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The Sky is Not the Limit - UPDATE: NEW THREAD OUT!


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  On 1/10/2024 at 1:33 PM, ggerrronimo said:

Very cool and high quality photos. Were they in the public domain when you saved them?


I'm not sure what you mean. They're my own screenshots that I took in-game, and the flags I made are my own as well.

  On 1/10/2024 at 1:40 PM, Maria Sirona said:

In other news, I really like this new storyline with the anomalies! Keep it up!


Thank you!

  On 1/8/2024 at 12:20 AM, Kimera Industries said:

Kerbin in the background, the Mun in the foreground, and a star on the surface representing the location of the anomaly.

  On 1/10/2024 at 1:40 PM, Maria Sirona said:

There's a blue planet, that might be Kerbin, and a big planet, which could be Jool.

Is KASE planning to go to the green giant?


I am not at liberty to disclose certain information... ;)


Also, hopefully a new chapter this weekend! I'll probably be getting the Roadhouse-2 crew home.

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  On 1/12/2024 at 1:07 AM, Kimera Industries said:

Do you just use the stock alarm clock to know when?


Since SS Roadhouse and Roadhouse-2 were launched within a day of each other, I've been using the elapsed time to keep track.

Admittingly, I never thought to do this, and it's probably a good idea once I start having several bases and stations to keep track of. Also, I use the Alarm Clock mod because I've found the stock one to be inaccurate and unreliable at times.

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Sorry, the chapter that I promised won't be here this weekend. I haven't really been in a KSP mood recently, as the game has really been laggy for me these days, especially in the VAB and loading times. Also, I just haven't been in a real KSP mood recently.

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  On 1/15/2024 at 10:39 PM, TwoCalories said:

Sorry, the chapter that I promised won't be here this weekend. I haven't really been in a KSP mood recently, as the game has really been laggy for me these days, especially in the VAB and loading times. Also, I just haven't been in a real KSP mood recently.


We understand :). After all, if you don’t have fun playing the game, why force yourself to play it?

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  On 1/15/2024 at 10:39 PM, TwoCalories said:

Sorry, the chapter that I promised won't be here this weekend. I haven't really been in a KSP mood recently, as the game has really been laggy for me these days, especially in the VAB and loading times. Also, I just haven't been in a real KSP mood recently.


I feel ya. After that Jool 5, I've had trouble motivating myself to do anything in KSP as well. I've just sort of been aimlessly building half-working ICBMs as usual.

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  On 1/17/2024 at 1:48 AM, Kimera Industries said:

I feel ya. After that Jool 5, I've had trouble motivating myself to do anything in KSP as well. I've just sort of been aimlessly building half-working ICBMs as usual.


I've found a neat hack to getting back in the kerbal mood: I made a new science save at max difficulty. So far only Jeb has died, but we replaced him with Jedteb.  It's really satisfying to get more science, upgrade the preexisting craft, and go get more science.

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Guys, I'm kind of split about this.

I had an idea to retcon the whole "Kerbal countries" thing, as in, instead of having Earth countries, I make up my own Kerbal countries with their own flags. Retconning this this late into the story will have some cons, like continuity issues, and all the old screenshots having vessels with "United States" and American flags on them.

However, there are several pros to this change, including:

  • Makes more sense: How can the Kerbals, who have had a pretty different history on a completely different planet, have the same nations with the same names as Earth's?
  • More original and fun: From a story perspective, having original country names and flags is a bit more fun, and less unoriginal.

This next one is a bit difficult to explain as a bullet point but is equally important to note as a pro to this option. I don't want to offend anyone by portraying certain countries or groups badly. I've tried to avoid this, especially with the space race, but it's been kind of hard, given how much politics and nationalism are involved in the space race, here and IRL. Having fictional countries give me a little more freedom as an author, as countries don't have to follow or act like their real-life counterparts. I probably didn't phrase that well, but I hope you understand what I mean.

