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Incorrect "landed" status while in orbit causes trajectory to disappear in Map View


Bug Report

This has happened to me, except I don't even see a Ap or Pe indicator when this happens. I'm on v0.1.4.1, no mods.

Nothing seems to fix this for my craft that is currently affected. I've tried going to the KSC, then back to the tracking station to take then control of my craft. I've tried saving and exiting out of the game entirely. And just going to tracking station and then back to craft.

I did some investigation and found some interesting things:

My save opens up straight to the craft in flight. If I go straight to the tracking station and back to controlling the craft, it continues to follow along its trajectory (even though I can't see what that is in map view). BUT if I go to the KSC and then back to the tracking station and take control of the craft, the craft heads straight downward towards Kerbin like all momentum was lost. This is repeatable. Either way I go to the tracking station (straight from flight or from KSC) the craft's state says "landed" in the tracking station.  It seems like, at least for me, the game believes the craft is landed and therefore is not showing a trajectory line.

In the screenshot example below I wasn't even in orbit yet, just suborbital:


I would like to be able to provide a save file, I'm just not sure how to do that.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) 17-4690 CPU @ 3.60GHz | GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 | RAM16.0 GB

i am returning to mun orbit with a lander, and my apoapsis and periapsis are positive and i am orbiting the mun, however my state is landed it doesnt show my orbit trajectory.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7700 | GPU: Nvidia GForce GTX 1080 | RAM16GB

When attempting to ascend from any celestial body excluding kerbin's launch pad, the IsLanded tag is not removed by the game and subsequently the map does not display orbital information, allow creation of maneuver nodes, and other map functions reliant on the game knowing the craft is in flight. Currently, manually editing save file code is only way to remove the IsLanded tag and return map to desired state. 

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Linux | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X | GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700XT | RAM: 32GB

I have encountered the lack of trajectory lines and erroneous landed status twice now (evidenced in one case by the ability to perform landed experiments from orbit).

In the first instance, a simple mun lander that was intended to rendezvous with another craft in orbit experienced some awkward lander-leg snapping/jumping while performing the EVA and got stuck with the landed state.  After the navball numbers claimed that I had an orbit in excess of 40km PE, I checked on my rendezvous craft and returned to find that my lander had suddenly lost ALL velocity and was now beginning a plummet straight down.  Teleporting the craft back into orbit with the cheat menu actually restored its in-flight status.

In the second instance, I had a lander to decouple from a recovery craft with two stages left; decoupling the lander would take the final stage off the stack while others remained un-fired.  As soon as I did this, I lost control over the manned lander and BOTH craft became erroneously landed.  I EVAd the lander kerbal and regained control upon re-boarding that vessel.  Both vessels were still in orbit at this point.  I burned to deorbit the lander and checked the map to find that the rendezvous craft was still too close by; I left the map and watched it plummet right by the lander: it had suddenly lost all of its velocity and started its own plummet.  Teleporting the rendezvous craft back into orbit with the cheat menu restored in-flight status.  I completed my mun mission and attempted to re-orbit the lander, but the erroneous landed status stuck with it all the way into orbit (confirmed only via navball numbers).  Teleporting the lander via cheat menu DID NOT restore in-flight status (I tried twice with different orbits).

FWIW, the rendezvous had to be done nearly blind and the rest of the mission was plagued by faulty RCS thrusters, parachute deployment failure, and was ultimately saved by the unusually-safe-splashdowns bug (50m/s+ landing with 2/3 drogue chutes deployed and 0/3 normal chutes was stressful, to say the least, after all of that).  After that session (and looking up the bug), I'll be keeping an eye out for seemingly high-risk moments; maybe I can pull a save or two off that'll reproduce it consistently on my end in the future.

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On 12/21/2023 at 8:28 PM, VacuousSpace said:

Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: TRSDOS | CPU: TRS-80 Model III | GPU: none | RAM52KB


Landed on Minmus and took off from surface.  Orbit missing in map and status shows landed in tracking station despite clearly being in orbit of Minmus.


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I had the same thing happen (funnily enough, it was immediately after investigating the monument), the fix for me was reloading to a save right before liftoff, then everything worked as expected, so this must be some trigger randomly failing to fire.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Linux | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X | GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700XT | RAM32GB

Part of this bug:

 But so I can attach my files.

