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Hello, while I might not be that new to the forum I have mostly just been looking at ksp2 dev updates. I'm planning to do alot more now. I have been a heavy user of bdarmory and plan to show battles with my cursed creations! I have had ksp 1 since getting my laptop in February 2021 for primarily schoolwork and imidately got ksp. In terms of spaceflight I am very bad and haven't landed on the moon with my own creation (in one piece) but are totally obeyed with spaceflight and astronomy and extremely skilled in SFS! 

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14 minutes ago, idkgeek said:

February 2021 for primarily schoolwork and imidately got ksp. In terms of spaceflight I am very bad and haven't landed on the moon with my own creation (in one piece)


I'm sure many people can help you out with the vessel design. 

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