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What really happens when "Missing Crew Repsawn" in KSP... - KSP Short Film and lore


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I was asking my self this question : What exactly happens when a "missing crew respawn" in KSP.

As KSP is a highly accurate and realisitc simulator about green little mens, there has to be a plausible explanation. They can't just re appear from thin air.



Luckily, Wernher von Kerman was kind enough to show me the secrets of this interesting and complicated process !

He guided me in the secret KSP facilities where all this mirakle of Kerbal engineering happens.

I hope you'll discover some interesting facts, as I did ! :D 



In the spoiler tab below, are some pictures showing the different steps of the process, guided by Pr. Wernher von Kerman, you can go through them, or watch directly the video at the bottom of this post, to not be spoiled if you prefer the video journey :) 


Before each mission, our Kerbonaut, Jeb needs to go to the centrifuge facility, where a part of his KNA will be saved, thanks to this glorious machine I designed :












(Wait what you never saw the Centrifuge building ? Where do you live ???)











When reaching 20G, Jeb will be liquified into some green genetic ooze, that will be channeled into this precious Goo container, thanks to this complicated and expensive arrangement of garden hoses.

Then, Jeb can go on his usual SAFE space exploration missions...



The resulting fact of this means death, at 99.99 % of the cases. Follow me to see what happens next.

This is the KSC secret underground research facility. In this part, all our Kerbonauts KNA samples are preciously kept, at cryogenic temperatures. Bob Kerman will now retrieve Jeb's sample (he knows be heart where Jeb's capsule is, since he dies all the time) ... And take it to the Kerbal Printer









This is a true Mirakle of Kerbal engineering. The ooze from the Goo will be carefully mixed with some fresh ore, and some chilli spice, to add some flavor. And then the printing process will begin. It's very complicated and needs the full power of 10 Rockomax nuklear reaktors.










Welcome back Jeb. (for the xxxxxxx... time)  Try to fly safe next time. (he won't)









Thank you Pr. Kerman.

So with this knowledge, we see that kerbals die all the time, get resurrected, but by this, loose all their memory about their mission, thus preventing them learning from their mystakes, and keeping kerbals mortality rates absurdly high.
Die, resurrect, forget, die again from same mystake.

Seems a virtuous circle enough.

So is Kerbal life : )


Thank you Pr. Kerman.

So with this knowledge, we see that kerbals die all the time, get resurrected, but by this, loose all their memory about their mission, thus preventing them learning from their mystakes, and keeping kerbals mortality rates absurdly high.
Die, resurrect, forget, die again from same mystake.

Seems a virtuous circle enough.

So is Kerbal life : )

Cheers, and don't hesitate sharing your toughts about this incredible Kerbal engineering process ! :) 

Edited by kurgut
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Jebediah Kerman and Willian Kerman, still on the printing facilities after yeat another R.U.D. event while ascending:

Jeb: Well, that wasn't so bad. We reached the Karman Line this time...

Bill: I will show you "wasn't so bad" as soon as my mid finger is finished being printed... Check your Staging, damnit!

Edited by Lisias
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5 hours ago, Lisias said:

Bill: I will show you wasn't so bad as soon as my mid finger is finished being printed... Check your Staging, damnit!

Hahaha !

If their memory is reset to the state prior to the mission, in theory they couldn't even have that discussion haha

And attempt the same launch in the same manner, until by some mirakle, it works.

(Or maybe mission Kontrol guys tell them what happened, that would make sense. Although as we know, the interest of pilots in regards to those "office-job kerbals" feedback often leads to Bill going to eat donuts in the astronaut complex, and Jeb going climbing some baobab trees)

Edited by kurgut
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54 minutes ago, kurgut said:

If their memory is reset to the state prior to the mission, in theory they couldn't even have that discussion haha

Damn. Now I need to figure out something....  :D

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6 hours ago, TwoCalories said:

I personally use respawn off, but this is still an amazing work of KSP cinematography. The detail that goes into the sets is amazing! And also Jeb's "safe" missions :D

Thanks a lot ! Yeah Jeb cares a lot about " strictly applied safety procedures" as you know... :D 

3 hours ago, Watermel00n said:

Congrats on TOTM!

Thanks ! : )

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