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Tree of Life - The evolution of a spacecraft - Jool 5.5 science challenge


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After my successful Eve mission (mission report below) it's time for the next big one.

According to the rules of the challenge

it will be a Jool 5.5 on Jeb level. 5.5, because it will include, beside the 5 moons of Jool, Jool's lower atmosphere too. My original goal was to break the record of the collected science points, which is currently held by @king of nowhere, but I have inside information, that a new record mission is already on the way, and it may be finished before mine. But, after I invested hundreds of hours in this, I will do it anyway.

Since the Eve mission I made some progress in KSP.  This time I will perform some gravity assists and aerobraking too, and I will use ion engines. I used this time advanced tweakables to adjust the fuel flow and for AUTOSTRUTS, which is essential at this complexity. What is still the same in this mission too, I will do it without heatshields.

The spaceship for this mission will be the Tree of Life, and like in the evolution, not all parts will survive till the end. I designed it to reuse parts within the mission, but not for further mission. So, if you get stressed (or get in some other unwanted medical condition) when you see space debris, you may not read the further posts. It will be messy.

The parts of the Tree of Life:
- Falcon
- Jellyfish
- Wasp
- Sloth
- Tetrapus (it reminds me on an Octopus, but with only four tentacles it's definitely not an Octopus, but I don't want to get problems with copyright)
- Veterinarian
- Cocoon
and there are six uncrewed vessels without proper names.
Which will survive the evolution process?

I set a rule for myself, that all crewed vessels will have a pilot onboard. This leads to a crew of 11 kerbals (5 pilots, 3 engineers and 3 scientists). Like on the last mission, I want to minimize the number of reloads.

Here are the stats.


There are a lot of stages, and they will change through docking and EVA-construction. There will be only a single launch from Kerbin. The cost of the spacecraft is astronomical, because it has 27 RTGs and several xenon tanks, which makes almost half of the total cost. I could lower the launch mass below 1000t, but that would make the already very long mission 20-30 hours longer.

The engine specs
12x Mastodon and 8x Separatron only for the launch on Kerbin
2x Vector
2x Wolfhound
1x Reliant
1x Rapier
1x Terrier
6x Nerv
9x Cub
4x Twitch
6x Dawn
4x small electric engines for the propellers

I will launch the mission soon, but before, I want to figure out how to make videos. Videos of the most complex parts of the mission would be cool, because I could focus on the controls and wouldn't need to think about making enough screenshots at the right time, and you could become a better impression, what happens.

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Episode 1 - Introduction and launch   (Feb 19)

Here we are again. My KSP clock shows 672 hours, and the next mission is ready to launch. According to my latest calculation, it should be possible to collect up to 94,2% of the theoretically available science points of the Jool system, if my calculation is correct. I'm sure, you all are curious to see the rocket after that long time waiting.

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Episode 2 - From Kerbin to Bop   (Feb 22-25)

In this episode I go to my first destination, Bop. It took a little longer, than expected, because I had to do half of it twice. I used the time warp function of the alarm clock, and at maximum time warp the game didn't recognize the Tylo encounter, and I left Jool SOI again. So I had to reload for the first time, but I think, it wasn't really my fault. In the future, I won't use that function. I will use the alarm clock, but I will start the time warp manually, and won't use maximum speed, if I have a SOI change on my route.
I chose Bop as my first destination for several reasons. All the landings with Wasp (except on Tylo) will be refueling trips too. I will arrive to the Jool system with mostly empty tanks. To fill the tanks for the missions to the large moons, it's the best to begin with the small moons, Bop or Pol. I start with Bop, because it's more expensive in terms of dV, so it's better to go to there, when the spaceship has less mass. On the way to Bop I can use a Tylo gravity assist to reduce the inclination, and I have the tanks less than half full at the transfer to Pol. With the tanks nearly full, it's easier and cheaper to go to the large moons fron Pol than from Bop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 3 - Bop, and more vessel introductions    (Feb 28-Mar 03, Mission day 1-58)

This episode will cover the entire science collection on and around Bop, the drive on the surface, some refueling, more vessel introductions, and probably the first highlight of the mission. I don't know, if the intro or the launch from Kerbin already was a highlight for you, but this one will be something different. I hope, it won't be too confusing, but I will present the timeline as it happened. That means, I will jump between the vessels and missions, like I did it in the game, so you can get an impression, how everything happens for me while playing. This episode is really long (probably the longest), because I give more detailed descriptions of the vessels, which I didn't do in the first episode, to keep the tension, and I won't go into the details as much in the future episodes at the repeating processes.

