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BUGS - Link those you Want UpVoted

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I feel a number of people do not fully take advantage of the current upvoting system for the Bug Reports.


Maybe they lack the technical expertise, comfort level required to post detailed reports, trouble finding archived report.. etc.


I appreciate it when others post a bug I have had issues with but may have (temporarily) forgotten.

Sometimes I intent to upvote a series of bugs but get distracted by work & the intention moves some where into the Aether.


If there are bugs you want upvoted.. link them.

Post a Reason why you thinknit deserves significant attention.


But please.. let's avoid cross talk or debates.


(If this is Stupid or Present Elsewhere Please Remove)

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I think the primary issue is that the bug report subforum is simply a hot mess, coupled with the search function not working entirely properly.  It's hard to up-vote an issue you're having when you can't find it, then have to report it, and then hope that the Spicat's and Space Peacock's of the world merge your report into an existing one.  And then, if they do so and tag you, you have to go into that bug report and up-vote it...and then hope it doesn't just fall into the archive without explanation.

I get where you are coming from, and I love the initiative people are starting to take to gather up feedback to present to the company.  I'm just not sure the deaf ears all of our words have fallen on are going to actually open up any time soon.

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What's that for? People already upvote bugs that affect them, megathread ain't gonna accelerate the voting process - or bugfixing for that matter. Apparently nobody cares about nonfunctional docking ports. More people are interested in science rewards for a side mission, like if that was more important. But more people saw it because it's right there in front of their faces in mission control.

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47 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

Apparently nobody cares about nonfunctional docking ports.

And that's another issue with the developers using the up-vote process as a way to determine what bugs should get priority.  As an example, docking is a critical component to the game; without it, you (not you personally, but you in a general sense of players) might not be able to go interplanetary, and will certainly not be able to go interstellar.  But if nobody sees the bug, and therefore they don't up-vote it, the developers think "Well, this isn't all that bad" and they ignore it in favor of something else that's actually not important at all.  Like in your example, the mission to get 35 science for landing 200+ tons on Minmus.

That developers are relying on this system instead of using some common sense with bugs is mind-boggling.  If they want to use the up-vote system to determine what non-critical bugs the community cares about should get fixed next, then fine.  But don't prioritize something small over something integral to the game simply because a lot of people want more science rewards instead of being able to dock.

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Posted (edited)

How many times you see a bug linked in a thread then subsequently gain some upvotes?

This thread itself could be linked in Discord ornreddit for those wanting their bugs to gain attention.

How many complaints regarding visibility & archiving? Obscure bug you want addressed.. link it.


People frequently request others to upvote a linked bug.

Actually I looked to see @The Aziz to see if you had contributed to such a conversation before

Because you have obviously seen other people link a bug report & ask for upvotes I wondering "what's that for?" 

Was it hyperbolic? Reflexive Defense of systems T2 & PD have put in place? Inability to generalize my post with others you have engaged with.

More than that it was an attempt to be proactive. On my breaks I was curating the list I wished to add.


Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
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1 hour ago, Fizzlebop Smith said:

I see the creation of such a thread was in error.

It will be cluttered with posts that question the nature of its existence, challenge its being and discuss everything other than intended

Will you Please Remove this Thread

I was preparing a list :(

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I want this tracked and updated, Anth hasn't provided further updates past 0.1.4 and neither has any other user. This is a fundamental design quirk (don't wanna label it a flaw because it has functionality) that's gonna severely limit saves once colonies hit. It's probably why we won't have real ships doing logistics and just numbers moving.

this one is pretty fatal too for craft that happen to be tightly engineered.

Stop booing the thread, this is a great idea and is being done on discord as well.

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12 minutes ago, PDCWolf said:

Stop booing the thread, this is a great idea and is being done on discord as well.

Agreed.  If only we had some kind of bug tracking spreadsheet so we could see all of the reported bugs at once.  I think we even asked the developers for that at one point.

On a separate but related note, I wish we had the ability to sort the bug report subforum by number of votes.

Edited by Scarecrow71
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Spicat said:

I was preparing a list :(

Sorry I Edited post.. if other will be receptive to this.. It makes me happy.

I am just hitting a point where I am easily discouraged 

I would like this particular issue to receive more consideration. I recognize that the internal mechanics of the Time Warp feature are by and large.. a great successs. However, there are some occasions that this becomes INFURIATING.

Timewarp limit is too restrictive on some non-atmospheric planets (Gilly, Bop, Minmus...) - UI & UX - Kerbal Space Program Forums

If there are any satellite enthusiasts or others with very low DV craft, this can produce truly excruciating experiences. Please consider giving it some love and raising the general awareness regarding Time Warp.

I would also like anyone coming to this thread to upvote this particularly vile bug. It needs an entire can of Raid applied to is mutated thorax..

Structural stability issue - Craft Violently Shakes itself Apart (Post-v0.2.0) - Flight - Kerbal Space Program Forums

Whenever I am trying to accomplish some rather detailed / complex mission.. my mid to large sized craft (250-300) part count will shake its self into a pile of bolts and explosions.
There is a well known work a round to “revert to flight” … but this is still cumbersome.

I am now well versed in the art (science) of slinging code and do not know if this is the case, but the shaking behavior of the exploding craft seems to be similar to other various physics issues.
I am hoping that tackling this particular bug either reduces various wonky craft behaviors.. or lends insight into how to approach other issues.


Edited by Fizzlebop Smith
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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