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A DIRECT Transition - If Jupiter DIRECT Took to the Skies


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In November of 2022, a Space Launch System Block I took to the night sky of Florida.

But... what if a very similar vehicle flew much, much earlier?
What if Orbital ATK didn't demand no less than 5 segments for Solid Rocket Boosters?
What if Constellation was much less considered than another option?

A proposal going by the name of...





"DIRECT" Space Transportation System Derivative




Common Core Stage

Every rocket in the series would utilize a Common Core Stage. This would take the External Tank from the Space Shuttle, remove the feedlines on top for the orbiter, attach a thrust structure to the bottom, remove the nose cone LOX tank, and attach a liquid oxygen tank extension and cap with a forward skirt for mounting instrument rings/payload fairings or interstages. This new core stage would be common to every flight of the vehicle. I will refer to it as the CCS.



The name given to each Jupiter launch vehicle had three digits; the first digit being how many stages the rocket has, the second being how many engines are on the Core Stage, and the third being how many upper stage engines it has.
For example, the Jupiter-246 has 2 cryogenic stages, 4 main engines, and 6 upper stage engines.




The Jupiter-130 was the first variant of the v3 family. A new thrust structure would allow for the mounting of RS-25s straight onto the CCS, which this variant would use 3 of. The instrument ring and payload fairing would be mounted straight to the top of the CCS.
This medium-lift vehicle could lift about 50 tons into LEO, and was designed as a replacement for the space shuttle servicing and rotating crew on the International Space Station Freedom using CEVs. There was no ISS in my timeline. Instead, Space Station Freedom will be the "ISS" of this thread.




The Jupiter-246 is very similar to the Jupiter-130, but includes a forth RS-25, and most significantly, the Jupiter Upper Stage; a very large hydrolox tank powered by the existing RL10B-2s used on the Delta IV. The instrument ring and payload fairing would sit on top as they would on the CCS of the Jupiter-130.
This launch vehicle could put over 100 tons into Low Earth Orbit, which would allow for a crewed return to the Moon and eventually flights to Mars.


These two rockets would be the backbone of crewed spaceflight, for decades to come; allowing for continued and much safer servicing of Freedom, a return to the Lunar surface, rides to Near Earth Objects, eventual flights to Mars, and much more...




On January 1st, 2011, a Jupiter-120 prototype roars into the morning sky of Florida.

The age of Jupiter has begun.

Edited by Toaster355
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Shuttle with Jupiter? Is this in the same timeline as Freedom? Will we see some cross posting between the two? :P

Also, it is a shame that Jupiter didn't get selected.  It met all the requirements and even had room for expansion and variants. 

Honestly, I think I'm more a fan of Ares I and V, but Jupiter family still is high up there. In an ideal world, at least 3 of the 6 shuttle/shuttle derived programs would be flying. STS, STS2, SLS, NLS, Jupiter Direct (JD) and Ares.

I know STS was old and outdated, but STS2 could have carried on the legacy. We kind of need a space shuttle. 

Anyway, sorry for ranting. Great pics as always. Can't wait to see what you do with this series. 

Are you planning on doing some station building? 

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15 hours ago, GoldForest said:

Shuttle with Jupiter? Is this in the same timeline as Freedom? Will we see some cross posting between the two? :P

Also, it is a shame that Jupiter didn't get selected.  It met all the requirements and even had room for expansion and variants. 

Honestly, I think I'm more a fan of Ares I and V, but Jupiter family still is high up there. In an ideal world, at least 3 of the 6 shuttle/shuttle derived programs would be flying. STS, STS2, SLS, NLS, Jupiter Direct (JD) and Ares.

I know STS was old and outdated, but STS2 could have carried on the legacy. We kind of need a space shuttle. 

Anyway, sorry for ranting. Great pics as always. Can't wait to see what you do with this series. 

Are you planning on doing some station building? 

Yep! STS-132 waiting on the pad will **spoiler** resupply Freedom's snacks and other life support. It will be the final flight of Endeavor.

Yeah, it really was a shame. I'm still very glad the legacy of the shuttle is being continued through Artemis, though :)

Huh, what was STS2? I've never heard of it. When I try searching it up, all that comes up is the STS-2 mission of Columbia. :huh:

Thanks mate, me too! I am very excited for what I'm going to do with these vehicles :D

Most likely, yes. I will definitely expand to Freedom, build a Lunar station, and a Mars transfer vehicle in Low Earth Orbit or even Lunar orbit which NASA and Lockheed Martin are planning IRL for taking humans to Mars.

