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Science Arkive [v1.0.3 for KSP2 v0.2.0]

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Science Arkive


See all your science experiments at a glance, and check where you can pick some more points!


Download: SpaceDock | GitHub


Are you desperately craving some more science points to unlock that essential node in your tech tree?
Have your Kerbals forgotten where they've been in the last missions in a terrible bout of amnesia?
Just check your shiny Experiments Archive and you're ready to go! 

In order to use the mod, just use the "Science Arkive" button in the App Bar (available in Flight, Map & VAB)

Plus, it restores the missing "Research" panel in the stock Vessel Recovered window!



Here we go with a full review:


The preferred way to install this mod will be through CKAN.

If  you really want to install it manually, download the release from SpaceDock / GitHub (the links are up here), and then install manually:

  • Install BepInEx + SpaceWarp + UITK for KSP2 (all these dependencies are required)
  • Extract the contents of the downloaded .zip into your KSP2 installation folder (usually C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2)
  • Mod folder will then be positioned in <your installation path>\Kerbal Space Program 2\BepInEx\plugins\


(No) Spoiler Warning:

Due to the nature of the Science Regions, the Science Archive window by default will "hide" them (showing as "???") in the regions list.
Furthermore, unexplored planets or unavailable experiments due to Tech Tree research, will be hidden. You can configure these settings from Settings > Mods


Source Code:



For latest changes see github releases:

Previous changes:


  • Add completed percentage for each experiment in the planet detail. Now each experiment shows the accumulated science points and the percentage relative to available reports
  • Fix UI to hide experiments in low orbit for discoverables since they cannot be conducted in a discoverable region in low orbit
  • Fix progress bar not showing the correct percentage
  • Fix Marine Survey experiment not showing the "Landed" situation even if the report could be taken in game
  • Ignore unused/unavailable "Crew Report" science experiment
  • Enhanced general UI layout and reduced bundle size


  • Add science total in the Flight Report Window and enhance the UI styles
  • Add localization support (english and italian for now)
  • Fix some regions missing in the experiments list, like Minmus "Sheet Ice"
  • Fix NullReferenceError in sandbox games


  • Add science experiments progress bar for each celestial body
  • Add support for Orbital Survey mod
  • Fix UI fonts loading to support fallback fonts (Chinese/Japanese/Korean)


  • Restored the missing "Research" panel in the stock Vessel Recovered UI window, displaying all the recovered science reports!
  • Fix performance issues related to UI refresh, especially during timewarp


  • Fix Kerbal EVA experiments (Surface Survey) that should always be visible
  • Fix Click-Through blocking in VAB and Flight view
  • Fix available experiments not refreshing on Tech unlock


  • Fix UI refresh on experiment retrieval: now the UI updates as soon as an experiment is recovered
  • No spoilers mode: by default the Archive window doesn't show unexplored planets, hidden locations or unavailable experiments. You can toggle the options through SpaceWarp Mods Settings window
  • Window position and selected body persistance after game saving & reload
  • Collapsed experiments remain collapsed when selecting another planet
  • Scrolling inside the Archive Windows doesn't zoom in game


  • Initial Release


Edited by leonardfactory
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Looks great!  At the moment, I like seeing the names (gives me motivation to go find them) but I agree, should be a user option.  Hidden by default, but user can select to show names (not locations)

Thanks, I was looking for something exactly like this

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Oh hm: I went to a new biome, collected all the science available at current tech, and none of the new reports show up in the Arkive window..  Even after reload, and after quit to main menu.  It only shows up after a full quit and restart game.  Everything I had before loading the mod was accurate on first start.

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Just now, fourfa said:

Oh hm: I went to a new biome, collected all the science available at current tech, and none of the new reports show up in the Arkive window..  Even after reload, and after quit to main menu.  It only shows up after a full quit and restart game.  Everything I had before loading the mod was accurate on first start.

Oh, thanks for the report; I could’ve missed some update logic after some optimization, I’ll fix it asap

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One more UI nitpick: there's an option to collapse/hide particular experiment types.  Whatever I set these to, they reset as soon as I change celestial bodies in the Arkive window.  I think it might be better if the open/collapsed selection was sticky across planet selection, and maybe even from one game session to the next?  (easy to say, no idea how hard it would be to code).  Relatively low priority.

Taking a step back though I think the main reason to close these is that the player hasn't discovered the tech yet, so they just add clutter or even confusion (to a new player, is the late-tech Orbital Survey experiment obviously different than running earlier experiments while in orbit? Maybe not?).  Perhaps  unresearched experiment types shouldn't be visible at all?  Or simply collapsed by default.

