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Darrin leaked again


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Reported Version: v0.1.5 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700 CPU @ 2.90GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 | RAM16GB




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Edited by Spicat
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I am sorry but your bug report isn't of a standard that can be moved to the public area.
Resubmission of a bug report related to @Darrin H's possible leek must cover the following:

It is spelt Leek. NOT leak.

Not all Leeks are the same. Some are worse than others

Examples of Leek Severity:
Full Leek:


Full Leek.png

Partial Leek:


Partial Leek.png

If its a Full Leek:
Immediately Call the Darrin Leek Hotline at 1804098741959375954737939454578578

If its a Partial Leek:
Continue to Additional Information that is Needed

Additional Information that is Needed:
Where did this leek happen.?
What time did it happen?
Was it a weekday or on the weekend?
Was he wearing a standard shirt or an Intercept Games t-shirt?
Was there any indication of Pokémon being played before the leek?
Had @Darrin H been driving immediately before the leek happened?
Is there video or a screenshot of said leek?
If it was on Discord is there solid proof that @Darrin H and this fellow called Darrin Mouse on Discord are the same person?

As you can see there are obvious differences between the Forum Profile picture and the Discord one:
Please Supply All this Information or it Will be deemed Inadequate and Will be Rejected

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32 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

Testing in production?

It was for testing things internally but we made it public just because it was funny (we will make it private again soon don't worry)

Edited by Spicat
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