Edited by Toaster355
My brain went smooth and didn't finish a sentence???
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11 hours ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

The legend returns. But seriously, this looks awesome! I look forward to what you do with it, considering there's not many records of the Jupiter DIRECT to base this off of.

Thanks man! I made these threads so users like you could enjoy my stories and screenshots, so I'm happy I succeeded.
Me too man, these rockets had so much potential. DIRECT has always been a, absolutely criminally underrated proposal, so I really want to try changing that.



What potential missions am I talking about? Well, the DIRECT team promised crewed access back to the ISS, a Mars sample return in one launch, and an Apollo 8-style Lunar flyby ALL by 2013. They also promised new categories of missions like HUGE 10(?) meter diameter telescopes, very large defense satellites, and missions to find life in the oceans of Jupiter's/Saturn's moons.
It may get very tricky, but I will attempt do them all!

Edited by Toaster355
Refined... Almost everything.
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9 hours ago, Toaster355 said:

Huh, what was STS2? I've never heard of it. When I try searching it up, all that comes up is the STS-2 mission of Columbia. :huh:

Ah, yeah, sorry. I meant space shuttle 2. I call it STS2, because it makes sense that they'd call it that. :D


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2 hours ago, TwoCalories said:


Also, I know you use Steven's TUFX Profiles, but how do you turn on camera grain, chromatic abberation, etc.? I really want to use that.


In the "Edit Profiles" tab in TUFX, you can change... pretty much everything.
Chromatic Aberration is near the middle. I recommend only changing the Intensity slider.
Grain is near the end, next to Motion Blur. It's pretty simple, with only 3 sliders.

Toy around with these, and I promise your screenshots will look muchhhh better. :)

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On 10/16/2023 at 6:46 PM, Toaster355 said:


In the "Edit Profiles" tab in TUFX, you can change... pretty much everything.
Chromatic Aberration is near the middle. I recommend only changing the Intensity slider.
Grain is near the end, next to Motion Blur. It's pretty simple, with only 3 sliders.

Toy around with these, and I promise your screenshots will look muchhhh better. :)

What mod is that sunflare from? I think I asked before but I don't remember where or what you answered. :P

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53 minutes ago, TwoCalories said:

What mod is that sunflare from? I think I asked before but I don't remember where or what you answered. :P

That's alright, I answered after you asked on my Freedom thread after I posted the update of me toying with volumetric clouds in my stock install. :)

In my KSRSS install, I use Kabram's White, High Quality sunflare.
As for my stock installs, I use the Spectra sunflare.

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Hello, Kerbonauts!

No CEV Flight Test-1 just yet.

I am trying to decide what Orion will look like, so I decided to ask you all!



Orion Models


Choice 1: Early CEV Design


The was, I believe, the second CEV model. Sporting a Service Module in a larger diameter than every other design after it, a coned-ish bottom with gold foil, solar panels mounted to the bottom, and 4 clusters of 4-way RCS thrusters.


Choice 2: Semi-Early; Final Constellation Program CEV Design


This Orion model was the final design for the Constellation Program; a smaller Service Module diameter with a flat bottom, 4 clusters of 2 RCS thrusters only pointing aft, and solar panels mounted to the top of the Service Module.


Choice 3: Latest, 2022 Orion


We all saw this fly around the moon last year! The service module is very similar to the last, but now with 4 variable-sweep solar panels from the ESA, and 8, 2-way RCS clusters.


Capsule and Window Textures


Choice 1: Black


This paint was used on Exploration Flight Test-1 I don't think it looks great, but again, it's up to you!


Choice 2: White


Original Orion Paint for the Constellation Program. I think it will look good, especially paired up with black windows!


Choice 3: Silver


Shinyyy... Very reflective tiles used on Artemis-1.

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6 minutes ago, Toaster355 said:

Hello, Kerbonauts!

No Jupiter-120-PRIME just yet.

I am trying to decide what Orion will look like, so I decided to ask you all!



Orion Models

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Choice 1: Early CEV Design


The was, I believe, the second CEV model. Sporting a Service Module in a larger diameter than every other design after it, a coned-ish bottom with gold foil, solar panels mounted to the bottom, and 4 clusters of 4-way RCS thrusters.