After my own experiences I figured I would make an experimental rocket to trigger this bug intentionally with out-of-order staging, and it works reliably for me with multiple craft designs on the launchpad.  I've stuck with the simpler one for reporting here.  In the recording, the first launch shows staging through the use of spacebar where even though the craft takes off with a decoupler under its engine, the status of the craft is correct.  Reverting and triggering the decoupler first causes the craft to obtain the incorrect "landed" status.  This comes with all of the science experiment options and lack of trajectory lines (which I neglected to show in the recording… screenshot it is then) that usually accompany this bug.

Bonus:  In the attached save, in "orbit" of the Mun, is a lander which I previously described in the aforementioned thread.  It currently sits just over 100km above the surface, has 0 velocity, and is improperly "landed".  Taking control over this one curiously does not begin a plummet; instead it starts to slowly rotate in place on my screen while the navball fails to reflect this.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 11 Home 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5700 3.70GHz | GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT | RAM16GB


Used similar lander to land on both Mun and Minimus.  JSON file attached.  When departing landing, staged early after takeoff, when vehicle was sub-orbital.  Switching to map view the orbital track of this vehicle no longer visible making planning impossible.  Other notes:

- Other controls and indications still worked (AP and PE indicator in lower left, marker where leaving Mun or Minimus SOI, orbital velocity and altitude,  SAS controls still oriented vehicle correctly)  Screencaps from Mun takeoff shown

- Switching in and out of map view, into tracking station then back to vehicle, even saving and restarting did not restore the track

-At one point in map view, took control of Minimus lander and pressed "M" to go to auto view of vehicle. Vehicle appeared to be on surface of Mun, but I was still half way between Minimus and Kerbin.  Orbital speed indicator correct for orbit in free space.  Weird rendering glitch. Screen cap attached. (Render glitch and Render glitch2)

Screen caps enclosed showing issues.  Maybe related, I have been switching between vehicles in the map view using right click and "CONTROL" button.


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win11 | CPU: 5800x3d | GPU: 3080 | RAM64gb

Landed a lander on the Mun. Lander consisted of an landing stage and an ascent stage. On decoupling the ascent stage it doesn't show any orbital lines in map view, making it next to impossible to rendezvous with my orbiter. 

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows 10 | CPU: i7-9700F 3GHz | GPU: rtx 2060 | RAM16gb

For some reason (sorry i don't understand why) but one of my crafts that i sent into orbit has no predictive orbit lines. I am unable to create a manoeuvre node, and the game allows me to recover the vessel? Detaching segments from it via decoupling creates orbital lines for the debris but the main craft still has no way to make nodes and stays recoverable. Saving/reloading, switching to other crafts, and launching a new craft does not fix it.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Microsoft Windows 10 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 | RAM15.95

Severity: Medium

Frequency: High (I can do this reliably).

This bug results in a craft that has taken off from a planetary body being stuck with the "landed" state, which results in there being no trajectory UI, as well as other issues such as being able to gather surface science while flying over a given biome. This is a pretty annoying issue as you need to edit a save file to fix it by changing the craft vessel state manually.

I have found that I can reproduce this with a certain staging setup. If you place a lander on a planet surface, then stage the craft to decouple a takeoff vehicle, activating its engines and leaving the bottom lander on the planetary body while leaving the surface in the decoupled subcraft, the subcraft seems to reliably be set to the wrong state. I have done this twice on the Mun and once on Minmus.

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On 10/28/2023 at 9:49 AM, PicoSpace said:

Landed on Mun and then used an ascent capsule to return to Kerbin, didn't have a conicals the whole way back but I did on the trip out. This marks the 2nd bug of the trip (first was another loose of radially attached boosters and stabilizers which I added to my other bug report as repeatibility proof).

Worth mentioning, this bug happens for me consistently when doing an Apollo-style 2 stage lander like PicoSpace had. I think when taking off while staging at the same time can cause the issue, as I found if I took off briefly with the descent stage (just to get off the ground) and then staged to start flying with the ascent stage, the conics showed as intended. If I just took off directly with the ascent stage (as PicoSpace did in the video) then it broke.

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5 hours ago, Obo the Hobo said:

Worth mentioning, this bug happens for me consistently when doing an Apollo-style 2 stage lander like PicoSpace had. I think when taking off while staging at the same time can cause the issue, as I found if I took off briefly with the descent stage (just to get off the ground) and then staged to start flying with the ascent stage, the conics showed as intended. If I just took off directly with the ascent stage (as PicoSpace did in the video) then it broke.