Part 1

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Introduction of Sloth - Crew: Reibrecht (pilot), Meidunja (scientist)

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Part 2

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Introduction of Wasp - Crew: Valentina (pilot), Ernstpold (engineer)

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Part 3

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Introduction of Tetrapus - Crew: Hemmens (pilot), Adeldorstina (engineer), Kaydre (scientist)

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Part 4

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Introduction of Veterinarian - Crew: Jaseida (pilot), Bill (engineer)

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Part 5

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  On 3/12/2024 at 7:55 AM, king of nowhere said:

i suggest you increase background light in the options, most of those screenshots are just a black screen


That's interesting, because on my laptop, most of the pictures look fine, and I have the brightness setting of my screen on minimum. I looked at the pictures on the computer in the office, and on that monitor, with a much brighter screen setting, the dark parts of the pictures looked much darker, than on my laptop. I think, the contrast there is simply too high.

I use the same settings always. Were my screenshots from the VAB, Kerbin, Gilly and Eve dark too? I think, Bop is really dark, even at daylight.

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Vab pictures are fine.. there is not enough ambient light for the enviroment you were in.


There are some mods that increase ambient in various scenes settings.

I had this problem.. when the sun is occluded you can't see for excrements and cranking the brightness on my screen produced raging headaches.




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  On 3/12/2024 at 5:04 PM, DennisB said:

That's interesting, because on my laptop, most of the pictures look fine, and I have the brightness setting of my screen on minimum. I looked at the pictures on the computer in the office, and on that monitor, with a much brighter screen setting, the dark parts of the pictures looked much darker, than on my laptop. I think, the contrast there is simply too high.

I use the same settings always. Were my screenshots from the VAB, Kerbin, Gilly and Eve dark too? I think, Bop is really dark, even at daylight.


it's not screen brightness, it's game brightness


turning it up is useful for seeing by night. and for taking screenshots by night that can be seen

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Yes, I know that setting. I read your posts and I know, you use it. Back then, I didn't understand, why it was important for you to turn the night into day. I found your screenshots with the original light settings good too. I simply didn't know, how much worse dark pictures look on other screens different from mine.

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Episode 4 - More space science    (Mar 10-19, Mission day 58-118)

I planned for this episode to land on Pol and collect all the science there, but because of the bad constellation of the moons, it has to wait. But the mission of Sloth, collecting space science, made good progress, it will fill this episode.

Overview of the situation

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Around Pol

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Around Laythe

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Around Vall

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In the next episode, I will really drive around on the surface of Pol, if we can call that driving :D.

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Episode 5 - Pol and more space science    (Mar 21-23, Mission Day 118-182)

In this episode I will land on Pol to collect all the surface science, and I will also finish the mission of Sloth.

Overview of the situation

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Around Tylo - Part 1

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Pol - Part 1

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Around Tylo - Part 2

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Pol - Part 2

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Episode 6 - The Grand Separation and the journey to the inner moons    (Mar 24-25, Mission Day 182-238)

In this episode the Tree of Life will perform a major transformation and split up into different parts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Episode 7 - Laythe and Vall (Part 1)    (Mar 28 - Apr 09, Mission Day 238-246)

This episode covers the landings on Laythe and Vall and the surface tour on Laythe. It took longer than expected, because IRL stuff held me back, and the game had again new (bad) surprises for me. Before this episode, I had to reload only 2 times, but on Laythe only, I reloaded 4 times, and Falcon is still sitting on the surface.
I already know, that I can't complete the mission before my vacation, when I will take a break of two weeks. It's doubtful, that I can complete my tour on Vall before it, and Jool and Tylo must wait for sure, until I'm back again. 

Overview of the situation

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At Laythe

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Landing on Laythe

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Laythe tour part 1

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At Vall

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Laythe tour part 2

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Episode 8 - The Vall Tour    (May 08-16, Mission day 246-252)

After a long break, it's time to continue the mission. I needed some extra motivation, because after driving over 5000km IRL in my car, I wasn't in the mood to drive another 1500km virtually on Vall. But now, it's completed, and the tour on Tylo will be shorter and faster. I completed already the Laythe ascent too, which I planned to include in this episode, but I decided to split it into two parts, because of the length.

Overview of the situation

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Day 1

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Day 2

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Episode 9 - Leaving Laythe    (May 22-23, Mission Day 252-278)

In this episode I will finish the mission on Laythe with Falcon's ascent to orbit, which is that part of the mission with the tightest margin of all. Like for the landing on Laythe, for this one I needed many practice runs to find out the right ascend profile and when to switch the engines, because I did it almost 4 months ago for the last time. There's no situation overview necessary, because everything is like at the beginning of the last episode, so let's jump into the whole procedure, there is a lot of stuff to do.

