 said:

Do you know when this will be released/fixed?

Currently all mods that use UITK are broken due to the Unity version upgrade this patch brought. We should have a fix ready soon.

Until then, you can grab this prerelease version of ME: https://github.com/Falki-git/MicroEngineer/releases/tag/1.5.0-RC

It isn't fully functional yet, some data is not displayed, some visual styles are a bit 'off', but at least it will work for the most part. Oh and DO NOT click on any textfields cause that will break the game.

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4 minutes ago, Falki said:

Currently all mods that use UITK are broken due to the Unity version upgrade this patch brought. We should have a fix ready soon.

Until then, you can grab this prerelease version of ME: https://github.com/Falki-git/MicroEngineer/releases/tag/1.5.0-RC

It isn't fully functional yet, some data is not displayed, some visual styles are a bit 'off', but at least it will work for the most part. Oh and DO NOT click on any textfields cause that will break the game.

Nah, I'll wait for the official release of the mod.  Just keep us in the loop!

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Micro Engineer 1.5.0

  • now supports 0.1.5 patch
  • added years to time entries (1 year = 426 Kerbin days, 1 Kerbin day = 6 hours)
  • changed OAB Stage Info header "SLT" (Sea Level TWR) to "ASL TWR" for clarity
  • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): now possible to disable the keybind (CTRL + E) or to change it; look for the option in Settings -> Mods  --requested by @Benozkey
  • message subscriptions are now persistent, meaning Micro Engineer will continue to function through exiting to the main menu and loading a different campaign
  • :1437623226_rocket_1f680(3): fixed Total ASL deltav in OAB Stage Info window not updating if different celestial bodies are selected  -- reported by @Scarecrow71
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  • 3 weeks later...

One thing I've noticed using ME recently is that TWR doesn't seem to take any occlusion related problems with the vessel into account meaning ME wasn't giving accurate TWR results when I was dealing with this bug

Similarly it doesn't seem to do much better than the base game in calculating hidden Delta V from engines in hangar bays

I know these are likely problems with how the base game calculates numbers for things but it'd be really helpful to have ME double-check the game's logic so that when dealing with bugs like this we have something correct to fall back on.

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On 11/19/2023 at 8:40 PM, mattihase said:

One thing I've noticed using ME recently is that TWR doesn't seem to take any occlusion related problems with the vessel into account meaning ME wasn't giving accurate TWR results when I was dealing with this bug

Similarly it doesn't seem to do much better than the base game in calculating hidden Delta V from engines in hangar bays

I know these are likely problems with how the base game calculates numbers for things but it'd be really helpful to have ME double-check the game's logic so that when dealing with bugs like this we have something correct to fall back on.

ME isn't doing any calculations, it just forwards the information that the game provides. Since this is a game bug, it would make more sense to do a fix in https://spacedock.info/mod/3301/Community Fixes because that would solve both issues with the stock readouts and ME readouts.

I'll forward this to the KSP2 Modding discord.

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