Its incredibly common, and it makes interplanetary missions almost impossible. Mun/Minmus missions are doable if you know what you are doing but beyond that you are throwing darts blindfolded.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 (64 bit) | CPU: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-11900H @ 2.50GHz | GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop GPU | RAM65237 Mb

Sequence of events

  • land rover + skycrane (near Kapy rock)
  • detach skycrane and fly it off
  • switch to rover via quickswap key
  • popup pops up - vessel Default... out of EC
  • switched to it out of curiosity, since it was expected to just crash
  • the skycrane probe is stuck in 'landed' state. once i switched to it, it started falling (and crashed later)

Note that the skycrane was 'landed' when it was detached to fly it away

Quicksave from the moment I noticed the probe was 'landed' attached.


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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: WIN 11 | CPU: Intel i7-6700 4.0Ghz | GPU: GTX 1080 | RAM24576

Title: (Orbit line disappearing after first stage is dropped)

Severity: (med).  

Frequency: (high).  Does this happen a lot?  yes Can you reproduce it consistently?  yes, after first stage drops the orbit line remains with the first stage. Please see images:https://ibb.co/1JdH1bB  https://ibb.co/fvFJx28 OR attached in 'report'.

Description:  400 Ton rocket with ~12 stages. Whenever the first stage drops off (two fuel tanks set up in series) the orbit line will remain with the depleted tanks and the main craft will loss it's orbit line in the map view; this makes navigation impossible because you can not select a point for maneuver nodes as there is no orbit line(not sure if this is the correct term, please see attached image).  The rocket is fairly straight forwards otherwise. Keep up the good work! Otherwise, I am exited for 1.0 =)

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 Home 22H2 | CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D | GPU: MSI Gaming GeForce RTX 4080 16GB GDDR6X PCI Express 4.0 | RAM128 GB DDR5-6000

I couldn't find the report on disappearing trajectory or ship reverting to landed while in flight so forgive me if you know this to be a duplicate. Maybe the old report was lost due to the recent maintenance. This report is to add that I replicated the bug three times with the same ship. After the first, I reverted to launch. Then I quick saved before the next stage. I watched in map view when I staged to see my trajectory line vanish. The tracking station confirmed my ship was landed, not in flight. I reverted to the save and repeated. Same thing. Then I reverted to the save and remained in flight view. The bug did not trigger.

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This bug seems to be related to the ship parts and how they are assembled. I took the ship I can reproduce the bug with and slowly started stripping away parts to test it in launch. I found there were sections of the ship I could remove that would prevent this bug from popping up, but when I took note of the parts I removed that were not located anywhere else on the ship, I was reduced to just 3 suspect parts. I tried building a simple ship using those parts and still could not replicate the bug, so I have to believe it is maybe not the part but how they are connected. In all instances of the bug however, I had to be in map view when I staged to replicate it. I suspect it may have something to do with the launch clamps on the ground but again, simpler ships using suspected parts are not triggering it. Something else I had considered was that the ship had to be massive and take off slowly, or be moving too slow at a higher altitude when that first stage is fired. I have yet to find a definitive cause, but perhaps this info will help.

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I think I found some new and interesting correlation. The setting for persistent debris, if set to zero, may influence this bug. I ran several test and observed in map view after staging that many of the debris trajectories would blink just as the ship trajectory does, and with zero persistent debris, I see the ship get eaten up with the debris clean up. I thought this setting only affected what debris is saved so it would be cleared when you reloaded from a save, but if my new theory holds any weight, the cleanup around the launch site and low atmosphere is including the ship because all debris are vessels, and the cleanup may not be properly checking if a vessel is debris before cleaning it up.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: w10 | CPU: Ryzen 5 | GPU: rtx 3070 | RAM32gb

When I'm in a middle of a mission and need to reload a previous saved file, sometines, in this saved file it's considered that the vessel is in Landed state.

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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: No seizure warning, K2D2, Flight Plan (and prerequisites to the mods) | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Intel i5 | GPU: GTX 1060 | RAM16GB

I expected to see an orbital outline for my spacecraft, but since I already had a vessel with the same Workplace and Craft name, the new craft did not show the orbital trajectory while the original did. This was an easy fix, as I reverted to VAB and renamed the vessel and all was well. A minor annoyance, does not affect other aspects of gameplay such as lag spikes or crashes.

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