I'll be putting a poll up shortly after posting this. Make sure to put your opinion in there, as this is a pretty significant change!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, the poll seems to have slowed down, and the majority of you want me to change the countries. I'll be closing the poll soon after posting this. Thanks for your input, and sorry for all the radio silence recently. It'll probably be a bit longer before a new chapter comes out, since I have to start making the countries and their flags, plus retconning the chapters that feature old country names.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Now that Imgur has finally started working again, I'd like to share some updates on the countries and flags.

First off, the new names for the continents:

  • North/South America --> East/West Vankadia
  • Europe --> Echolahn
  • Asia --> Jetohan
  • Africa --> Ovanha
  • Oceania --> Azzinhe
  • Antarctica --> Chilades

And for the oceans:

  • North/South Pacific Ocean --> West/East Kalau Ocean
  • North/South Atlantic Ocean --> North/South Koloan Ocean
  • Indian Ocean --> Eledean Ocean
  • Arctic Ocean --> Colodei Ocean
  • Southern Ocean --> Chilodei Ocean

And some countries. This is an incomplete list. Some countries may or may not have real life counterparts as time goes on:

  • United States of America --> Democratic States of Vankadia
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics --> Socialist Union of Zolosten
  • European Union (still working on the actual European country names) --> Echolaean Union
  • People's Republic of China --> Socialist Republic of Kalestia

Remember, these names are subject to change.

As for the country flags, I've gotten one done, and it's the flag of the US's new Kerbalized self, the Democratic States of Vankadia. Vankadia for short.

Here is the new flag of Vankadia, too.


Also, since the color of the flag has gone from America's red, white, and blue to Vankadia's teal and white, I've made a slight change to the KASA wormball to make it fit in a little better. It's subtle, but I like it.


We've also got the Vankadia Air Force symbols, in both high-visibility and low-visibility variants.


And with the new flags up, retconning the original chapters will begin today!

EDIT: Also, Houston will become Koaington.

EDIT x2: Chapters 1-3 retcons are done!

EDIT x3: Chapters 4-17 retcons are done as well!

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  On 3/9/2024 at 12:42 AM, Kimera Industries said:

I was actually alluding to 1984, "We've always been at war with Oceania," but I just replaced it with the kerbal versions you made. Just looked it up, and Aced Combat looks fun, though!


Ohh. I googled the reference and it pulled up "We've always been at war with Erusea".

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  On 3/9/2024 at 1:58 AM, TwoCalories said:

Ohh. I googled the reference and it pulled up "We've always been at war with Erusea".


Yeah, that's on me. Several factors resulted in me incorrectly quoting it, such as A. Eurasia was not on your list, B. At some point in the book the totalitarian government switches tracks, and since they control all information everyone has to accept what they say (They switched to telling everyone they were at war with Oceania, instead of Eurasia) and I got a little confused.

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Interlude Four: Commander's Log


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  • 4 weeks later...

UPDATE: I've been kind of bugged that by the Global War II the Kerbals had technology that, by Earth's timeline, is fifty years ahead of their time. So, I've decided to put up yet another poll: how many years should I change the timeline by, if any? Once the results stop coming in, I'll begin retconning the previous chapters, if you guys want the timeline changed at all.

Sorry for most of my posts being retcons and polls, but a new chapter should be coming soon (for real this time)!

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  On 4/12/2024 at 10:52 PM, TwoCalories said:

UPDATE: I've been kind of bugged that by the Global War II the Kerbals had technology that, by Earth's timeline, is fifty years ahead of their time. So, I've decided to put up yet another poll: how many years should I change the timeline by, if any? Once the results stop coming in, I'll begin retconning the previous chapters, if you guys want the timeline changed at all.


I feel like it fits. Kerbals seem to advance technologically very quickly anyways due to their love of space, and military technology being more advanced than rocket technology makes sense in a real world context. Military technology today is at least 20-30 years ahead of its time. Meanwhile NASA’s still using facilities from the 50s.

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This Week at KASA: Roadhouse-2 Comes Home


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