The way to orbit

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Around Laythe

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Episode 10 - Jool    (Jun 05-09, Mission Day 278-286)

Today we come probably to the highlight of the whole mission. There were already many missions to Jool's moons, but only a few went into Jool's lower atmosphere, and even less did it without a heatshield, so this one is something special. Because of the length of the maneuver, and a lot of trial during the development, it took quite a long time, but finally I got it to work. As I already mentioned, Laythe was more a technical challenge, while Jool is also (or probably more) a piloting challenge, because of the construction of the spaceplane.

Overview of the situation

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The way to Jool

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Flying on Jool

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Episode 11 - The Grand Reunion    (Jun 14-16, Mission Day 286-312)

The vessels and the crew are still spead out in the Jool system. Now it's time to reunite them, and fit together the pieces of the Tree of Life, or at least, the remaining parts of it.

Overview of the situation

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At Jool

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At Vall

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At Tylo

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  • 3 weeks later...

My Tylo tour doesn't go well. It turned out, that my rover isn't strong enough for Tylo. I had already some explosions, and lost several hours of driving, because I still don't save often enough, and if I load the autosave, it loads the moment immediately after the crash. Now I'm sure, that I can't complete the mission before my vacation, so there will come some weeks of silence here. I will complete the mission for sure, but I'm a little sad, that I can't do it in a manner, like I wanted, and like I did my Eve mission. Before Tylo, I reloaded only 7 times, and only 3 of them were because of my fault. From now, I have to drive very careful or reload more often.

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  On 7/7/2024 at 4:49 PM, DennisB said:

My Tylo tour doesn't go well. It turned out, that my rover isn't strong enough for Tylo. I had already some explosions, and lost several hours of driving, because I still don't save often enough, and if I load the autosave, it loads the moment immediately after the crash. Now I'm sure, that I can't complete the mission before my vacation, so there will come some weeks of silence here. I will complete the mission for sure, but I'm a little sad, that I can't do it in a manner, like I wanted, and like I did my Eve mission. Before Tylo, I reloaded only 7 times, and only 3 of them were because of my fault. From now, I have to drive very careful or reload more often.


it doesn't matter how safe your rover is. never let more than 15-20 minutes pass between saves. something i learned through painful experience.

the problem is, if your rover is safe and sturdy, you'll just go faster. you'll keep going faster until you wreck it.

it's called risk compensation. 'Booth's rule #2' states that "The safer skydiving gear becomes, the more chances skydivers will take, in order to keep the fatality rate constant", and it clearly applies also to driving rovers.

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  On 7/8/2024 at 2:58 PM, king of nowhere said:

it's called risk compensation. 'Booth's rule #2' states that "The safer skydiving gear becomes, the more chances skydivers will take, in order to keep the fatality rate constant", and it clearly applies also to driving rovers.


Yes, but I'm not of that kind.

I know, the challenge rules allow to do it that way. But for me, it's part of the challenge to build vehicles, which can do the mission reliably, and which I can operate safely. I test out the limits of all my vessels, but it looks like, I didn't test driving on Tylo enough. But now, I have to deal with it. (I was so happy as I finished the 20 hours long tour on Vall without any damage or reloads.)

I've already had issues with the projectiles, which were insufficient for Vall and Tylo, but I had a clever solution for it, to save the situation at least at Tylo, which you will see in the next episode. Luckily, I noticed the issues of the spaceplane on Jool before the start, because that could've ruined the whole mission.

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  • 2 months later...

Episode 12 - Tylo    (Jun 26 - Jul 12, Aug 13 - 28, Mission Day 312-369)

The last episode is long ago, but that close to the finish, I can't give up. Now it's time for the final moon Tylo, which caused unexpected trouble, because of insufficient testing and preparation for the mission. I was simply too confident about the capabilities of Tetrapus, and ended up with (at least for me) too many explosions during the tour. But let's start with the report. I hope, I can remember the details after so much time.

Before the tour

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On the tour

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After the tour

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Tetrapus demo video

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  • 2 weeks later...

Episode 13 - From Tylo to Kerbin    (Sep 26-27)

It was a very long mission, but now it's coming to an end. I really wanted to end it as fast as possible, to get the final score for the challenge. Together with the fact, that the test mission is already an eternity in the past, the landing on Kerbin ended with some mistakes, and it was different from the original plan, but it shows, that there was in almost every part of the mission enough safety margin (except Tetrapus on Tylo, and the Laythe descent and ascent were also tight)


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Transfer to Kerbin

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The final landing (not like planned)

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Vessel and science recovery

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