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I like both the ideas, in general the idea of hiding what has not yet been discovered seems fundamental to me.
I'd like to include:

  • Discoverables (will be shown only if experiments have been conducted / the region has been explored)
  • Celestial Bodies (will be shown only if reached, could be toggled through settings)
  • Experiments (will be shown only when tech tree node is unlocked)

I just need to figure out how to do it, will update soon

Regarding the UI, yes it's very rough right now, I didn't want to fight with Persistance until first release, but I'll try to change the behaviour in the next patches

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Definitely the right way to look at science. It's less satisfying than my 180 rows monstrosity of a google sheet (that technically is still not finished) when it eventually is all green and dark blue and has a definite 100% at the top. But your mod is already a far better game experience than having no idea where you already been on your scientific journey. This mod was bound to pop up. I wonder when the devs will add their own system, if even. The wish has been forwarded at least already.

This image may contain SOFT SPOILERS for some normal region names that can be found either by Missions or just in-game discovery! However, all discoverable names are renamed.




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v0.2.0 is out!

https://spacedock.info/mod/3541/Science Arkive#changelog


  • Fix UI refresh on experiment retrieval: now the UI updates as soon as an experiment is recovered
  • No spoilers mode: by default the Archive window doesn't show unexplored planets, hidden locations or unavailable experiments. You can toggle the options through SpaceWarp Mods Settings window
  • Window position and selected body persistance after game saving & reload
  • Collapsed experiments remain collapsed when selecting another planet
  • Scrolling inside the Archive Windows doesn't zoom in game


@Traveydius your spreadsheet is incredibile, congrats for the great work!

@fourfa this should address the majority of the issues you reported (from UI not updating to spoilers), feel free to tell me if  I missed something 

@Schneider21 done!

Thank you all for the reports.

In the next releases I'd like to address:

  • Progress Bar (to show percentage of completion for each body)
  • Science report on vessel recovered
  • Feel free to ping me if you have other ideas!
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Click-thru problems; if you position the Science Arkive window directly over a craft in the VAB, when you click in the window, it clicks on whatever part is under the cursor too

Hiding unavailable experiments might have gone too far - I'm missing surface samples

QQ: in KSP1 there were some corner cases where you could be splashed in various land biomes, if you found spots where the biome map was pixellated and had little errors.  (I played a lot of Caveman and it was beneficial to hunt for tiny science rewards like this, lol!)  Are we certain this is not possible in KSP2?  

Lastly - I'm seeing nothing in SpaceWarp's Mods Settings window - probably my config problem, but if you or anyone knows how to diagnose that, I'm all ears

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@fourfa Click-thru should now be working, I think it's going into UITK core library so it should be available to other mods soon. Surface surveys will be in the patch I'm releasing right now.
About the cross-region locations, it shouldn't be a problem since discoveries are handled through KSP2 Messages.
About the SpaceWarp settings windows, it will be fixed in SpaceWarp 1.8, in the meantime you can just use F1 to show the old settings panel

@planchet It's working for different people, may you uploadyour player.log file / share how you setup the mod? Maybe there's something faulty in your installation

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You literally added what I feel the devs should have included with the For Science update! Then again I don't know the internal process.
Personally I would like to see a little tally-up of the points in that Flight Report. But I like the direction you're taking it.

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Release v0.4.0 "Are we alone?"

  • Add science experiments progress bar for each celestial body
  • Add support for Orbital Survey mod
  • Fix UI fonts loading to support fallback fonts (Chinese/Japanese/Korean)

@Traveydius I made this mod because I cannot play without it, so I feel you! About the points recap, I started with the existing UI but it should be pretty easy to add a total. I'll try to add it in a future release

@Deadly_Laser Technically it should be supported by default, but the mechanic I used to detect experiments availability was not so good. I updated it in this release, plus I added some UI goodies for Orbital Survey since there are technically 4 different experiments but I didn't like to saw them as separated foldouts 




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The mod is great but I find a bug. The region "Sheet Ice" in Minmus is missing from the list. I noticed because is in the list on Orbital Survey. It is still missing after I do science there.

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Release v0.5.0 is out

  • Add science total in the Flight Report Window and enhance the UI styles
  • Add localization support (english and italian for now)
  • Fix some regions missing in the experiments list, like Minmus "Sheet Ice"
  • Fix NullReferenceError in sandbox games

@zande thanks for the report, it is now fixed


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Release v0.6.1 is out!

https://spacedock.info/mod/3541/Science Arkive#changelog

  • Add completed percentage for each experiment in the planet detail. Now each experiment shows the accumulated science points and the percentage relative to available reports
  • Fix UI to hide experiments in low orbit for discoverables since they cannot be conducted in a discoverable region in low orbit
  • Fix progress bar not showing the correct percentage
  • Fix Marine Survey experiment not showing the "Landed" situation even if the report could be taken in game
  • Ignore unused/unavailable "Crew Report" science experiment
  • Enhanced general UI layout and reduced bundle size

Thanks @schlosrat and Dolphin from Discord for the ideas and the bug reports!

New UI:



Edited by leonardfactory
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Might want to look at what happens if the player sets Science Rewards to something non-default.  For instance, when set to 50%, all the completion percentages are high by a factor of two and add up to exactly 200%.  I don't know where the bug creeps in, but there probably needs to be a check against player settings somewhere.

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