Choice 2: Semi-Early; Final Constellation Program CEV Design


This Orion model was the final design for the Constellation Program; a smaller Service Module diameter with a flat bottom, 4 clusters of 2 RCS thrusters only pointing aft, and solar panels mounted to the top of the Service Module.


Choice 3: Latest, 2022 Orion


We all saw this fly around the moon last year! The service module is very similar to the last, but now with 4 variable-sweep solar panels from the ESA, and 8, 2-way RCS clusters.


Capsule and Window Textures

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Choice 1: Black


This paint was used on Exploration Flight Test-1 I don't think it looks great, but again, it's up to you!


Choice 2: White


Original Orion Paint for the Constellation Program. I think it will look good, even paired up with black windows!


Choice 3: Silver


Shinyyy... Very reflective tiles used on Artemis-1. I personally think they look as good as white, and better even!

I have to go with the Constellation CEV with the white Orion. It’s an alt history, have fun with it!

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1 hour ago, TwoCalories said:

I say Choice 2, with white capsule and black windows.

Good choice! The IRL CEV didn't have black windows I'm sure, but it looks better in-game and I can do it so who cares.

1 hour ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

I have to go with the Constellation CEV with the white Orion. It’s an alt history, have fun with it!

A good choice again. And you're right, man! I can do whatever I want! :D

15 minutes ago, Kerballlistic07 said:

I say choice 2 as well, and though I enjoy shiny Orion, I kind of want to see the white one more with black windows. :D

Yeah, I love the shiny Orion but a white Orion would look great too.
And Jay already uses a silver Orion, and I don't want to copy him too much, so I have the perfect excuse!


Ooh okay, everyone seems to want a white and black CEV! Fantastic choices! :D
Today I blew all of my rep on @Misguided Kerbal's fantastic Starbound thread, so no rep for you all yet.

I'll wait for another day or two in case others want to share too. :)

Also Mr. @Kerballlistic07, I read your signature, and if you want you can fix it on this thread here. However, you can only change it once!

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36 minutes ago, Toaster355 said:

Also Mr. @Kerballlistic07, I read your signature, and if you want you can fix it on this thread here. However, you can only change it once!

I know I can change it, but I don't really want to just because it's one of those things that was unintentional but ended up being funny anyways. (It makes for a funny signature :D)

38 minutes ago, Toaster355 said:

Ooh okay, everyone seems to want a white and black CEV! Fantastic choices! :D

Looking forward to it!

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23 hours ago, Kerballlistic07 said:

I know I can change it, but I don't really want to just because it's one of those things that was unintentional but ended up being funny anyways. (It makes for a funny signature :D)

Okay. Just making sure :)



Also everyone, I forgot to ask something;

Which Service Module and Solar Panel models do you want?


I know you all technically did vote for the Service Modules, but I must ask again as I address some issues with them.


Service Module/Solar Panel choice 1:


This is the model from the incredible ACK mod, and Solar Panels from Restock.


However, the panels are unrealistically long. Here's a side-by-side (or, top-by-bottom) of the panels:


To make them look more realistic, I must shrink them.
This also makes it more similar to Jay's Orion, which I want to avoid, but I will use it if you all really want me to.


Service Module/Solar Panel choice 2:


(I didn't snatch this image from my previous post I swear)
This is the model from Roger's Konstellation Program Mod. While more accurate to the Orion of the time, it provides a simpler model, with RCS lacking any sort of plumes.
If you have the knowledge, I beg you to tell me how to get plumes for these!


The panels, while much more accurate looking, do not have Shabby/Shaddy compatibility either, robbing them from their beauty. 


And for everyone's information, I revamped nearly everything and fixed almost every mistake I could on the first post here (except for the mission).
I strongly recommend reading it again!

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April 6th, 2012

CEV Flight Test-1

About a year after the demise of STS-132, the new capsule for crewed spaceflight prepares to take to the skies for the first time.

This flight will be a large nod to Exploration Flight Test-1.

Orion Multiple Purpose Crew Vehicle







The first Jupiter-130 ever built sits on it's Jupiter Mobile Launcher on pad 39A, awaiting the launch window tomorrow.


I have switched to DIRECT v3.0 for now.

