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Hello! I'm kinda no one. More of a fan of those who are here.
I've played KSP more than any game I own. Still a fraction in comparison, but we're here for Adventures, not comparisons.

Much like the majority here, I jumped in Ksp without knowing what to do. Blowing up was my motivation to learn. (poor kerbals)
Now that ksp 2 is out, I'm going to try to be part of this community, rather than watching everyone else be that community.
I have really nothing to contribute, but thats okay. I just really like the game.

Me, personally, I have autism, adhd and stuff, so my 'rants' and excitement are kinda explosive, but thats just part of my character.
Nice to meet you all, and I hope that I can one day contribute something that I know I am good at.

I like to fly things in ksp more so than I like to try to travel the distance, (Tho, I did once sit at my pc for 5 or so hours to make sure a plane can circumnavigate Kerbin properly. That was cool. Just learning about Aviation and such, cant say KSP2 is the Perfect way to test that, but still, good fun.

Thanks for building this, being this, and making this whole community happen. I'm very happy with the results of KSP2 so far. 
I mean, hell, the cinematic trailers make me cry each time I watch it. 
I really love what this community can do. Its inspirational 

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8 hours ago, JKpart said:

Nice badges, how do I get one? My internet sucks too much to record vid, or post vid... 

Challenge creators sometimes make badges but don't actually control them or give them out. If you complete the challenge you can copy the image into your signature. 

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8 hours ago, Kerbalsaurus said:

Welcome to the KSP forums, @JKpart!

:D i already have a really cool idea I'd like to share! I know busy people are busy, and hard to slip in thing in an already 'thing' filled schedule, but i'd wanna know what people think of it! Its helped me through covid and the social interactions. Its kinda simular to another game, but I think it would be perfect for KSP2 and Muliplayer ^-^ 


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