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Gliese 710 will fly approximately 1 light year from our sun a million years from now


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So how will Earth life spread to it?  It's hard to imagine what we will have a million years from now... if there is a "we".  Interstellar travel being so tough it may be the best chance for a generation ship to make it.


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If we don't reach it in say 10.000 years we will never reach it and its to short time for another species to become intelligent if we die out. 
Yes it will be multiple jumps to get to it but I'm sure getting closer to sun will be use to sell it :cool:

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If we are not destroyed by ourselves or our AI there will probably be our recognizable decedents in a million years.  Our species is a quarter million years old.  There is reason to think our biological evolution has slowed, because of all the ways we have increased survival and lowered birth rate.  

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