The RS-68s lack the efficiency to meet the needs of the vehicles. The Space Shuttle Main Engines (RM-69s) may be much more expensive, but their efficiency achieved by the regeneratively cooled nozzle is unmatched by any other ever built.
16 engines from the shuttle era have already been paid and built too, and are just sitting in a warehouse. NASA has already ordered a sheer 18 more too; there is no reason not to use these engines!

More efficient, regeneratively-cooled RS-68 variants will be developed as the vehicles continue to fly.


JML (Jupiter Mobile Launcher) sports new, better-looking clamps derived from the Atlas series of launchers.


T-00:00:10 | The "Sparkers" Ignite beneath the vehicle, igniting excess hydrogen.


T-00:00:06 | The SSMEs light up, and shock diamonds appear.


The arms stay attached to the vehicle until T-0.


T+00:00:00 | Swing arms retract...


Clamps release...


Boosters ignite...


"Liftoff of Jupiter-130, carrying Crew Exploration Vehicle "Orion" into orbit for the first time in history!"


T+00:00:07 | "The vehicle rolls over, placing it on a proper heading as it travels downrange towards it's intended orbit."


"Jupiter's main engines throttle down as the vehicle passes max Q."


"There's footage from a camera on the CCS, as it watches the Cape shrink below the vehicle."


The aerocam continues peeking back at the Floridan coast.


"The Solid Rocket Boosters have expended their propellant, and are standing by for jettison."



"The LAS is now gone."


Orion is painted fully black, as a nod to Exploration Flight Test-1.


"Jupiter's main engines throttle down again, premature to shutdown as it nearly reaches orbit."


"MECO. Jupiter is in orbit! Standing by for fairing detachment."


The payload is revealed! A modified Delta Cryogenic Second Stage (DCSS) will stay attached to Orion for nearly the entire flight.


Prototype circular solar arrays for Orion will be tested on the flight as well.


The RL10B-2 engine nozzle, once stowed to fit inside the fairing, deploys for the upcoming circularization burn.



Orbit achieved!


After nearly a full orbit around the planet, the engine on the DCSS fires up again for the second time, sending Orion to the Van Allen Radiation Belts.
This will test how the spacecraft handles extreme radiation, and if it will be safe for crew on Lunar and even Martian flights.


Sol rises on the other side of the planet.



Orion will hang here for several orbits.


After there orbits, The RL10 engine fires up for the final time, sending Orion back to the planet below.


Andromeda watches over the spacecraft as it attempts leaves the void of space.


Orion orients itself with it's own RCS thrusters, pointing the heat shield at the atmosphere.


The forward heat shield cover pops off, and the drogue parachutes are deployed, slowing the vehicle to a safe speed for the main parachutes to open.


And a safe splashdown off the coast of Ecuador.







Thanks for reading, everyone!
And sorry for the weird white highlight, I do not know how to get rid of it.


You can look at a bonus here, but it is not a good one...
This, and I am not joking, may permanently ruin the AVP skybox for you.

Do NOT open the spoiler if you are not willing to see something you will likely never be able to unsee.


I was looking at the skybox with a really high FOV and...


...it looks like a box.

I will never be able to unsee this.






Next Flight: High-Altitude Abort Test

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2 hours ago, TwoCalories said:

@Toaster355, do you mind sharing your modlist? Or more specifically, your parts mods?

Sure, here's my parts mod list for everything you've seen in this thread so far:

  • O.R.A.N.G.E.S. - Almost all parts for the Common Core Stage; Inline EFT parts, engine mounts, instrument rings and fairings.
  • Photon Corp. - RSRB parts.
  • Artemis Construction Kit; Everything for Orion, except the circular solar arrays.
  • Restock+ - Circular Solar Arrays.
  • Conformal Decals - Self explanatory; flags and decals.
  • Bluedog DB - Delta Cryogenic Second Stage and RS-68s.
  • Modular Launch Pads - Jupiter Mobile Launcher. 
  • Hullcam VDS Continued - External cameras.
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7 hours ago, Toaster355 said:

Sorry for the wait. Just experiencing a bit of burnout, and playing other games (mostly DCS, my favorite flight simulator).

High-Altitude Abort Test will be out this week.

Burnout is very normal, don’t feel pressured to get back to KSP really soon. When I got burned out with the game, I took a few months, and then when I went to play again, I couldn’t stop playing!

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