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Vanishing fuel in the Resource manager (Fuel Manager Drains CH4 From Both Tanks When One Is Set To OUT And The Other To IN)


Bug Report

Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Win 10 | CPU: AMD Threadripper 2950x | GPU: RTX 3080 | RAM32gb


I transferred CH4 and Ox (both marked as OUT) into another tank (both marked as IN). The result was that the CH4 values decreased on both tanks. Seems like the Ch4 disappeared?

Start:Tank 1 : 2.5 CH4 and 10.02 Ox and Tank 2: .27 CH4 and 1.06 Ox

End: Tank 1: 1.72 CH4 and 11.08 Ox. Tank 2 empty  (would have expected 2.77 CH4 and 11.08 Ox)

I did have a 3rd tank that was full and set to = (unchanged.)

Was able to reproduce multiple times in the session. Had to reload a previous save to restore levels.

Video: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2009660344?t=01h11m05s



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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows | CPU: ryzen 5 3600 | GPU: radeon 5700xt | RAM32gb 3200mhz


severity: low


frequency: medium (duplicatable, but not every time)


description: when transfering fuel, and especially equalizing tanks, the following can occasionally happen:

CH4 vanishes. a chunk just evaporates and goes away. have not seen it come back. (appears to be the following link)


additional O2 appears. sometimes enough to fill a tank from near empty to completely full. then sometimes a chunk vanishes later.

some remass can get stuck in a random tank, requiring a lot of fiddling to free it up

uneven distribution


voiding issues appear to happen more often with differently sized tanks, but i ran a couple tests with equal sized tanks (3+) and still ended up every now and then with uneven distro or remass getting stuck

couple tests performed with different tank sizes, quantities (always 3+) and arrangements, did not find any sets to be immune.


this video by no means encompasses all the issues i found, but i didn't feel like taking 60 different flights up and recording them all.


possibly related, when i docked my mun lander which i had fiddled with this due to asymetric remass consumption (my fault, only crossfed half) with parent ship where parent ship had at least 40% remass remaining (i remember thinking i brought way too much fuel), the remass in parent vanished and matched the lander remass, forgot to take pictures/keep save... so i can't remember if it was by % or by quantity.


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Edited by jcheung9941
slightly more detail
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Reported Version: v0.2.0 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Arch Linux (Steam Proton Experimental) | CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 7950X | GPU: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX | RAM4x16 GB Corsair Vengeance DDR5 @ 6000 MT/s

I just docked a five-part craft in orbit above Kerbin, and noticed several issues with the resource manager: two are annoying UI issues, but the third can delete resources from the craft.

  • Button unresponsiveness: upon clicking pretty much any of the buttons, there's a chance that the button press sound plays, but the button action hasn't actually been performed (I've noticed this in other UIs besides the resource manager as well).
  • The button to remove a tank from the transfer UI doesn't actually remove the tank, only inserting a duplicate copy of its UI element in the left pane. I have to load a save to actually reset the UI.
  • When attempting to balance resources across tanks with differing capacities, some of the resource will be deleted from the vessel.

I've attached a video which demonstrates all three of these issues along with the save file containing the craft in the video.

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@Ashandalar, merged your bug report with this one.

For next time, a bug report should only be about one bug report and not several one even if you have to put the same video/save file in the bug report.

Your other bug report probably correspond to those:

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Reported Version: v0.2.1 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 11 | CPU: Ryzen 9 7900X | GPU: Radeon 7900XTX | RAM32GB

I have this vessel in orbit of kerbin, and I was refueling it. When I tried transferring fuel within the same vessel, the fuel got "dumped" and lost all of my delta V.

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